
Suddenly, Wind Chimes realized something.

In front of him, this maid who looks exactly like Xiao Yuan.

In the memory of the wind chime, it is also called Xiao Fen.


"Yes! Master! "

Wind Chimes: .

. What do you mean?

Is it a coincidence?

Or has the setting of the characters changed their names based on their own memory?

Did you only change your name, or did you change your personality according to your memory?

So Wind Chimes planned to give it a try.

"Are you stupid? Cumin? Xiao

Yuan in front of him was stunned when he heard this, wiped his tears, and quickly said:

"The young master said that Xiao Yuan is a fool, then Xiao Yuan is."

Wind Chimes: ....

It seems that only the name has changed, and the personality is still according to Yaohua himself, the appearance in his memory.

He decided to sit up from the bed and wanted to go out and see.

Xiao Yuan quickly blocked him.

"Young Master, the old master said that you can't leave here..." "

You dare to stop me?"

When Xiao Yuan in front of him heard this, he immediately cried aggrievedly:

"Woo, I don't dare..." The

wind chimes were a little speechless, and the comfort was too lazy to comfort her, and walked out directly bypassing her.

Yew Wah lives in a quiet courtyard.

Flowers and plants are luxuriant, and rockeries and rivers.

Out of the courtyard is a wooden bridge that stands above a deep pool.

Wind Chime couldn't help but sigh in his heart:

"Big family..."

he observed his surroundings as he walked.

Guess, maybe through this memory, what simple inheritance can be obtained?

Just like in the game, although there is only one ultimate goal, to clear the level, there will be many rewards along the way.

These rewards should need to be discovered by yourself.

Or what you need to achieve to get it.

Because, about those spiritual arts, sword techniques in Yaohua's mind.

It's all blurry, and the memory isn't fully unlocked.

And the end of this heritage.

It must be the Yaohua Sword, and the lost spiritual technique of the Yaohua Heavenly Master!

The wind chimes walked, and Xiao Jian could only cry and follow along.

"Young Master, you can't run away, Xiao Yuan will be scolded to death..."

"Shut up, and throw you into the river again."

Xiao Rui was so frightened that he quickly suppressed his tears:

"Don't, young master..." Suddenly

he remembered something, and stroked the side of the bridge to take a look at himself in the river.

The appearance has not changed!

Or your own appearance.

Wait a minute!

Wind Chime turned to look at

Xiao Yuan: "Xiao Yuan, which family is married to our family?"

"Young Master Yu, the capital Ruojia."

Wind Chimes: ....

"If you are light?"

"Who is Ruo Qianyan?"

Xiao Yuan wondered.

He pondered for a moment:

"Isn't it Ruo Qianyan who marries me?"

"This, it's not clear, young master... Ruo Miss has not been out of the house since the day of her birth, the day she had her marriage, and her name is not known to outsiders. "

Oh..." Wind

Chimes knew what was going on.

Because the Yao family is prominent, the woman who marries the heir must also be a person who can no longer be serious.

Not only is it hidden at home by the Ruo family, but even the name must be kept secret....

This is obviously a somewhat deformed idea.

At the same time, it also made the wind chimes think of themselves....

And yourself like.

The same has been regulated for more than a decade.

And the wife who has never been seen, even worse.

Never even went out the door!

However, wind chimes will not make a choice directly because of this.

Nor will he choose to marry because the other party's name is Ruo Qianyan.

He knew very well what he was here for, and he knew very well that it was not really light.

A dream that didn't mean anything to him.

He doesn't like to dream.

Eighteen years of dreaming of freedom, what did he gain?

I didn't get anything, and I was almost shot to death!

With strong strength, you are worthy of talking about dreams, otherwise it is all utopia.

True inheritance, spiritual arts, Yaohua sword.

Get it in your hands, it's the most real!

So, what would Yew Wah do in this case?


According to the common thinking of this world, this era.

If she is dismissed, the wife she has never met can be regarded as free.

However, she can't marry in this life!

It doesn't matter if it's good or not, the main thing is, people feel obscure!

There has always been a legend of demons, although it is not a legend at all.

It was just that the spiritual masters of this era covered up their true thoughts in various ways.

But people are always taboo.

Yaohua should be well aware of this, so what will he do?

Wind Chimes thought about it, but couldn't think of it for the time being.

Forget it, find another NPC and see if there are any useful clues.

Today, Wind Chimes has completely treated this inheritance road as a game.

However, it is a game with only one chance.

He guessed that if something was done, something would displease Yaohua.

Then it is certain that you will be kicked out of the inheritance path and will not be able to obtain any inheritance.

That's what I thought.

Suddenly a group of people came in front, each holding a red, festive item in his hand.

Wind Chimes saw a few [囍] characters.

It is used to decorate the small courtyard of Yaohua, and of course the marriage should be a little more festive.

But last night, before Yaohua fled, he tore up all those things....

This can be guessed a little, Yaohua's character.

It's a guy with a little temper and a little rebellion.

At the same time, if the temper comes up, the brain will be bad.

If it is a wind chime, the decoration of the home will not move at all, and you will run away secretly.

Precisely because what was posted at home was torn apart.

The Yao family will first think that Yaohua has run away from marriage.

He will only be captured.

Otherwise it's another story.

After the visitor saluted Yaohua respectfully.

Wind Chimes chatted casually with them.

However, this kind of low-level NPC, there is no useful information.

So Wind Chimes went directly to his father.

When he saw his father, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Because this person has never been seen by wind chimes.

Wind Chime doesn't know what his father looks like, so it should be directly Yaohua's own father, Yaoguangyun.


Wind Chimes said respectfully.

Yaoguangyun looked at the wind chimes and was a little surprised that his son had such a reaction.

Last night, like a madman, he threatened to break off the relationship between father and son, how did he change his sex today?

"Why don't you go change your clothes yet?"

To put it bluntly, it is the clothes of the groom official.

There is still an hour before auspicious hours.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Yaojia set out of the sedan and walked around the city, and then went straight to Ruojia.

Wind Chime said in a deep voice:

"Father, the child does not want to get married, the child only wants to serve the country, and there is no time to take care of the love of the children here."

Yaoguangyun frowned, and said in a deep voice:

"Miss Ruojia, after waiting for you for eighteen years, whether you admit it or not, this is your responsibility."

"Big husband, right heart, self-cultivation, Qi family, rule the country, peace in the world!"

"Whoever desires virtue in the world, rule his kingdom first. Those who want to rule their country must first join their families! If you don't sweep a room, why sweep the world! Don't you understand such a simple truth? "

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