Wind Chime thought about it, forget it, or don't expose it first.

Pretend that nothing happened.

Then he replied:

"The claw machine was confiscated by the family, just gave it to me."

【Blanched! Lao Tzu thought you hung up! This

guy may be set to care in particular, or seconds back.

Then came the video call.

The wind chime glanced at the people left and right, but still chose to hang up.

He hadn't figured out how to tell Chu Sheng about this yet.

Afraid that he knew where he was and came straight to him.

Chu Sheng really wanted to find him to come out and rub it well, but he was pushed off by the wind chime.

For future freedom, Wind Chimes may have to replace all of his social accounts.

Fortunately, there are no people in those accounts, which is not too troublesome.

After replying to his message, Wind Chimes was also idle, so he and Tiancrow walked around the street.

Now he can also see and distinguish between spirit masters and monsters.

The body of the spirit master will shine with a faint golden light, and the demon cannot be seen during the day.

When you see it, you will be immediately wiped out by the surrounding spirit masters.

The demons who dare to come out during the day are generally unintelligent.

Looking closely, Wind Chimes found that those spirit masters were actually behaving very strangely.

The dress is also somewhat different from ordinary people.

They generally wear Chinese native Hanfu, and ordinary people are generally full of trendy brands on the street.

Of course, there are also some spiritual masters who are more trendy.

Before the wind chimes, it seemed that he automatically accepted the setting that there are many strange people in this world.

So didn't care.

This is also the reason why society is so inclusive.

After all, there are still men dressed as women and people wearing stockings and high heels on the street.

From time to time, someone pops up and shouts at me.

There is also a live broadcast eating of secret hamburgers.

Compare it to those weird.

To be honest, those spiritual masters are normal people to be honest.

Even wind chimes walked all over the street with masks, and few looked back.

Everyone in this world is busy, rushing and toiling for their own lives.

So don't always think that everyone seems to be idle and watching you when everything happens.

Be confident and swagger.

Get out of Lao Tzu's momentum of stepping on the horse and being the first in the world!

Even yelled that I was a big fool Boichi....

Then everyone will look at you.

Gradually accepted that he was a spirit master and a half-demon wind chime, and now this is the mentality.

When the mask is worn, no one loves it.

Suddenly, a young man of one meter seven walked in front of him.

The body shone with golden light, and at a glance, it was a spirit master.

Wind Chimes also noticed him, and wanted to let it.

Instead, he came towards him.

At the same time, he said with a smile:

"Brother, your mask looks like a demon, I saw you from afar, and I almost took you away."

The wind chimes said haha, inside:

No wonder the passing spirit masters all looked at me twice!

Is this mask so obscure?

No, I'll have to go to the toy store owner for another one!

"Brother, which spirit master? Add a WeChat and catch monsters together in the future. "

Wind Chimes: ???

Where did the social cow come from?

Quickly waved his hand:

"Forget it, I still have business, I'll talk about it another day."

After speaking, he quickly slipped away with the sky crow.

"Heavenly Crow, is there anything that can hide the spiritual power in my body?"

Wind Chimes knew that he was also covered in golden light now.

Tiancrow smiled and said

, "The young master has a spirit robe, which can cover the spirit master's breath, but it is a little expensive."

After the demon race is strong, it can restrained its breath.

But the spirit master can't, which also brings them a lot of inconvenience to catch demons.

The demon clan saw the golden light from a distance and slipped away.

So there was the birth of the Spirit Vestment.

"Do you have two hundred knives?"

"Of course."

Wind Chimes smiled:

"That's not expensive." Go, go to the two hundred knives store, a little hungry.

"Okay young master."

Compared to ordinary people, there are still very few spiritual masters in this world.

While walking, I met a familiar figure again.

The most beautiful woman Wind Chimes has ever seen.

If light!

How can I meet her anywhere?

If it is an ordinary person, the wind chimes may still go up and nag.

But if the family saint, it is better not to deal with it.

It's not okay to be pretty!

After seeing her from a distance, the wind chimes took a direct detour and walked away.

When I went back, I wanted to go to the toy store to change my mask.

As a result, the boss said that it was bought all by a beautiful woman last time.

It's just that if it's light, it's really outrageous.

I heard from the boss that she bought all the more than 100 masks in the store.

After returning to the store, when Wind Chimes proposed to Two Hundred Blades that he wanted to cover the spirit clothes, Two Hundred Blades said,

"Are you sure you want that thing?" Hundreds of thousands of things, you wear on your body, and the spiritual masters all stare at you.

"Maybe you're walking on the road and you're dragged into the alley by some gluttonous spiritual master."

Wind Chimes said in amazement:

"A hundred thousand?"

Two hundred swords did not have a good air:

"Nonsense, do you think the things of the spirit master are very cheap?"

"That thing already belongs to the Horcrux, and the Horcrux is specially sold to the rich."

Wind Chimes dismissed this idea after listening to it.

But he thought of a way to make a fortune.

Very seriously, he said to the two hundred knives:

"Master! Please teach me about Horcrux making! "

Two hundred knives: ???

Isn't it time for you to rob?

"Lao Tzu won't."

"So what will you do?"

Two hundred knives sneered when they heard this:

"I will smoke you."

Wind Chimes just smiled awkwardly.

Although the spirit weapon was not learned, Wind Chime thought of his good brother.

Didn't Heavenly Crow say that he was a Horcrux maker?

Another path to prosperity arose in his heart....

After that, the wind chimes did not return home.

Instead, he listened to the two hundred knives and chatted with the Heavenly Crow.

Wind Chime was a little curious about how the two hundred knives knew so many things.

After asking, I realized that many things are actually on the Internet.

Spirit Masters and Demon Clans share a dedicated website.

That exclusive website is actually the exclusive network of the spirit master, and the demon race is just diving in and inquiring about news.

Few demons dared to speak in the Spirit Master's network.

Wind Chimes leaned over curiously and glanced at the two-hundred-knife claw machine.

Now you are logged in to the Spiritual Master's webpage.

I saw that the network of the spirit master was almost all news of the Heavenly Crow.

There are also people who post tasks in it and offer a reward to a certain demon clan.

There are also people who post inquiries about the demon race, and want to form a group to catch the demon.

There are also people who seek help online because of their low strength.

Very different from the current network.

Of course, Wind Chimes also saw a few monsters of Ox B, checking in their photos in tourist attractions.

There is no shadow of a monster in the photo, only a scene.

Because the camera can't take a picture of the demon!

Under that kind of post, naturally no one dares to like it.

Whoever dares to like it will definitely be invited to tea by the spirit master.

Wind Chimes also tried to search the site.

Only to find that it was impossible to search at all.

If you want to enter the website of the Spirit Master, you need to go to the Spirit Master Administration in person and complete the formalities.

But the identity of Wind Chime, going to the Spirit Master Administration, is no different from turning himself in.

However, two hundred knives are what they do!

He has already helped an unknown number of demon races enter the network of spirit masters.

Things have been done at this point, and Wind Chime simply let two hundred knives help him, change an account, and re-enter the network.

In this way, there is no need to use claw machines carefully.

Because this black number cannot be found, unless it is a big death.

Subsequently, Wind Chime registered an account of its own in the network of the spirit master.

The account name is: [The remnants of the Feng family, must not die well! ] This

guy is so ruthless that he even scolds himself!

Tiancrow looked strange when he saw the name of the account.

More strange things for him are behind.

Wind Chimes released a bounty mission:

[Reward the Wind Family Heavenly Crow, bounty 1 million! ]

"Young Lord, what are you doing?"

Seeing this, the two hundred swords sneered,

"The Heavenly Crow is worth a million?"

"Huh? Isn't a million enough? Sky Raven are you worth so much? Hearing

this, Tiancrow smiled:

"Of course, the life of the old minister is not as important as yours."

At this time, two hundred knives said lightly next to him:

"You go to the official website of the Royal Three Families to see what the bounty of the Heavenly Crow is."

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