Wind Chimes searched:

"Ten million... Billions, billions? Billion? Scald? 13.9 billion?

He counted again in disbelief, sure, 13.9 billion.

Turned his head and glanced at the Heavenly Crow, this old man in front of him is worth 13.9 billion?

Tiancrow sneered and brushed his beard with his hand:

"Unexpectedly, eighteen years have passed, and the old man is actually only the third place on the reward list." Hey, I'm old. "

Staring at the screen in Wind Chime's hand, you still look a little proud?

I didn't expect to be a little old man from Versailles.

Two hundred knives said with a smile next to him:

"You think that after eighteen years, you are still invincible in the world?"

"Your 13.9 billion is also because you killed so many people in the Bai family some time ago, and it just rose

" "Otherwise, it originally ranked fifth, and it would be more than 11 billion."

"And this bounty list is not complete, this is all monsters, and there are more powerful monsters that are not recorded."

"Secretly tell you, it seems that there have been several monsters of the demon king level in recent years."

Tiancrow just smiled and didn't speak.

Wind Chime glanced at the two demon kings in front of the Heavenly Crow.

Second place in the official reward list: Beijing Blood Curse Baby, 14.8 billion, strength, eighth-order demon leader.

The first place: Western Region Mist Monk, 17.7 billion, strength, eighth-order demon leader.

"Young Lord, this is also one of the nine demon leaders of our Feng family."

Wind Chime looked at the name of the person pointed to by the crow

: No. 10 on the reward list: Feng Family Black Crane, 9 billion, strength, demon leader.

"And these two."

No. 19 on the reward list: Fengjia wine entangled corpse, 7.7 billion, strength, demon kui. (recently appeared, Magic Capital Zone)

No. 25 on the reward list: Spirit Lady, 4 billion, strength, demon leader.

Wind Chime said suspiciously:

"Why doesn't this spirit lady have the word Feng Family in front of her?"

Tiancrow pursed his lips, and just wanted to say it, but was preempted by two hundred knives:

"Your father is dead, and the spirit lady naturally runs away to become a younger brother in other families."

"That's why the black crane and the wine entangled corpse haven't found their next home now, and the others either become the boss themselves or continue to be the younger brother."

"Hey, the Feng family, it's long gone."

Wind Chimes nodded when he heard this

: "Oh..." The

two hundred knives spoke, and the Heavenly Crow seemed to be very unhappy to hear it, and retorted:

"Eighteen years ago, the nine demon leaders of the Feng family dominated the top ten of the list all year round, and each offered a reward of more than 10 billion, who dared to compete?"

"At that time, the head of the family was an unprecedented 39 billion, this record, can anyone break it in eighteen years?"

"Even the faceless bald head in the Western Regions has to go back a little."

"Blood curse baby, heh, it's something that can't be on the table. When I saw the old man, I didn't dare to put a fart!

He spoke louder and louder, and he could see that Tiancrow's self-esteem was really strong.

Especially if someone says bad things about the Fengjia.

If it weren't for two hundred knives, the person in front of him would already be a corpse.

But how can the wind chimes think of what the sky crow looked like back then.

Who dares to say bad things about the Feng family in front of him?

But judging from this bounty order.

Since the Feng family, the reward of the demon race has generally decreased a lot.

The Feng family has not lagged behind, and the movement of the demon clan has been much smaller over the years.

The bounty naturally went down.

After speaking, those Heavenly Crows immediately looked at the wind chimes:

"Young Lord, as long as you give an order, those bastards will definitely roll back immediately and reforge the glory of the Wind Family."

When Wind Chime heard this, he quickly stopped his conjecture:

"Forget it, let them stay well, it's not easy to eat this year."

Two hundred knives listened to the side and couldn't help but laugh

: "Dead heart, Heavenly Crow, the young master of your family just wants to be an ordinary person."

The raven glanced at him, and two words were written all over his face: shut up.

Two hundred knives saw that he was angry, how dare he say anything.

Then Wind Chimes silently deleted the post of the Heavenly Crow.

Change to an unknown monster at the bottom of the leaderboard, with a reward of 100,000.

Twenty thousand more expensive than the official one.

"Eh, I suddenly have a good idea to make a fortune!"

Wind Chime immediately asked Two Hundred Dao to register a black number for himself again.

Account name: [Punch Demon ]

Then searched the Internet for the network map of the Bauhinia Palace taken by passers-by.

Learning from the appearance of those opening monsters before, I wrote a punch-in sticker.

[Lao Tzu came here to visit, stupid X Ruojia, come and arrest me! ]

Then I posted that web map, and a bunch of cheap smiley memes behind it.

He plans to send a map of Ruojia's territory every day to disgust Ruojia, after all, Ruojia has the richest.

Let's see if they want to reward themselves.

If you really open a bounty, you can catch a monster on the street at that time.

Give it to them in the name of another account of your own.

The ultimate empty glove white wolf.

Originally, Wind Chimes was still thinking about what to do this summer vacation, let's set a small goal first!

Go to various Ruojia locations to take pictures and upload disgusting them.

In the territory of the Ruo family, at the same time, you can also avoid the people of the Bai family to harass themselves, killing two birds with one stone.

Make a fortune in one summer!

Then the wind chimes were on the Internet and saw the techniques of several spirit masters.

So he studied it, and he might meet a spirit master in the future.

If the crow is not there, he can also save his life.

Although I don't want to be the king, the wind chimes also want to become stronger.

Freedom is built on its own strength.

Imagine, if he is as powerful as the Heavenly Crow in the future, who will dare to come to his own trouble?

The spiritual techniques exposed on the Internet are basically universal and simple.

The wind chimes learned as usual.

Tiancrow seemed to be still angry because of the two hundred knives talking indiscriminately just now, and stopped chatting with him.

Two hundred knives lay on the recliner and watched the wind chimes fiddling with the gestures.

The wind chime just made a gesture, and the two hundred knives recognized what technique he was doing.

He sneered and said

, "Second Order, Fire Infusing the Heavenly Spirit? You can pull it down, you won't be able to return the most basic first-order basic technique..." Before

the words were finished, Wind Chime's eyes froze, the energy in his body flowed, and he pointed to the two hundred knives:


Two hundred knives: ???

His eyes widened, and he saw a small flame forming from the fingertips of the wind chime.

It came at him.

Two hundred knives were startled and stretched out to block it.

The small flame exploded on his hand and scattered.

Wind Chime's mouth was open, revealing a speechless expression:

"Second order? That's it? Can this kill demons? Two

hundred knives glanced at the black mark in his hand in shock.

When Tiancrow saw this scene, the haze on his face was swept away.

"Worthy of being a young master! Gifted! "


Look at the flame of the wind chimes is so small and so weak.

It should indeed be the first time to put.

But how is it possible to release the first time?

This kid has a high level of understanding!

"Gee, change one. This is also too weak, right? Wind

Chime said to himself, and then found a second-order technique.

In his mouth, he chanted:

"Second-order demon binding technique!"

This time, the wind chimes were still released against the two hundred knives, but the two hundred knives did not stop him.

I wanted to see if he happened to be just now.

In the next second, golden chains wrapped themselves around.

This made the eyes of the two hundred knives condense, this kid is really talented!

However, the chain of two hundred knives was covered in fat and opened with a shock.

Looking at the wind chimes showed an interested expression.

He suddenly wanted to agree to Tianrao's request.

Think about it, half-spirit, half-demon.

It seems interesting if they can reach the top!

Wind Chime suddenly spoke:

"Hey, you can reduce some meat, look at your fat, the chains are not long enough."

Two hundred knives: ???

A real second-order demon binding technique flung on the body of the wind chime.

Wind chimes directly punish the station!

The techniques of the spirit master are also useful for people, but they are more useful for demons.

With the current strength of the wind chime, it is impossible to break free from the two-hundred-knife technique.

But they didn't use wind chimes to speak, and the crows waved casually.

The chain is broken, and the wind chimes are free.

After the wind chime released more than a dozen techniques in a row, the spiritual power bottomed out.

It was released specifically against two hundred knives.

Two hundred knife faces are twitching.

He's provoking me, right?

Definitely a provocation, right?

But wind chimes are really talented.

Although these techniques are simple, they are not something that he, who has just awakened and knows nothing, can learn by himself!

He taught himself online, and he was able to succeed every time, which is really not easy.

But Erbai Dao did not impulsively propose to collect the wind chimes as an apprentice.

He wanted to see again.

See if he is qualified to be his apprentice.

Talent alone is useless.

Wind chime's obsession to become stronger, he has not seen

but two hundred knives believe, sooner or later it will.

This world is far less peaceful than Wind Chimes thinks.

The freedom he wants is something that only the strong deserve.

When I go back in the evening....

Tiancrow did not speak all the way, looking thoughtful.

The wind chime could see that he was probably still sad because of the current situation of the Feng family.

But I didn't know how to comfort him.

In fact, the crow is not sad, but worried.

It was not that he did not listen to what the two hundred knives said.

That ranking is just a remnant of the old era.

The Sky Crow doesn't pay attention to it at all.

But those of the new era are still hidden in the shadows.

Rookies who haven't made their mark yet.

Even the demon king said by two hundred knives.

is what Tiancrow is really worried about now.

He worries that in this new era, he is no longer qualified to protect wind chimes.

"Young Lord, the old minister has a request..."

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