Wind Chime glanced back and already had a plan in his heart.

Xiao Feng and Guo Tianyu obviously used faster techniques and slowly caught up.

But wind chimes were turning around the streets, every time they had to catch up.

The wind chimes all turned a few times in a row and opened the distance again.

It's as if he grew up here and knows everything about it.

In fact, it was the sky crow who showed him the way from above.

Under the leadership of Tiancrow, the wind chimes quickly rushed into a small alley.

This is a narrow alley, and only two people can stand side by side.

Originally, the alley was open, but there were two garbage cans in the middle.

Side by side, blocking the road.

Divide this alley into two alleys.

The garbage cans were overflowing, so people threw the garbage directly on the ground.

A colored unknown liquid flowed on the ground, and the whole alley emitted a foul smell.

Wind Chimes saw a wooden stick stuck in the garbage heap and quickly rushed over.

Pick up a stick and climb over the trash can, hiding behind the trash can.

The trash can was big enough to block his figure.

Xiao Feng and Guo Tianyu ran to the mouth of this alley and did not hesitate to get in.

But the wind chimes are gone.

Xiao Feng said without hesitation:

"Lost it? Let's hurry up Brother Tianyu!

So she sped up again, wanting to go straight through the trash can and chase the wind chimes.

"Wait a minute, Xiaofeng!"

Guo Tianyu sensed that something was wrong.

How can a wind chime run through such a long alley?

With this speed, they were all thrown off long ago.

It's weird, it always feels fraudulent!

"Xiaofeng! Don't go over! Trash can! He

guessed where the wind chimes were, but it was too late.

At this time, Xiao Feng had already jumped, a standard hurdle pose.

Hearing Guo Tianyu's words in the air, he immediately glanced down at the trash can.

There is nothing in the trash can, it's all garbage.

However, behind the trash can, there is a man in a mask squatting down!

He tilted his head, and Xiao Feng could only see the pair of shining eyes under the mask.

The eyes of the wind chimes were originally very good-looking, but under that mask, they looked particularly terrifying.

She regretted it.

But it's too late to regret it.

The wind chimes under the mask smiled:

"See you again fucking, Wang Ba Lamb!"

Directly pick up the arm-thick stick in your hand.

Bang -

a stick hit Xiao Feng's brain.

"Let you curse me!"

He remembered that Xiaofeng cursed the wind chimes in the palace before and was eaten by monsters.

Originally, I was going to pick up a bad luck bastard today, borrow clothes, and hide my own.

I didn't expect to meet Xiaofeng here halfway.

Last night, I also scolded myself passionately online.

It's a coincidence.

You don't go to hell, who goes to hell?

With a click, the stick broke directly!

And Xiao Feng, the stick of the wind chime hit it backwards and flew back.

Even the wind chimes were a little surprised.

Do I have so much power now?

How could it be done when it was an ordinary person before.

Everything happened too quickly, and Guo Tianyu didn't have time to save Xiaofeng.

I glanced at Xiao Feng, who was unconscious on the ground and the bridge of his nose was smashed by wind chimes.

Furious and immediately quickly sealed:

"Where is the vile and cunning person! Dare to attack my Ruojia Spirit Master! A

flash of golden light flashed, and he shouted in his mouth:

"Demon Binding Technique!"

Wind chimes raised eyebrows, I know this!

Immediately take three steps back to avoid the attack range.

But Guo Tianyu suddenly accelerated and came to the front of the wind chime.

Now it's a little too late to use the technique to escape.

So he took the broken ground stick in his hand and directly greeted it.

Guo Tianyu swept and kicked out in the air, and his toes swept across the narrow wall.

Make a ravine in that wall.

With the dust, he kicked the wooden stick in the hand of the wind chime.

Bang -


The wooden stick collided with Guo Tianyu's foot, and the wind chimes that shook the tiger's mouth were numb.

The broken wooden stick hit the wind chimes directly on the shoulder.

At the same time, Guo Tianyu swept the dust and pounced on the face of the wind chime.

The rubble dust was so fascinated that he had to close his eyes.

At the same time, he was shocked in his heart, he knew that it was broken!

Immediately without a field of view, several backflips in succession.

I want to avoid Guo Tianyu.

But Guo Tianyu followed in two steps and kicked him on the stomach.

Fell to the ground and stomped out a long way.

"Hiss—" The

kick almost made the wind chimes spit out breakfast.

It's not just pain, but it's as uncomfortable as the intestines all twisted together.

Before he got up on the ground, Guo Tianyu was already standing in front of him.

Condescendingly looking at the wind chimes.

His face was full of disdain:

"A second-order spirit master, he will play some despicable and dirty tricks. Take off your mask and get your name on it! Spare you not to die!

Wind Chime sneered, lying on the ground and straightening his mask:

"If you have the ability, take it yourself."

Guo Tianyu's eyes narrowed slightly, he sneered, and suddenly kicked Wind Chime's face.

I want to kick this mask off.

Bang -

the wind chime stretched out his hands and blocked this unexpected kick.

This surprised Guo Tianyu a little, this guy reacted quite quickly.

At this time, Wind Chimes grabbed his feet with both hands and jerked towards him.

At the same time, he raised his foot and kicked directly towards Guo Tianyu's crotch.

Guo Tianyu also reacted quickly, and with the force of the wind chime, he stepped on his chest and made a forward flip.

Escaped the fatal blow.

With their heads down, the two looked at each other.

Wind Chime suddenly saw the golden light in his hand.

This guy didn't know when, and he completed the surgical sealing.

Hide so deep!

"Lightning Whip!"

He said in a deep voice.

Guo Tianyu's actual combat experience is very rich at a glance.

It's not at the same level as Xiao Feng's stupidity!


It's too slow!

The golden whip with a thunderbolt pumped towards the face of the wind chime, extremely fast!

But in the eyes of the wind chime, it seems that a knife, a wooden knife.

Slowly stabbing towards himself.

Unlike the one that practiced every night, this time, it was slow.

Less than one ten-thousandth of a crow!

Lao Tzu's master, but the heavenly crow!

As soon as the wind chime's head was tilted, the golden thunder whip grazed his face and hit the ground.


the ground shattered, stones splashed, streaked across the mask, across the neck of the wind chime.

But the wind chimes did not have time to stay and immediately let go of his feet.

One rolled, braced his hand, and ran in the direction of the trash can.

Although he dodged, his neck had been cut with blood from rubble, and there was a faint buzz in his ears.

Guo Tianyu quickly followed, and he was very surprised in his heart.

So close, how did he dodge?

What a reaction speed this is!

Wind Chimes was also very awake at this time.

Fortunately, every night the crow would poke him with that wooden knife.

This training may seem useless.

After being poked for more than a month, he actually developed dynamic vision and reaction ability beyond ordinary people for wind chimes.

Of course, it is also the reason why his own talent is high enough....

Although Lao Tzu could not dodge the attack of the Heavenly Crow.

But hide a third order, simply!

I thought so.

Bang bang -

several golden rays of light hit the front of the wind chime, blocking his way.

Guo Tianyu approached quickly, and a new technique was already prepared in his hand.

But this time, Wind Chimes decided to be tough with him.

It's just a technique, who wouldn't?

Really when Lao Tzu took so many Skynet classes in vain?

The hand immediately formed a seal, urging the spiritual power in the body.

At the same time, turn your hand into an eagle's claw.

The hand sank and grabbed Guo Tianyu's throat.

The voice of the sky crow seemed to appear in his mind.

[Shoot, be fast! ] Be ruthless! Be accurate!

Guo Tianyu even felt a strong wind!

He reacted fast enough, his body subconsciously leaned back, but his neck was still scratched by the fingertips of the wind chimes.

Like the face of wind chimes, oozing bloody lines.

When he leaned back, the wind chime raised his leg and kicked on his vital point!

You give me a kick, I'll give you both, it's fair!


Guo Tianyu was directly kicked to the ground by the wind chime.

Seeing this, Wind Chimes wanted to continue to chase after the victory.

But what he didn't expect was that Guo Tianyu just rolled backwards and stood up again.

Just frowning, looking only a little painful.

His eyes were still sharply looking at the wind chimes.

Wind chimes:???

Are you a man?

How could a normal man withstand this blow?

That's a nail!

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