
Guo Tianyu clenched his fists, and his green muscles burst out.

"What a scumbag! I will bring you back to Ruo's house and bring you to justice!" Saying

that, Guo Tianyu rushed up again.

Wind chimes:???


Do you practice iron cloth shirts?

This time, his hands shone with golden light, and the wind flowed under his feet.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the wind chime.

But also in the scope that wind chimes can react.

At the same time as blocking, his hand leaned forward, wanting to grab Guo Tianyu's face.

Guo Tianyu remembered for a long time, did not lean back, but used his other hand to roll.

Try to restrain the arm of the wind chime, and a roll can be transformed into a grappling!

Seeing that it was not good, the wind chimes immediately stopped and retreated.

But he stepped on the garbage scattered on the ground.

Behind is the trash can, if you can't retreat, then flush!

He suddenly began to counterattack, using both hands together.

Played the game of Black Feather for more than a month, although it has not yet been cleared.

But his attack speed has increased significantly.

It even made Guo Tianyu in front of him feel dazzled.

Guo Tianyu felt that he might not be able to react, so he took a step back slightly, intending to advance by retreating.

In fact, the wind chimes are waving wildly, shaking a trick.

At the same time as he retreated, he flipped backwards and directly turned over the trash.

Don't turn your head, yo-yo!

Guo Tianyu immediately followed and jumped into the air.

Wind Chime glanced back, braked sharply in front of Xiao Feng, and raised his foot

: the corners of his mouth under the mask raised:

"Don't come over, I'll break her neck with a kick again."

Guo Tianyu stopped his movements after landing on the ground, and looked at the wind chimes with a fierce expression:

"Despicable villain!"

"Huh? Still dare to scold me?

Wind Chimes shook his head and pretended to put down his feet.

"Wait a minute!"

Guo Tianyu was stunned and quickly called out to him.

Wind Chimes smiled:

"Scold, then scold." Small spicy chicken.

Guo Tianyu clenched his teeth, full of anger and nowhere to release.

If it weren't for Ruojia's refusal to let people kill people indiscriminately, he would definitely slaughter the wind chimes directly.

If it weren't for the fact that this lady's family had money, where would he have to take care of her?

Fighting with a second-order spirit master, and falling behind, it is a great shame!

TM blame that stupid woman!


There was a lot of drama in my heart, but in the end, I didn't hold out a fart.

Shen Shen said:

"Don't move Xiaofeng, I can let you go and not pursue this matter."

Wind Chimes sneered:

"Close your eyes."

Guo Tianyu's eyes froze, gritted his teeth, or closed his eyes.

The wind chime immediately bent down to grab Xiao Feng's body and threw it at Guo Tianyu.

Now the weight of a person on the hand is as simple as throwing a solid ball for wind chimes.

With his eyes closed, Guo Tianyu heard the sound, and subconsciously thought that the wind chimes rushed to his eyes.

I thought I was really looking for death!

Immediately close your eyes and make a seal, intending to give the wind chime a fatal blow.

But when he opened his eyes.

The comatose Xiao Feng had already arrived in front of him.

He was stunned suddenly, and the technique prepared in his hand also dissipated.

Quickly reach out and catch it.

A muffled thud caused him to take two steps back.

The garbage that stepped on the ground slipped a step and almost didn't stand firm.

And the wind chimes have rushed in front of him.

While he was holding Xiao Feng in both hands, he had not yet stabilized his figure and attacked like lightning.


Kicked Guo Tianyu at the heart again.

Lao Tzu didn't believe it!

This time, from the bottom up, the power is much greater than before!


even so, Guo Tianyu did not kneel!

Wind chimes again gave him a quality triple.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Knock Nima's!

"Ah..." This

time, Guo Tianyu finally broke his defense.

Holding Xiao Feng, he plopped down on his knees.

Wind chimes see the timing, clench their hands into fists, and hammer down together!

Bang -

a heavy punch chiseled on the back of Guo Tianyu's neck.

Guo Tianyu's neck was slammed, and his body was straight.

With his mouth open, his eyes widened, and he fell directly with Xiaofeng in his arms.

The moment he fell, the voice of the Heavenly Crow appeared in Wind Chime's mind:

"Congratulations Young Lord! The first battle is over!

"It is worthy of being a young master, with the power of the second order, he can defeat two spirit masters!"

Guo Tianyu fell, and the wind chime finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Holding against the wall, he gasped.

To be honest, if it weren't for that Xiao Feng sending a head at the beginning, he really wouldn't be able to beat the two of them.

That Guo Tianyu is very experienced, and the wind chimes feel that if they continue to fight, they may lose.

Still, I won!

Wind Chimes smiled and immediately ripped off the Ruojia robe that Guo Tianyu and Xiaofeng were wearing outside.

He needed clothes for the family.

The big Ruoji behind Wakaya uniform can act as his talisman.

Put on Ruojia's clothes, at least today you can wander around under the eyes of the Bai family.

Guo Tianyu wore it on himself.

He didn't need Xiaofeng's set, and directly tore it into strips of cloth.

Tied them both.

It was bundled as I could see in the study materials before.



In Guo Tianyu and Xiaofeng's clothes, one person and one pair of handcuffs.

This handcuff is no ordinary handcuff.

Wind Chimes searched on the Spirit Master Network.

This handcuff is called: [Demon Qi Lock]

After handcuffing, it can block the demon qi of the demon and make the demon race lose the ability to fight.

Although it can only be used on relatively low-level yokai, it is also a good thing.

It can also be sold for thousands after changing hands.

The wind chimes were collected directly into his pocket.

By the way, he also took the claw machine of the two of them along.

Guo Tianyu still has a watch in his hand.

Wind chimes checked, the seafood market can sell 40,000 second-hand!

Blood earned!

This Guo Tianyu is so rich?

In fact, it was Xiaofeng who gave him a birthday gift.

Well, this piece of jade on this little phoenix's neck seems to be good!

The surname is wind!

After the wind chimes took all the valuable things on both of them for themselves.

After doing this, Wind Chimes hesitated again.

Looking at the valuable things in his hand, he pursed his lips and couldn't help but think:

Am I a little too much like this?

Seems a little too much, right?

He lowered his eyes and thought for a moment.

Not too much, not too much, Lao Tzu is not a person for a long time!

Lao Tzu is a demon! Hey, hey, hey....

Since the ancient times, the demon has been incompatible, either you die or I die.

It's good that I didn't kill the two of them, I'm such a good person, no, a good demon.

It's really rare in the world to have a good demon like me!


After doing their own mental construction, Wind Chimes smiled and put on various poses for them.

Then take out your claw machine and take a picture.

Some are planted in the trash can, and they show their feet.

There are also mouthfuls stuffed with garbage.

He plans to take these photos and use the account of the check-in demon to disgust Ruojia.

I don't believe in people who insult Ruojia so much, and Ruojia will not give a reward.

Before leaving, Wind Chimes was still curious about one thing.

Why is Guo Tianyu's kick so much?

So he opened it and took a look.

Blanch, so point!

It turned out that I had been kicking off the road before.

The last three consecutive kicks were hit.

Maybe that's the small benefit.

I didn't forget to take a picture, it doesn't matter if I send it or not.

See you for the first time at such a small time, commemorate it.

Enough for him to laugh for two months, hehe.

Then said to the unconscious Guo Tianyu with a pitying face:

"I have kicked you a lot and swollen a lot, you should thank me."

After leaving here, Wind Chimes wore Ruojia's clothes and swaggered down the road.

There is no need to hide and hide, and directly go to the place where he met Lao Chu.

Along the way, I didn't forget to pat left and right with my own claw machine.

At that time, it can be used to disgust Ruojia.

Wind Chimes doesn't really plan to go to the appointment.

He just came to prove one thing.

The Chu family, in the end, is it from the Bai family?

Chu Sheng, in the end, is it a traitor planted beside him!

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