Wind Chimes immediately glanced around.

"Is there a Bai Family Spirit Master?"

Sky Raven: "Not found yet. Hearing

this, the wind chimes walked out from under the eaves and quickly approached the target.

With the front heel and back foot, he walked into the café with Lao Chu.

There are many people in the Meow Mew Cafe.

Lao Chu had nowhere to sit.

Just found a place, put down his things, and took the claw machine to send a message to the wind chime.

Seeing this, Wind Chime first took out his mobile phone, logged in to the check-in demon account, and sent a post:

[Oh, why is it raining, let's go to the Meow Meow Cafe for a cup of coffee first. ] Ruo's grandchildren, come and invite your grandfather for coffee.

Then he immediately took out Xiaofeng's claw machine and logged in to his original account.

As soon as I logged in, I received a message from Lao Chu:

[I've arrived, have you arrived?]

Wind Chimes immediately replied

, "Ah, sorry, I'm up late, go right away."

Shut down immediately after delivery!

After he finished a post, a message.

The Bai family, the Ruo family, the two waves of people, all moved!

"The check-in demon went to the Meow Meow Cafe!"

"The check-in demon is in the café!"

The news immediately spread among the group of juniors of the Ruo family.

All the Ruo family junior spiritual masters around North Street immediately rushed towards the café.

At the same time, Bai Lingyun, who was hiding in the North Street, also received news:

[Director! Detected his signal, near Mew Mew Cafe!

Bai Lingyun stood up abruptly:

"All the sixth steps, immediately go to the Meow Meow Cafe and block a radius of 500 meters!"

[Director! Suddenly there were many more juniors of the Ruo family around.

"Whatever, blockade!"

Then Bai Lingyun glanced up and continued to say in the group:

"Several division commanders, that day crow should be in the air of North Street now, there are you guys."

One person replied:

"Don't worry, Tiancrow, the remnants of the old era are just that.

Bai Lingyun was much relieved when he saw the news of that person.

To target the Sky Crows.

He had transferred three seventh-order Imperial Spirit Masters from the family, and an eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master was a great consummation!

The moment the wind chime finished sending the message, it turned off the claw machine.

Walked out of the café.

Again hid under the eaves.

Raindrops fall on the eaves, gradually dense, crisp, loud.

He listened sideways and closed his eyes.

Quietly waiting for the show to begin.

"Hey, it's going to rain heavily!"

A pedestrian shouted.

Soon, pedestrians ran on the road, hurriedly passing in front of the wind chimes, and stepped on the crackling sound.

The splash all splashed the wind chimes on one leg.

Then the wind chimes opened their eyes, not because they were splashed.

Instead, he heard many different footsteps.

Those footsteps were extremely fast and numerous.

It seems that the juniors of the Ruo family came first.

Suddenly, at this moment, the voice of the sky crow appeared in the mind of the wind chime.

"Young Lord! Things have changed, you get out of there first!

Wind Chimes frowned:

"What's wrong?"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I encountered a few goods that don't have long eyes, it will take a certain amount of time to solve, for the sake of safety, you better get out of there first."

At this time, high in the sky, around the Heavenly Crow, surrounded by four spirit masters.

Three seventh-order Imperial Spirit Masters, one eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master!

"Tiancrow, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you remember this old friend of mine?"

The eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master at the head sneered.

White Dragon: Eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master, Great Consummation.

He has no right arm, holds a sword in his left hand, and faces the Heavenly Crow with a proud face.

The Heavenly Raven had no expression on his face, and he didn't even pull out his weapon.

He said lightly:

"Who are you?"

Bai Long just smiled when he heard this:

"Forget it, anyway, you will go to see that waste in Fengxing right away, and you don't need to know so much."

At the mention of Fengxing, Tiancrow raised his eyes and glanced at him.

You can insult me.

But you, can't insult him!

Oh -

black demon qi burst out from the body of the heavenly crow, and countless black feathers fell in the sky.

That piece of black feather is a sharp blade.

Seal the throat, penetrate the body, no problem!

Ugh -

all the black feathers flew towards the white dragon at the same time.

At the same time, the Heavenly Crow also carried the pure black thin knife and burst towards the white dragon.

In his heart, the white dragon had pronounced death.

The people of the Bai family, how could he forget?

White Dragon, eighteen years ago, the eighth-order Heavenly Spirit Master Initial Realm, was cut off his right arm.

The right arm of the white dragon originally holding the knife was cut by the Heavenly Crow!

Unexpectedly, eighteen years later, he had reached the eighth-order great consummation.

At the same time, after eighteen years of hard training, he actually trained the left hand fast knife, and his strength went to a higher level!


Eighteen years ago, Lao Tzu cut off your right arm, and today Lao Tzu

will cut off your life!

Wind Chime glanced at the Meow Cafe in front of him, thought about it, and said to Tiancrow:

"Okay, I know, I'll leave now, you don't have to worry about me, focus on your own affairs."

He didn't know that the Heavenly Crow had already fought in the sky.

While grappling with the four spirit masters, the Heavenly Crow said to the wind chime:

"Obey the order, young master."

Saying that, Wind Chimes planned to leave here.

He didn't want to take risks.

But at this moment, suddenly two powerful men in black rushed from the direction he was leaving, menacing!

Wind Chime's eyes froze, feeling bad, and immediately turned around and wanted to leave in the opposite direction.

"Everyone! Don't move! "

They all have a gun.

"Huaxia Special Operations Group, arrest key criminals! Whoever dares to move, as a suspect, will be killed on the spot!

As soon as these words came out, everyone present stopped.

In the silence, only the sound of people's rapid breathing and the sound of falling rain remained.

There were not only spiritual masters, but also forty or fifty ordinary people.

In order to hide the identity of the spirit master, the Bai family disguised themselves as official personnel of Huaxia.

The face of the wind chimes under the eaves has become solemn.

Can't run away now.

However, there are dozens of young people from the Ruo family present now.

I am also wearing Ruojia's clothes, so there should not be a big problem.

The people in the café heard the movement outside and poked their heads out a little.

Immediately reprimanded by the man in black:

"Go back!" Whoever comes out and kills on the spot! That

imposing appearance frightened everyone present and did not dare to move.

"Don't, don't shoot, we don't resist!"

Someone said in fear.

The younger generation of the Ruo family found the clue.

"These people... Dressed in a cloak, right? Which Spirit Master? It doesn't seem to be our family's.

One man whispered to his companion.

The wind chimes finally knew why those people were wearing uniformly.

It turned out that he was all dressed in spiritual clothing!

A hundred thousand of the kind.

Unlike the Ruo family, the people of the Bai family's special operations group generally wear spiritual robes to hide their breath.

And the people of the Ruo family are in order to deter the demon race on their own territory.

Let them not think of coming out to commit evil, so the patrols on the streets generally do not wear spiritual clothing.

If the family discovers the clues, it is difficult to expose them directly.

After all, there were ordinary people present.

Exposing the identity of a spiritual master in this world will be punished by the spiritual master's supervision.

And there are a lot of troublesome things to follow.

Then the two men in black were pretended to be investigated.

Let all ordinary people leave the scene first.

After releasing all ordinary people.

They began to check all the spirits present.

Check the spiritual masters of the Ruo family one by one!

The young spirit masters who were examined first were actually intimidated!

One felt the powerful power in the other party.

I was so scared that I didn't even dare to fart a fart.

After all, those two were sixth-order Earth Spirit Masters!

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