The wind chimes had been under the eaves, frowning and watching.

He felt that he couldn't go on like this, and if he found himself, it would be over!

So I went to the group of young people in the Ruo family.

Glancing at the people around him.

Suddenly, I found a different guy next to me.

The man was in civilian clothes.

But the neckline, embroidered with a wakaji.

It's different from the big one embroidered on the back by others.

Wind Chimes suddenly remembered something.

If memory serves, the Holy Daughter of the Ruo Family also seems to have a Ruo character embroidered on the neckline?

That day, when Ruo Qianyan came to the 200 knife shop, Wind Chime saw it.

And there were several people standing around him, who looked like his doglegs.

The temperament on the body is not the same as others.

At first glance, he was a son-in-law, with a little pride on his face.

I couldn't help but guess in my heart:

Could this man be the Ruojia family?

At this time, someone next to Brother Gongzi came to his side and whispered:

"Young Master

Ruo..." It doesn't matter what he says, the important thing is that he is indeed a member of the Ruo family.

That's much easier!

The wind chimes immediately rushed to the young master of the Ruo family and came not far behind him.

Suddenly, he raised his voice and said loudly,

"Which spirit master are you?" So arrogant? Don't you know that we are Ruojia people! "

The voice is a little feminine, anyway, it is completely different from the original sound of the wind chime.

Somewhat... It's a bit like the group of eunuchs at home.

Just learn from them!

As soon as these words came out, the two men in black stopped the movement in their hands and turned their heads to look over.

All the remaining Ruo family's younger generation spirit masters present also turned their heads to look at him.

Wind Chime continued to shout:

"Our people from the three families of the Imperial Family, you can check if you want? What are you!? Where did the motley spirit master come from? I don't even know Ruojia!?

"Make it clear, this is the territory of the Ruo family!"

"Put down the guns in your hands, Lao Tzu, no, we will check on you both!"


- boom -

thunder, rain, but no voice.

The audience was silent, and everyone looked at the wind chimes.

The two black-clothed men of the Bai family looked very gloomy, and said in a calm voice:

"Second order? What are you? Dare to talk to the old man like that? Saying

that, a golden light directly crossed over everyone's heads and shot towards the wind chimes!

This speed is much faster than Guo Tianyu's speed.

He didn't use his full strength to deal with a second-order, where could he still use his full strength?

And at this moment, a burst of golden light also erupted from the crowd of the juniors of the Ruo family.

A defensive cover suddenly appeared above the head of the wind chime.

The two strands of energy collided and the explosion canceled out.

Everyone turned to look again.

"It's Young Master Ruoji who made a move!"

"Huh? If the young master is also here? "

Wind chimes raised their eyebrows:

mentally retarded?

Good name, good people!

Well done!

Although he didn't make a move, the wind chimes could dodge the man's attack.

But this also means that he guessed correctly, this guy is indeed from the Ruojia family.

Ruo Zhi had a cold face, stood forward, hugged his fist and said lightly:

"Ruo Jia Benjia, Ruo Zhi, a fourth-order Great Spirit Master, I have seen two division masters!"

The two Bai family spirit masters saw that Ruo was quite polite, and did not say anything.

Unexpectedly, Ruo Zhi's eyes froze, and his face became a little fierce:

"Dare to ask the two division commanders, what do you mean by hitting my Ruo family?"

"What does it mean to search for my Ruojia's territory in my Ruojia's territory?"

"Really, if I have a family, there is no one!?"

Saying that, he exploded all the spiritual energy in his body.

Instantly shake off the raindrops that are still falling, and stand in front of everyone like a hero!

As the boss of the three royal families, the Ruo family's own family naturally has a sense of pride in their bones.

B, that must be installed, not only to be installed, but also to be beautiful!

Seeing this, Wind Chime immediately raised his voice and shouted:

"Really when I am Ruojia, there is no one!"

After saying that, he also burst out his pitiful anger.

The second-order strength of "terror" was exposed.

At the same time, he gave Ruo Xi a thumbs up in his heart:

You are really mentally retarded!

With the Ruozhi Town Field, the wind chimes holding the field, those peripheral children present also have momentum.

"Is it true that there is no one in my house!"

Another person, bursting breath.

He is also a fourth-order Great Spirit Master!

"Is it true that there is no one in my house!"

Another fourth-order Great Spirit Master!

They were all standing around Ruo Zhi, and they should have come together.

One by one, the children of the Ruo family turned into chickens to repeat the reading.

Repeat that phrase over and over again, explode over and over again.

The momentum on Ruojia's side immediately suppressed those two spirit masters.

It's silly to those people in the coffee shop!

What's the situation?

Two families fighting each other on the street?

Some people want to take out the claw machine to shoot and post it on the Internet, but they find that they can't connect to the Internet now.

Just watch.

Ordinary people can't see the golden light on the spirit master.

I just think it's a bit of a middle two.

Damn, if it hadn't rained, it might have really set these guys on fire!

The people in the café were still wondering why the two men in black didn't let the two of them go.

Now I think it's fun to stay!

What they don't know is that after this incident, all their memories will be erased.

At the same time, all videos taken in the claw machine will be deleted.

Everything will be as if it didn't happen.

When I opened my eyes, I was all inside the hospital.

The Bai family's two sixth-order earth spirit masters certainly wouldn't be afraid of dozens of imps, they were only fourth-order at the highest!

Howe is not exaggerating to say that they can kill them all with one technique.

However, there was a family member there!

Waka's family, and Waka's own family, are completely two concepts.

Killing my family is tantamount to declaring war.

If there is a dispute between the two juniors, then it is nothing.

But with their identity, it is really difficult to take action against the people of the Ruo family.

The Bai family is now in Taoguang and raising obscurity, and the last thing they want to cause is war.

After the two looked at each other, they immediately sent a message to Bai Lingyun.

They couldn't do this anymore, so they could only let the commissioner come.

Seeing this, Wind Chimes took the claw machine to send a message, thought of something, and immediately shouted:

"What's the matter! Shake people! Who has no one!

Saying that, he took out his claw machine, and Yin Yang shouted in a strange shout

: "Really if there is no one in the family!?"

"Lao Tzu wants to see today, who is so awesome that he dares to put a cup with us!"

When the people around heard this, they immediately took out their claw machines and said in the tone of wind chimes:

"Look at how many of you there are, if we had many families at that time!"

Old Chu in the café looked confused.

How did the Bai family and the Ruo family fight!

When the two sixth-order spirit masters of the Bai family heard this, their eyes glared at the wind chimes fiercely.

This guy has been fanning the flames.

But he was right, this is indeed the territory of the Ruo family.

The head of the family has an order, this matter cannot be too big.

At this time, ten men in black fell from the sky!

When it falls, it is like a cannonball, and when it falls to the ground, it is like a dragonfly in water.

There is no movement at all, a stable batch!

The moment he landed, a powerful momentum spread.

It directly dispersed the aura of the unite of the more than forty young people of the Ruo family present.

There were many people who were directly shocked and vomited blood!

Among them are wind chimes.

He reached under his mask to wipe the blood, and coughed violently.

He knew he was weak now.

But I didn't expect it to be so weak!

Just a face, and he vomited blood himself?

The ordinary people in the café are all stupid!

These people... Just flew down from the sky?

Are the police officers in Huaxia so awesome now!?

Heaven and earth?

What just happened?

How did someone vomit blood?

They have countless doubts in their minds and need someone to explain them to them.

Ruo Zhi's eyes narrowed, what did these people come from?

12 Sixth-Order Earth Spirit Masters!?

Is it also a member of the Gosanjia?

He suddenly regretted a little, he had just spoken too loudly!

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