Originally, he didn't want to be so arrogant, but he blamed the wind chime's head a little high.

It's like singing in a high tune....

As a member of the Ruo family, how could he be inferior to a peripheral disciple?

Thinking about the two sixth orders, pretending to be a scare to scare them.

Unexpectedly, it was bigger!

At this point, I can only bite the bullet.

"I don't know which family all the senior masters come from?"

It is obvious that talking is not as crazy as it was just now.

Bai Lingyun glanced coldly at everyone present:

"Bai family, ordered to capture the Heavenly Crow." Idle people and so on, get out of here! When

the wind chimes heard this, he was overjoyed:

"You check slowly, I will roll immediately!"

Bai Lingyun is here, he has to leave quickly.

But a few stunned young people present were very unhappy when they heard this:

"This is our Ruojia territory, you let us get out?" Will it talk well? Ruo

Zhi frowned, and his heart:

I am blanched, where did I get mentally retarded?

Is it okay to shut up?

It's over!

Wind Chime rolled his eyes and thought:

You are really mentally retarded when you step on a horse, right?

"It is!"

Unexpectedly, there were still people who echoed.

Bai Lingyun coldly glanced at the two stunned Qingqing who had just spoken.

The eyes froze, and a terrifying aura enveloped the two in an instant.

Nobody reacted.


those two stunned brothers spurted out a mouthful of old blood, rolled their eyes, and fell backwards.

"He Yi!"

A person next to him suddenly shouted and caught one of the stunned brothers.

The other slammed directly on the ground.

Seeing this, Wind Chimes immediately raised his voice and shouted:

"He Yi!"

He ran over and helped He Yi together.

He said fakely:

"He Yi! How are you! Wake up! Ho Yi!

At the same time, he looked up at Bai Lingyun, "You actually dare!" "

It's not over.

Clenched his fists tightly, albeit wearing a mask.

But everyone could tell he was angry.

After all, the acting is too pompous.

It's pompous, but useful.

The people present were not only the people of the Ruo family, but even the people of the Bai family.

They all have a preconceived idea that Wind Chimes is this He Yi's good friend.

Although that He Yi's real good friend is a little confused.

Brother, who are you?

We are in the same bedroom, why haven't I seen you?

In my impression, He Yi doesn't seem to have such a masked brother.

Bai Lingyun's face was expressionless, and he glanced at Ruo Zhi:

"For the sake of your Ruo family's face, I didn't kill them, I just taught them a lesson, and I have already given you face." Nothing to do, hurry up! "

Ruo Xi dares to be angry at this time.

Give face?

The Bai family....

What a face!

Now in this situation, if he leaves, it will really be a loss of face.

If you are a good person, you can still run away after being beaten?

At this time, the wind chimes whispered behind him:

"He Yi, are you all right?"

"Don't worry, I'll shake people right away, my uncle is a fifth-order Earth Spirit Master, and when he comes, he will definitely help you avenge!"

Saying that, Wind Chime took out Guo Tianyu's claw machine.

Bai Lingyun narrowed his eyes when he heard this, and casually threw out a golden light.

With a hook of his finger, he directly confiscated the claw machine in the hand of the wind chime!


Wind Chimes was overjoyed.

He originally thought that Bai Lingyun would directly blow up his claw machine.

But I didn't expect that he directly confiscated it and looked at it directly.

Wind chimes immediately shouted:

"Blanch! Give me back, don't read my news! Do you know how to respect the privacy of others! "

That's Guo Tianyu's claw machine.

In this way, his identity as a family member has also become more solid.

Bai Lingyun simply glanced at it, and only saw all kinds of girls inside the claw machine.

Glancing at the wind chimes again, his hand squeezed.

Guo Tianyu's claw machine exploded directly!

The wind chimes suddenly lost 3,000 yuan.

But all his goals have been achieved.

He didn't just want Bai Lingyun to think that he was really a family member.

I also want to remind Ruo Zhi again:

Hurry up and shake people!

Mentally handicapped young master!

"What are you doing! That's my claw machine! Scald! Compensation me! Wind

chimes shouted sharply.

He Yi's really good brother frowned when he heard it, and he thought:

Why is this buddy's voice so sharp?

Like eunuchs.

And can you shut up, don't arch the fire here!

Bai Lingyun also seemed to feel that the sound of the wind chime was very annoying, and said in a deep voice:

"If you don't want to die, just shut your mouth."

Wind Chimes shrunk their necks when they heard this, and whispered:

"It's urgent, it's urgent."

That sharp voice, yin and yang strange tone.

Ling Bai Lingyun's eyes gradually sharpened, and a faint golden light appeared on his hand.

Wouldn't shut up, would it?

I'll teach you how to shut up!

At this time, a man in black came in front of him and interrupted Bai Lingyun.

"Chief, that guy's signal is lost. The last precise location to appear is in the café.

As they spoke, Wind Chimes also came to Ruo Zhi's side, and said in a warm voice:

"Mentally handicapped young master! My brother He Yi grew up poor! His mother died in childbirth when she gave birth to him.

"His father farmed for his education, and he was bullied from an early age because he was malnourished."

"I thought that if I entered the Ruo family and entered the first of the Royal Three Families, no one would bully him again, but I didn't expect..."

He Yi, the really good brother, was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Does He Yi still have this past?

Why haven't you heard?

Isn't his family well-off?

But it's true that his mother died.

But he didn't say anything, just quietly looked at the wind chimes.

Wind Chime started to see his reaction just now, and learned that this person belongs to the kind of person who will not mess with the stage on such an occasion.

At most, he doubted in his heart and waited to see what happened.

That's why wind chimes dare to talk so nonsense.

If you change to that kind of, the wind chimes may have to change the expression.

It's best not to talk!

Anyway, after today passes, I will never see you again.

Whatever you want.

Bai Lingyun glanced at the wind chime, now there is no time to care about him, and he is too lazy to care.

Purely when he was a brain wreck.

There are many pen strokes every year, and this year there are especially many.

Turning his head to glance at the black-clothed people around him, he said lightly:

"Go in and search for it."


They immediately walked into the door of the café.

"Everyone, get out!"

Those ordinary people were really frightened, they had grown so big, they had never seen such a battle.

Falling from the sky, beating people and vomiting blood in the air.

They have begun to doubt life.

Could it be that I have crossed into a martial arts world?

When those people came out, Ruo Zhi's eyes were staring at Bai Lingyun closely.

The wind chimes constantly arched the fire next to him, making him feel aggrieved in his heart.

Sixth-order Earth Spirit Master.

The Bai family!

The third most ranked family of the three royal families.

What about Mad Nima?

Or when you were eighteen years ago?

Now the world is my home!

Wind Chimes looked up under the mask and saw Ruo Zhi's clenched fist.

Ichiraku in his heart:

In a hurry, he is in a hurry.

With Ruo Zhi blocking in front of him, he didn't panic at all now.

He continued:

"Catch the sky crow, catch the sky crow, why beat my good brother!" There is no heavenly reason! When

Bai Lingyun heard this, his gaze moved from those people in the café to Wind Chime's body again.

He was so noisy, and his sharp voice was particularly noisy!

Dead eunuch, can you shut your eunuch mouth when you step on a horse?

The golden light in his hand flourished again.

The wind chimes give him the feeling of a bunch of relatives at home, and you lie in bed playing with a claw machine.

From time to time, those little fart children rushed in, squeaked and screamed, and then squeaked and ran out.

What bad intentions can he have?

He just wants to make the world quieter!

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