The wind chimes were startled, your uncle's, you still want to do it?

At this time, Ruo Zhi finally spoke up:

"Director Bai, is that enough?"

The wind chimes are so arched next to him.

If he doesn't come forward again, he will really be a disgrace to the Ruo family.

Not only him, but also the surrounding disciples of the Ruo family, everyone had the three words Cao Nima written on their faces.

If it weren't for the lack of strength, he would definitely rush up and kill Bai Lingyun.

Everyone has disobedience in their hearts.

Bai Lingyun also knew that under the continuous beeping of wind chimes.

Now the matter has escalated to a family feud.

Today the wind chimes were beaten here, and it was he who went back to shame!

It's okay to lose your face, but you lose your face....

He couldn't afford it.

Bai Lingyun glanced at Ruo Zhi and took a deep breath.

If you think about it, the Ruojia family basically represents the Ruojia.

I can't give him too much face.

Shen Shen said:

"Take care of your subordinates' mouths, it's very noisy, don't bother me."

Wind Chimes immediately exclaimed:

"Don't let people say anything!" Come, kill me, I'll die! Kill me, I'm going to accompany my brother! "

Everyone: ???

Calm down brother, your brother is not dead yet!

If Bai Lingyun's eyes at this time can kill, the wind chimes will definitely die ten thousand times.

Because he had seen his claw machine before, Bai Lingyun thought he was Guo Tianyu.

Secretly cursed in his heart:

Guo Tianyu, right?

Okay, I remember you.

"You can do it, shut up!"

Ruo Zhi also seemed to be a little unable to listen, and stopped him with a voice.

Wind Chime waited for this, and immediately said to Ruo Zhi:

"Mentally handicapped young master, can you borrow my claw machine to use it, I will call my family adults to judge and judge." I'm afraid of him, but my family is not! Ruo

Shi frowned slightly, looking at the wind chimes in front of him, feeling that something was wrong.

What did he just call me?

If the address is still mentally retarded?

No, that's not the point!

He suddenly understood what this guy wanted to do.

He just wants to shake people himself!

After thinking for a moment, he raised his eyes to look at Bai Lingyun.

Why should I be afraid of them?

So he finally got the wish of the wind chimes and sent a message to his family in front of Bai Lingyun.

Seeing this, Bai Lingyun's eyes froze, the people of the Ruo family are coming!

You have to finish and leave quickly.

MD blames the masked pen....

I'll kill you uncle!

You wait!

Within three days, shark you, and the ashes will be raised to you!

At this time, all the people in the café had come out, squatting in rows, including Lao Chu.

All the claw machines were confiscated and checked one by one.

Then all stunned, except for Lao Chu.

Bai Lingyun walked over and took a look, and said to Lao Chu:

"Contact him again."

Lao Chu immediately nodded, took out the claw machine, and sent a message to the wind chime.

But it's strange to receive it.

The wind chimes stopped speaking, and looked at Lao Chu quietly.

He was judging whether Lao Chu was from the Bai family in the end.

But it is not yet possible to judge.

Then Bai Lingyun personally went around the store.

Right at this time.

Ugh –

the sky went dark!

The black paint-like aura spread out in the sky.

Obscured the last rays of light in the already gloomy sky.

It was as if the world was swallowed up by darkness.

The rain, which had been getting heavier, suddenly stopped at this moment.


Everyone raised their heads in horror, including the wind chimes.

This breath is the Heavenly Crow!

The Raven is coming?

In the next second, I saw that in the darkness, four golden rays of light burst out!

Light up this dark world.

The sky was divided into two colors, gold and black, each in half.

The battle above the sky has become white-hot!

Everyone present widened their eyes in shock.

Someone is in the sky, fighting the demon race!

"Such a terrifying demon qi?"

"Demon Qi can actually materialize and cover the sky!?"

"What kind of strength is this?"

"Demon Kui?"

"Or the Living Demon King!?"

"Can you fight against four powerhouses with such a terrifying aura!? This won't be what the Bai family said... Sky Raven, right? "

The people present were basically young people.

Eighteen years ago, some were not yet born, and some were just babies.

They have never seen the Sky Crow, but over the years, they have heard the legend of the Sky Crow!

Including the news that the Heavenly Crow tortured and killed the Bai family's hundred spirit masters a few days ago.

Kill like a numb!

A young spirit master looked up and couldn't help but mutter

, "Heavenly Crow... Is this the Sky Raven? "

In the face of a strong person of this level, they only have fear.

Ruo Xi was shocked in his heart, is the sky crow really here!?

Immediately contact the adults in the family again:

[The sky crow appears, over the sky over Tianbei Street! ] is grappling with the four spirit masters of the Bai family!

At this time, Bai Lingyun also walked out of the store and glanced up at the sky.

Wind chimes were not found.

He was very puzzled, he was obviously the first to close the net.

How did wind chimes escape?

There is no doubt that this time the plan has been ruined again.

However, if you can catch the crow, then there is still a saying!

Catching the Heavenly Crow can also allow the Bai family to improve their strength.

Heavenly Raven, eighteen years ago singled out the almost invincible existence.

If the Bai family master devours the Heavenly Crow and obtains his Awakening Demon Technique, he will be directly invincible!

So he immediately said to the surrounding spirit masters:

"All of you, go up and support!"

This time, he didn't dare to go to the Heavenly Raven.

Although today's lineup should be able to take down the Sky Raven.

But just in case, I still didn't go.

After all, the Heavenly Crow let him go once, and he won't let him go a second time.

Then he said to Lao Chu:

"You, follow me!"

Lao Chu quickly nodded:

"Yes, division commander."

Wind chimes raised their eyebrows, and now they can judge.

Lao Chu is not from the Bai family!

Otherwise, he would not have specifically called Lao Chu and let him go with him.

And Old Chu called Senior Bai Lingyun, not the division chief!

In this case, the wind chimes could not let Lao Chu follow Bai Lingyun.

Since it is not the Bai family, then Lao Chu was involved by himself.

If it's someone else, forget it.

But he is the father of his best brother!

If he fell into the hands of the Bai family, it would definitely be difficult to come out.

What kind of purpose is Lao Chu in, to help the Bai family?

Wind Chimes didn't know, he wanted to ask himself.

So he immediately reminded the

crow: "Sky crow! Many people have gone to find you, you go first! I'm absolutely safe! "

Obey the Young Lord!"

When Bai Lingyun left with Lao Chu.

When everyone's attention is on the sky.

Wind Chimes took out Xiao Feng's claw machine.

logged in to his old account and sent a message to Lao Chu:

"Your son, wife is in my hands, you dare to go with the Bai family?" Try it! Then

two pictures were attached.

Just take the photos taken before, Guo Tianyu and Xiaofeng to fool!

Inside, there was a picture of the wind chimes stuffing them both into the trash.

Only the feet are exposed.

There is no face, only to see, it is a man's foot, and a woman's foot!

After sending the message, the wind chime turned off the volume and made a voice call directly.

Forcibly remind Lao Chu!

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