After reading a few second-order strength people later, he went up to the third order!

[Chu Sheng: 18 years old, male, third-order, father is a scattered spiritual master, has not joined other forces, good at spirit weapon manufacturing! ] In the case of self-study, he has used the weapons he made to destroy second-order monsters at the highest. When

I arrived at Chu Sheng, the introduction was exceptionally long.

"Still a Horcrux?"

"Gee, the young people today are really terrible, they can teach themselves to make spirit weapons?"


Everyone forgot everyone before them in an instant.

Some people even directly locked Chu Sheng's perspective and planned to look at him.

The heads of the other families were very satisfied with Chu Sheng, and even wanted to take him home directly.

However, the three royal family masters on the main throne did not have any waves on their faces.


Gifted people, they see too much.

Chu Sheng, in the Royal Three Family, is not talented.

At this time, in the picture, Chu Sheng suddenly picked up his claw machine and cursed at the claw machine:

"Wind chime, you are a big fool Boyi!" MD ignores me every day, Sine! Lao Tzu wants to break off friendship with you! "

Chu Sheng is really tired, waiting hard for someone, what kind of experience is it to wait until disappointment?

He felt like gay was gone!

Bah, it feels like love is gone!

Wind chimes have never been like this before, and since the national exam, they have not taken care of themselves.


It's sad to step on a horse.

In a fit of breath, a voice was sent over.

I hope that after he gets off the plane, he can get acquainted and reply to him.


Otherwise, he will continue to scold.


Wind chimes?

How is it so familiar?

Wait a minute, isn't the wind chime the pink hair next to you?

At this time, the wind chimes sitting next to Chu Sheng also glared and turned their heads to glance at Chu Sheng next to him.

Heart: Why are you stepping on a horse so loudly?

Frightened Lao Tzu.

When everyone looked strange, Lei Jing laughed out loud:

"This Chu Sheng, it's a little interesting."

Everyone was speechless.


How do you judge it's interesting?

Are you here to pick a comedian, or a new generation of the future family?

Frankly speaking, Lei Jing really came to pick comedians.

These people, he can't look at!

Followed by 3 third-order spirit masters.

I thought it was over, the last one

: [Ye Qian: female, fourth-order, 17 years old, both parents in the family are scattered cultivators, and their strength is third-order.

"17 years old? Fourth order! "

Can a casual cultivator have such a good talent?!"

"If this is cultivated in the Serious Family, it may all be fifth-order now, right?"

17-year-old fourth-order, this kind of talent, placed in the Royal Three Family, is also good!

But just good.

First-order second-order, third-order, fourth-order, fifth-order sixth-order.

The reason why the fourth and fifth orders are separated.

It was because of the bottleneck between the fourth-order Great Spirit Master and the fifth-order Earth Spirit Master.

It is the vast majority of people, and they cannot cross the gap in this life!

If this Ye Qian was a 17-year-old fifth-order earth spirit master, then perhaps the three family masters on the throne would also have to take a closer look.

After this Ye Qian, there is no more.

After all, this is a fish found from ordinary people.

Most of the awakened spirit masters had been discovered long before and brought back to various families.

"Next, these 50,000 freshmen will be sent directly to Ruojia's home to test Lingfeng for assessment."

"If our family respects the opinions of each family, all families can participate in this new competition."

Speaking of which, the pictures on the big screen have produced different degrees of trembling.

That means all flights, taking off.

After taking off, the wind chimes called a sky crow in their hearts.

"The minister is here, young lord, don't worry."

The wind chimes are really not worried, the sky crow this guy, always disappears at critical moments....

Last time, I was almost caught by Ruo Qianyan's guy.

Although the two hundred knives that came to the rescue were the ones he shouted....

Soon the plane flew into the sky, it was dark outside, and nothing could be seen.

Many simply closed their eyes.

Flying abroad takes a certain amount of time, and you can get a good night's sleep in between.

There is nothing to see now, and those people in Ruo's house are also chatting about the sky.

Discussing the new students this year, everyone's main focus is still on the fifty awakened people.

Wind Chimes looked out the window, wanting to see if the crows were outside, but it was too dark to see anything.

So he closed his eyes.

Instead of sleeping, continue to simulate the battle in your mind.

In the days after being abused lightly.

Wind Chimes would carry out this kind of training whenever he had time, which only he knew, and even the crow did not tell him.

He thought over and over again, deduced, under what circumstances, what kind of moves should be used.

In the simulation in his mind, he will try his best to imagine how Ruo Yan will win himself.

How to shoot, how to defend yourself.

It's just a simple move, he may want to think about one night, to find the best way to shoot Ruo Qianyan, and the best solution for his defense.

Since the object of his training is Ruo Qianyan, when the time comes, the wind chimes will also reward themselves.

After all, if the object is light

and spicy and beautiful, if Bang Bang gives her two punches, she will definitely cry for a long time, right?

After being abused once, I want to abuse it back.

So whenever training is too tired to do, prepare before going to bed.

He will be in his mind, like a melon skin, hang up and pound!

Then laugh and go to sweet sleep.

As an eighteen-year bachelor, it's normal to think about a girl all day.

But thinking about how to hang her, this is somewhat problematic.

But any normal person, if the face in his mind is light, it is estimated that he can't even load his clothes....

After about an hour, Bai Qiling's eyes narrowed slightly:

"If you listen to the cold, your flight path, isn't it?" Isn't it sent to Wakajia's house?

As soon as Bai Qiling spoke, everyone present immediately shut up, quiet, and did not dare to make a sound.

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