Everyone observed the plane's flight path.

Does it seem like a minor issue?

How did you really fly abroad?

Foreign countries are just a pretense.

Their real destination is located in the sky above eastern China, in the clouds and other worlds, if the family is home!

Ruo Ren pretended to be confused when he heard this:

"Huh? Is it?

"Oh, there's one thing I forgot to tell you."

He suddenly smiled and said

, "Before entering my Ruojia family, there was another temporary assessment. Test the overall quality of all new students in advance.

"As for the destination, you are optimistic."

The gloomy look in Bai Qiling's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice:

"When, such a big thing, if you are in charge?"


The voice fell, and everyone present was squeaking in their hearts!

Bai Qiling was anxious, and he had arranged for the hijacker before.

But now that the route has changed, it is too late to notify again.

The purpose of the hijacking, of course, is for the wind chimes!

He never imagined that this experiment was agreed upon by the three royal families.

If you listen to the cold, you can make your own claims and change the destination of your trip!

It just broke the Bai family's plan to carry everyone behind their backs and swallow the wind chimes privately.

Bai Qiling stared sharply at Ruo Tinghan next to him.

"If you are a family, is it true that my Bai family does not exist?"

Bai Qiling's two words frightened everyone present and held their breath.

I prayed in my heart, "

Don't fight."

These two fought and accidentally injured them, but they both had to die.

The eighth and ninth orders are one order apart, but they are also the difference between cloud mud.

Among the spirit masters, the difference in strength of each rank is extremely large.

Not only because each stage is divided into three stages: front, middle, and back, but also because of the particularity of the Nine Ghosts and One Spirit Master!

Huaxia Spirit Masters are basically all of the Nine Ghosts faction.

The characteristic of the Nine Ghosts Spirit Master is that he can devour the demon race and obtain the demon skills after the demon race awakens.

That's the scariest thing.

However, the limitation is that only one demon skill can exist in a person's body.

The new devouring demon technique will replace the old one.

Therefore, after the spirit master is generally upgraded, he will devour new high-level demon races and obtain new skills.

The highest devourable of a ninth-order Heavenly Master is naturally a ninth-order demon king!

The devil knows which demon king these two ninth-order psychic heavenly masters devoured?

What magic skills have been obtained?

The combination of the two abilities of the ninth order of the spirit master and the ninth order of the demon race is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Facing Bai Qiling's questioning, Ruo Tinghan smiled and said

, "Patriarch Bai, there is no need to rush it. It's your Bai family's, it's yours after all. There

was still half a sentence left unsaid.

It's not yours, you grab it, you can't take it.

"Moreover, recently, the demon race has been moving frequently, and I have also heard the wind, and the wind has leaked about the spiritual power test of this national examination."

"Therefore, I am worried that among this freshman, I will mix with the demon clan."

"It's too hasty to let him enter my house so simply."

"Why don't you take a look with me? And how?

Saying that, Ruo Tinghan also stood up and punched at the people below:

"This matter is very important, in order to prevent the wind from leaking again, I made this decision without authorization."

"I also hope that all the masters of the family Haihan."

Seeing Ruo Tinghan so solemn, the people below were so frightened that they quickly stood up from their seats.

In the same fist holding posture, he saluted back:

"If Senior Commander, the words are serious!"

"If Senior Commander, the words are serious!"

Everyone also understood Ruo Tinghan's worries, which was not unreasonable.

He's also for everyone's good.

Be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship.

In other words, even if he's, they have to accept it.

Bai Qiling can play tantrums, they don't dare....

Lei Jing sat next to Ruo Tinghan and couldn't help but snort.

MD old fox, let you finish talking alone?

Glancing at Bai Qiling, the expression on his face was how black and how black it was.

If you look at that, it's not over.

Sure enough, Bai Qiling spoke again:

"Just for fear of leaking the wind? Together with the Bai family of the three royal families, the Lei family does not say, if the head of the family, do you mean that in addition to your Ruo family, my clan, and the Lei family, there are all demon clan traitors? Of

course, if he heard Han, he knew that Bai Qiling would not give up, so he turned to look at Bai Qiling.

The two looked at each other, Bai Qiling's eyes were fierce, and Ruo Tinghan looked like he was smiling:

"The head of the Bai family is serious, but it happened suddenly, and recently, the Bai family seems to have entangled with the demon race a little... I couldn't tell what the reason was, so I had to make my own decision.

"If the Bai family is willing to openly announce what kind of dispute there is with the Heavenly Crow recently, he will not hesitate to injure the junior of my clan for this." Then of course, my Ruojia can solemnly apologize to the Bai family, and at the same time send a big gift to compensate. "

Seeing that Bai Qiling can't go down the steps, if you listen to the cold, you will directly turn over the old account.

Since you love to wrestle, then let's break it!

"What do you mean!?"

Hum -

Bai Qiling's breath spread, and he went directly towards Ruo Tinghan.

"Huh? Two people, dissipate gas, dissipate gas. Lei

Jing made a timely move, blocking Bai Qiling's breath.

Then said with a smile:

"It's not a big deal, there's no need to argue all the time, and Ruojia's worry is not unreasonable."

"The Bai family's displeasure is, of course, understandable. Lao Ruo, you even hide from me, but it's really not authentic! I'm going to beat you up." Saying

that, Bang Bang smiled and gave Ruo Tinghan two punches, of course, it didn't use much strength.

Ruo Tinghan's eyes glanced slightly, and there was no expression on his face.

"Lao Bai, this punch, I will help you fight. Do you see it? "

Lei Jing has already given them two steps.

Bai Qiling glanced at Lei Jing, did not speak, and turned his head to look at the big screen in front of him.

The scene was finally controlled, and the livers of those present were almost frightened out.

These two old monsters really almost fought!

Mr. Lei, nice job!

Then Lei Jing said with a smile:

"Everyone, please sit down, let's continue to watch the play!"

Lei Jing suddenly felt that it was not a loss to come here.

These two seem to be fighting for something?


So, I'll plug in a foot, no problem, right?

Good things, the more people fight, the more interesting it is!

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