At 5 a.m., the plane's altitude suddenly dropped.

Wind Chime, slowly opened his eyes and looked outside.

The sky has turned white, and the scenery under your feet is hazy, that faint beauty, very dreamy.


Isn't that right?

This is still the sea underneath, how did it start to fall?

And the timing is not right, right?

Doesn't it mean to arrive at 9 a.m. the next morning?

Those four hours left, swallowed?

"Sky Raven? Are you there? Wind

Chimes immediately cried out in his heart.

"Young Lord, the minister is here."

"Where is the location now?"

"The boundary of China's territorial waters, looking at the big bird, it seems that it wants to land in the West Asian Islands on the border."

Wind Chimes had a bad premonition that he wanted to yo-yo!

MD two hundred knives you won't pit me, right?

Wind Chimes glanced left and right.

Shouldn't it?

With so many people here, there should be no problem.

Two hundred knives want to pit me alone, there is no need to engage so many people to accompany the burial, right?

He felt that Two Hundred Blades was not a person like that, so he chose to wait.

Let's see what the situation is, anyway, there are crows here, don't be afraid.

After the plane landed, the wind chimes followed everyone to the ground.

The crow has been circling the island for a week:

"Young Lord, there is a small town on this island, but it is about 30 kilometers away from you."

"For the time being, no spirit master has been found, nor has the academy been discovered."

Wind Chime nodded, took out the claw machine, and directly sent a message to the two hundred knives:

Two hundred knives, what the hell are you doing?

I wondered if I should leave now.

After glancing left and right, he decided to wait and see, Chu Sheng was still here.

If the wind chimes want to leave, how can they take Chu Sheng with them.

Now everyone at the airport is confused.

"Where is this?"

"No, didn't you go to that Heavenly Spirit Experimental Academy? How did you throw us here? "

The sea breeze on the island is unusually strong, and it is almost stupid to blow people.

At this time, the sky crow was still hovering above, observing the surrounding situation.

"Young Lord, there are a few big birds in the distance, flying towards here."

Wind Chime said speechlessly:

"Who taught your big bird, that's called an airplane

..." "Eh..."

Tiancrow remembered more than ten years ago.

[Master, what do you buy an airplane for?]

Fengxing: [What kind of plane, this is called Big Bird!] Hey.

While observing in the air, the crow noticed a golden light in the distance and exploded towards him.

Tiancrow frowned, this breath... It's two hundred knives!

He stood in place without moving, waiting for the two hundred knives to come to him, and said coldly:

"Two hundred knives, you, what do you mean?"

The fat man stepped on the golden light and smiled:

"I have something to tell you."

But he was only halfway through speaking, and the Heavenly Crow had already drawn his blade and said in a deep voice:

"In the Feng family, how to deal with traitors, I think you should know, right?"

Two hundred knives smiled and spread his hands forward:

"Wait a minute, I'm not from your Feng family."

The black blade in Tianrao's hand stood forward and said coldly:

"Draw your ghost knife."

Two hundred knives shook his head:

"Heavenly Crow, don't you think you are protecting him too much now?"

"You know it yourself, right? What kind of freedom he wants, it is impossible to achieve, right?

"You may be able to protect him now, but what about later?"

"A new era is coming, how long can you protect him?"

"You only told him about the spirit master and the demon race, these basic things, why didn't you say anything else?"

Two hundred knives looked at the Heavenly Crow, who had no expression on his face, and the knife in his hand did not move, and did not answer.

So he continued:

"Or are you deliberately hindering his growth in order not to meet and face those?"

"What does the bloodline in his body mean, you know very well, right?"

Saying what the two hundred knives remembered, a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes, and his face became a little gloomy.

He shouted angrily at the Heavenly Crow:

"That is the bloodline that can overthrow the world!" By doing so, you are killing the last hope of this world!

"You're the accomplice of those beasts!"

"If Fengxing knew it, he would definitely regret it, why didn't he hack you to death with a knife in the first place!"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and his voice echoed in the air for a long time.

The mention of Fengxing made the knife in Tianrao's hand tremble slightly.

The indifferent expression on his face also gradually changed.

It was no longer that cold appearance, and it became a little painful.

Of course, he knew what the purpose of Fengxing giving birth to the wind chimes was.

I also understand that I am going against the will of my dead master.

But whether it is Fengxing or Wind Chime, it is the master of the Feng family.

Nowadays, the owner is a wind chime.

He took a deep breath and said

, "After I die, I will explain all this to the head of the family, and there is no need for you to say more."

Two hundred knives were stunned when they heard this, you stepped on the horse, why did you screw it like this!?

So angry that the two hundred knives couldn't help but clench the fists in their hands:

"Yu Zhong! You idiot!

Tiancrow looked coldly and replied unceremoniously:

"Now the young master of my family only wants to live the life of an ordinary person, and I have made a promise to him."

"As for what you said, it's just your own selfish desires."

"What did you say!?"

Gong -

A slender bronze spirit knife appeared in the hands of the two hundred knives.

The Heavenly Crow blade was slightly retracted, ready to attack.

The two faced off in the air for a long time, and neither of them made the first move.

A cold wind blew through, and he looked at the Heavenly Crow in front of him, and finally gritted his teeth.

He relayed what Ruo Tinghan told him last night.

I didn't want to say it, but now I can't say it.

Hearing this, Tianrao's eyes widened slightly, a little incredulous.

"What you said is true?"

Seeing that there was a drama, the two hundred knives quickly said:

"If I lie to you, it will not be too late for you to kill me again."

"Moreover, that guy from Wuhe is in Ruo's house, and the young master of your family can't do anything."

The raven glanced up in disbelief, and then looked down at the wind chime.

There was silence for a long time, and his fists were clenched.

Sorry, Young Lord, Sky Crow... Just against you this time.

Just this once!

Two hundred knives let out a long sigh of relief in his heart, if this still didn't work, then he really didn't know what to do.

You can't really fight with the crows, right?

"Now you can summon those old monsters of your clan. When the young master of your family comes out, it will definitely be used.

Tiancrow shook his head:

"No hurry, I want to guard him here." Guard against the sluts of the Bai family Two

hundred knives nodded and glanced at the somewhat old eyes of the Heavenly Crow.

Suddenly, I found that those eyes were slightly different from when they fought side by side before.

In the past, those eyes made many spirit masters fearful, but now they are much milder.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to agree, why? If it was you before, I'm afraid you wouldn't agree, right? The

Heavenly Raven was silent for a while, touched his pocket, and was stunned for a moment.

Oops, no smoke!

Seeing this, Erbai Dao smiled and took out a pack of huazi from his pocket:

"Reward you with a huazi."

This is what he brought with him specifically.

If this is done today, it will be him to give Brother Crow Hanako.

If this doesn't happen....

Then he has to think about whether anyone will incense himself on this day next year.

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