Frankly, there is an element of gambling.

However, for the sake of the regret in his heart, he must gamble.

Otherwise, live in vain.

The raven took a deep breath, and after sucking in one gulp, coughed a few times:

"Hey... Maybe I'm old.

"I just hope that he can live..."

Two hundred knives smiled and patted him on the back:

"Got it."

The crow looked at the wind chimes under his feet and was silent for a long time.

For eighteen years, he suffered the loss of his best friend under that dark and clean room.

At the same time, I thought a lot.

He was loyal from beginning to end, but Fengxing still died....

So, loyalty, what's the use?

Today, he remains loyal to the Feng family.

It's just that the way of loyalty has changed a bit.

Now, he just wants to keep his young master alive.

Better alive.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to disobey his orders, his own promises.

But thinking about all this made him even more painful!

If, eighteen years ago, I figured it out myself....

That is popular, isn't it, there is no need to die?

Over time, planes fell one by one.

One by one, people stepped off the plane, all standing in the middle of this airport blowing the cold wind.

More than 50,000 people seemed to have been lost on this island.

"Where is this?"

"Why doesn't there even be a net in the broken place!"

They spontaneously gathered together and discussed.

At this time, a person came from a distance.

"Eh! Someone is coming!

"Thank goodness it should have come to pick us up."

It is a middle-aged man wearing strange clothes, sunglasses, and a beard.

Seeing this, Chu Sheng couldn't help but complain:

"MD, wear sunglasses at night, aren't you afraid of falling when you walk?" Silly..." I

suddenly remembered that there was another one wearing sunglasses next to me, yes, it was a wind chime.

Turning his head to look, he found that he was looking at himself and immediately shut up.

In contrast, the person next to him is more strange.

When the man got closer, Wind Chimes saw Ruojia's clothes!

It's the people of the Wakajia!


Into the den of thieves!

Oh no, I seem to be a thief, I entered the police den!

"Sky Raven! Slide!

He immediately cried out to the Raven in his heart.

But the crow did not respond.

Suddenly, in the distance, on the body of the Ruojia Spirit Master, golden light flashed.

Oh -

the distance is more than a hundred meters, and in one second, it is in front of everyone.


All the ordinary people present were frightened.


More than 50,000 people, who had gathered together, now ran away like birds.

Among them, of course, were wind chimes, who ran while screaming for help.

Chu Sheng next to him was stunned, big brother, aren't you a spirit master?

Why did you scare away too?


Why are you pulling me to run!"

Of course, he did it on purpose, he just wanted to stay away from the Naruo Family Spirit Master.


Like a mountain god, the terrifying sound spread throughout the empty airport.

At the same time, all the spiritual power in his body poured out.

The terrifying pressure instantly covered the audience, causing everyone to lose their mobility!

Those ordinary people who escaped had weak legs, directly lay on the ground, and rolled several times before stopping.

The 50 people who can still stand now are all people who have awakened to become spiritual masters.

The wind chimes could only stop, secretly frightened.

That suffocating sense of oppression, feeling comparable to two hundred knives!

"This... Seventh-order Imperial Spirit Master?

Chu Sheng spoke up in surprise.

Wind Chimes wondered how he knew, I don't know, how do you know.

When he turned his head, he saw that the watch he usually carried on his hand no longer showed the time, but 7 stars.

Another horcrux, did this guy make it himself or bought it?

Two hundred knives seem to have said that spirit weapons are not cheap!

I was thinking about it.


like a fart.

The watch on Chu Sheng's wrist smoked....

"I blanch! My old watch! I Gan! How can MD be like this, obviously you can test up to 8th order!

Chu Sheng quickly disassembled the watch in annoyance and checked it in his hand.

Regardless of his somewhat burned wrists.

Wind Chimes were a little speechless.

Now it seems that this kid should have done it himself.

Those ordinary people present at this time, whether they are lying down, lying down, sitting, standing, or kneeling.

They all looked at the spirit master in horror, their eyes full of fear.

Is this a human or a ghost?

Still is... God?

The speed of teleportation just now exceeded their understanding.

Seeing that everyone had quieted down, the spirit master slowly spoke, his voice low and not loud.

But through that spiritual power, it could reach the ears of everyone present:

"Congratulations, you have become the first batch of preparatory spiritual masters for experimental recruitment."

"Some people may not know what a spirit master is, simply put, it is to catch demons."

With that, he stretched out his hand and gently patted it twice.


two more spirit masters sneaked out of nowhere.

The speed was so fast that no one present could see it.

And in the hands of those two spirit masters, there was a monster with a body size of at least 5 meters tall.

The huge monster's eye was half the size of a wind chime.

Looks like a person, a deformed person.

The body is huge, but the arms are only as short as a human.

Compared to that huge size, it is like sticking two toothpicks into the body.

The huge head is covered with strangely shaped pimples.

The face was scattered with strange curved cyan runes, faintly exuding black energy.

The fangs full of fangs were imprisoned by spiritual arts, and the whole body was also covered with spiritual prohibitions.

This is the largest demon race that Wind Chimes has seen so far.

"5th Order Mad Spirit, Abnormal Blood-Eyed Buddha!"

Chu Sheng couldn't help but exclaim.

"Ghost! Help me! "

Some people suddenly exclaimed when they saw this thing.

"Mama! Save me! "

These are those who have not awakened, but whose spiritual power is enough to see the monsters.

Later in life, they can actually see some.

But I've never seen a monster that looks so big, scared to pee on the spot!

In fact, there are still some people who can see, but some people are calm and do not shout out, and some people are timid.

However, those present were more ordinary people who could not see this monster and lacked spiritual power on their bodies.

At this time, one of the spirit masters who was pulling the abnormal blood eye stretched out his hand to seal the seal, and his eyes changed suddenly.

An angry voice resounded again in the empty airfield:

"Yin and Yang Eyes! Open! The

golden energy centered on him, and in the blink of an eye, it swept past everyone present.

"Ahhh-" The

pain in their eyes made them cry out again.

Wind Chimes all held up their sunglasses in pain.

Yin and Yang Eyes, third-order spiritual arts, can help ordinary people see monsters.

Wind Chimes knows this magic.

However, Lao TzuTM can see it!

Do you still have to give me a look?

Chu Sheng also covered his eyes at this time, cursing and cursing in his mouth.

After 3 seconds, someone opened their eyes and made a cry for help.

Some people saw the appearance of the [Abnormal Blood-Eyed Buddha], and they cried out directly in fright.

Some even peed on the ground.

The seventh-order Imperial Spirit Master in front ignored them and continued,

"This one in front of you is a monster. And what you have to learn is..."

said him, and a golden light appeared in his hand.

This time, everyone could see the golden light in his hand.

Wind Chimes raised their heads in surprise.

He felt the shivering energy coming from the sky.

"How to eradicate this kind of evil to the world!"

With a flash of his figure, he raised his hand.

Shen Shen said:


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