The moment the words fell, the sky flashed with golden light.

Several purple-gold thunders that seemed to be able to destroy the sky and the earth descended from the sky.

It feels like each one is as thick as a building!

Boom -

Of those several thunders, only one fell on the body of the youkai.

But the monster was instantly annihilated, exploding into a blood mist, and a green, fetiching rain fell in the sky.

The rest of the thunder all fell to the ground.

Blow up several charred black craters!

Another one fell on the plane, and the technology from humans was directly split in half.

At the same time, the scattered thunder struck like a snake, towards the people in the field.

That's not something they can react to at all.

But in the next second, a faint layer of golden light appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and the thunder splashed on it hit it and was quickly absorbed.

The audience was silent, and the scene was so quiet that it was as if there was no sound in this world.

Until a gust of wind carried a choking smell of black smoke and blood through the crowd.

Many people coughed violently, and the world seemed to have a voice.

The spirit master who released [Thunder Ball] patted his hand:

"This is called spiritual art, and this is what you want to learn."

"If you can pass the assessment, you will become an official spiritual master, practice hard, and slay demons and get rid of demons!"

No one present dared to answer.

They were all looking in horror at the big pit in front of them, the demon that turned into blood, the plane that had been split.

I can't help but think to myself, is this really a person?

"I, too, can become like you, control thunder and lightning!?"

A teenager spoke up excitedly.

The spirit master said lightly:

"Of course."

Of course, this sentence is false, whether you can control thunder and lightning, in fact, depends on talent.

At the same time, a girl shouted with a crying voice:

"I, can I go home?" Me, I'm afraid!

"My new manicure is scary!" Woo hoo..."

After saying that, he cried loudly.

It caused everyone around to look over.

The man spoke the words of the wind chime.

Lao Tzu also wants to go home!

I'm fucking a demon, and you let me learn to catch a demon?

Are you kidding me?

He subconsciously looked at the girl and was startled.

This woman... How is it so familiar?

He suddenly remembered the woman who looked at him affectionately in the women's bathroom that day and saved her life at the door of the subway station.

Or her!

How is she again?

"I want to learn!"

"I'm going home!"

"I want to repeat it, I don't want to catch a demon!"

For a while, someone wants to learn, someone wants to go home.

Wind chimes soon joined one

of them: "I want to go home too!" I took the English language! How did it get here! Chu

Sheng next to him glanced at the wind chime, and suddenly wondered:

didn't he know that this was a good opportunity to enter the Royal Three Family?

Why didn't this second-order spirit master cherish it?

"I'm going home! Send us back!

At this time, the spirit master in front clapped his hands again, and at the same time made a gesture at the person next to him.

The two immediately began to clean up the mess.

Then he turned his head and swept his eyes with firm and powerful eyes.

Everyone present chuckled in their hearts.

"A week-long test, those who fail will naturally send you back, and at that time, which college you should have been admitted to, which college will notify you. It will not affect your future. Even

though the scene was so noisy, everyone could hear his words.

Wind Chimes was overjoyed when he heard this, meaning that I would be kicked out if I messed around?

Then several spirit masters descended from the sky, standing in front of the crowd as if they were under the heavenly gods.

"Now start the shift."

"Yang He, Luo Yunsheng, Xie Xiaoling..."

the dozen or so spirit masters began to shout their names at the same time.

The voice echoed in everyone's head.

But everyone could clearly tell which spirit master was calling their name.

It was magical, as if my brain had become one, a multi-core processor.

"Chu Sheng!"

The seventh-order Imperial Spirit Master shouted loudly.

Chu Sheng hurriedly ran with his small bag.

Then the seventh-order imperial spirit master pointed to the wind chime:

"And you, come to me!"

Wind Chime was stunned for a moment, and then with a sad face, he walked towards that spirit master, walking very slowly, because he was waiting for the heavenly crow!

"Sky Raven! What about people!

"Don't you want me! Depend on!

"I'm your young master!"


However, there was no response.

In the end, Wind Chimes had to come to their team.

Glancing left and right, he found that all the people in this class were awakened spirit masters.

There was a little comfort in my heart.

With so many spiritual masters, paddling by yourself, failing the grade, and slipping away!

"Everyone come with me."

After the spirit master in front of them said lightly, he walked towards the direction of leaving the airport.

Wind Chimes and the others immediately followed loosely.

At first, it was still unhurried, but gradually, everyone ran.

The man in front was still walking, but he walked faster than the students behind him!

Whoever can't keep up and falls behind, a thunder will fall.

Running and running, the people in the team are a little powerless.

They have already run ten kilometers!

Spirit masters above the second order are okay, those first-order spirit masters, this is already their limit.

"No, I can't run..." One

person said and fell directly to the ground.

In the next second, the golden light flashed, rumbled and exploded, and the screams sounded at the same time.

Everyone looked back.

That man has been scorched black!

Lying on the ground and pumping out.

Wind chimes:???


Doesn't it mean that the spiritual master of the Ruo family does not kill people casually?

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