The wind chimes were shaken by his head, and said helplessly:

"Big brother, can you make a small noise, as noisy as the dog downstairs in my house."

"You stepped on a horse!"

Chu Sheng directly gave him two punches, and scolded with a smile: "

You are actually a spirit master, and this matter has been hidden from me for so long!" Hahaha! "

Blanch! Don't reply to my message yet! Dog stuff!

"Did you already know that we would be recruited by the Royal Sanjia, so you have been packing garlic with me and want to surprise me?"

Wind Chimes narrowed his eyes when he heard this, thinking.

Seeing Chu Sheng's performance, he seemed to know everything before he came.

Two hundred knives told him?

What the hell do the two hundred knives want to do....

Also, what about the Ravens?

Are you in some trouble?

He shouted the Heavenly Raven twice more in his heart, but the Heavenly Raven did not respond.

Then took a deep breath, forget it, the next thing you can only look at yourself.

This game is much easier than before on Tongtian North Street.

This is the territory of the Ruo family, the Bai family does not dare to come, at least it is safe.

As long as you don't get sick, you'll be fine.

Of course, if only it could be eliminated!

Chu Sheng kept laughing, like a neurotic.

The wind chimes covered his face, and he felt a little ashamed.

"Brother, don't shout, it's noisy."

After a while, those who had been chopped before in the back also chased after them.

While everyone was resting in place, the Imperial Spirit Master walked up in front of them and clapped his hands.

He clapped his hands, which frightened everyone present.

I thought he was going to chop people again.

"Yin Kongmen, Ruo family's seventh-order imperial spirit master, in the next week, he will be your instructor."

"You are all awakened dispersal spiritual masters. I'll be straight to you.

"Those who have not awakened are now undergoing spiritual power infusion, and those who can awaken through spiritual power will be transported to Ruojia's home in a week."

"Those who cannot awaken will be directly returned."

"And you guys can basically be sure to enter the Ruojia family."

When the wind chimes heard this, his heart was cold, and the abacus had not yet begun to fight, and it had already failed.

"But don't be too happy, because there is still a second level of assessment."

Fortunately, the second level of assessment must be more difficult, I will release water at that time, and I will be eliminated.

Although I really want to have an academy with Chu Sheng, it is definitely not the Spirit Master's Demon Hunting Academy!

"Master, I have some doubts, how did you find us?"

The girl standing at the end, Ye Qian, suddenly asked.

It was time for rest, and Yin Kongmen spoke slowly to them.

It turned out that due to the difficulty of cultivating spirit masters and the speed of reproduction, they were far less than the demon race.

Therefore, the three families of Spirit Masters, headed by the Ruo family, have gradually begun to try to find good seedlings of Spirit Masters from ordinary people in recent years.

Before, the wind chimes had no spiritual power on them.

Therefore, it was judged by the Bai family that he would not awaken if he was over 18 years old.

But ordinary people may also be born with more or less spiritual power.

It's just that the spiritual power is too weak to awaken on its own, and at the same time, that bit of spiritual power is not enough to see the demon race.

However, there will always be people who are born with strong spiritual power, who can see it and cannot speak.

Or just a little close, to the extent that you can awaken to become a spiritual master.

Such a person can infuse spiritual power and forcibly awaken.

It also falls within the scope of cultivation.

But after trying it for a few years, the effect was not good.

Because it is too time-consuming and laborious to find people all over the world.

So starting this year, the spiritual master world intervened in the national examination!

All the test papers distributed can measure the spiritual power of the respondent.

As long as the spiritual power reaches the standard, it will be included in the database.

Recruit to the family headquarters for assessment, and if the assessment is passed, he will be accepted as the family spiritual master.

However, the test is erased, and the memory is erased, and the scroll back to college.

Because it is the first time, it is in the testing stage, and not many people know about it.

Wind chimes wanted to cry after listening to it.

MD: No wonder....

No wonder the roll shone with gold at that time!

Let's just say it feels weird.

And it just started this year, really, real name bad luck.

But if he had been a year earlier, he would not have encountered this trouble.

Go to pieces!

"Originally, we were going to go directly to the Ruojia family's house, but the head of the family suspected that this new student was mixed with the demon clan."

"So, this week..."

he swept over the crowd:

"It is also used to find the demon clan!"

When his gaze inadvertently swept over the wind chime, the wind chime had no expression on his face, but his heart clicked.

It won't be me exposed.

"Demon traitor?"

Chu Sheng immediately took out a machine from his backpack.

"Hehe, this is the demon detector I made myself! Even if you stick auspicious charms, you can measure it!

"I was going to use this to enter Ruo's house, but now, it seems that I don't need it, hehe..."

Wind Chime: ???

When all the masters of the family heard this, they were all shocked:

"The sticker auspicious talisman can be measured!?"

"Really fake! How can it be?

"Did he do it himself?" Oh, my God! Yin

Kongmen was also shocked, and he knew very well what that meant.

The auspicious talisman is a kind of talisman that cannot be solved by the spiritual master at present.

As long as the demon clan sticks it, it can't detect the demon qi on its body.

The most hateful thing is that this spell is sold cheaply.

Thirty thousand yuan, as long as it is not torn off, is permanently valid!

It is equivalent to the Demon Clan's Present Life Pass!

This caused many demon races to mingle in the crowd.

If what Chu Sheng said is true, then the value of this machine is immeasurable!

I saw Chu Sheng smile and say

, "As long as you press the switch, a ray will be shot!"

"The person who is illuminated, if it is a spirit master, it will make a twitling sound, if it is an ordinary person, it will make a croaking sound, if it is a demon, the machine will make a clanging sound!"

Everyone: ...

Can you still set this prompt tone a little strange?

Saying that, Chu Sheng smiled at the wind chime.

Wind Chimes panicked in his heart:

"What the do you want to do?"

Chu Sheng smiled, took the machine, and rushed at the wind chime.

Biu –

A ray fell on the body of the wind chime.

Everyone looked at the two of them, and the Yin Kong Gate in front of them also narrowed slightly.

He knew very well that if this machine was real, it represented that the era of auspicious charms was over!

In the future, the demon race will never want to hide in this world again!

When the ray fell on the wind chime, Chu Sheng smiled and just wanted to speak.

The machine in his hand immediately made a sound:


Ding, twitter???..."

How about cursing?

Wind chimes:!!!



I'll lose your second uncle!

Why not, pit Laozi first place!

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