Wind chimes are really panicking right now.

He never thought that Chu Sheng's machine could actually detect that he was a two-way demon spirit!

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, his eyes quickly glanced at the people around him.


What to do?

How to explain?

There was already a cold sweat on his back.

At this time, Chu Sheng took back the machine with a frown, and said suspiciously:

"Strange, it was obviously okay before, how did it come to you, and it became a chatter?"

Then he suddenly smiled:

"You won't be a combination of a spirit master and a demon, right? Hahaha..."

Wind Chimes: ???

Bang -

feel like my heart is being pounded:

Can you shut up?

"Huh? Why can't it be closed? Chu

Sheng kept tinkering, and suddenly, international practice, boom burst...

"Blanch! How did it explode again! MD! "

I can see that he himself is speechless!

Yin Kongmen said speechlessly:

"You don't know that it is impossible for a spirit master and a demon to exist in a person's body at the same time, right?"

Chu Sheng scratched his head:

"I know, I'm joking, we are good brothers."

"However, my machine has always been accurate! Odd... Why is it suddenly not working today.

"Oh, I see, it must be damp... It's too humid here.

He said as he fiddled.

Wind Chimes Inside:

Not funny at all!

Fortunately, the inherent understanding of this world is that spiritual masters and demons cannot coexist.

The wind chime is the first, otherwise, it will be miserable by Chu Sheng.

The heads of the Ruo family also sighed when they saw this:

"Hey, I just said, how can the problem that the spirit master world has not solved for many years be solved by one of his children."

"This guy has exploded three pieces of equipment so far, and each of them is unreliable."

"It's hilarious. Hahaha.

"But this kid does have talent, too. I think it can be cultivated. Everyone

else was laughing at Chu Sheng, but the three heads of the three royal families on the stage did not speak.

If you listen to Han's face is always smiling, Lei Jing looks interested, and Bai Qiling has a gloomy face.

"Dog thing, in the future, you will take something to blindly take care of Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will strangle you!"

The wind chimes kicked Chu Sheng fiercely.

"Hey, hey! Don't worry, how can I harm you. He

smiled and casually put the machine in his bag.

Wind Chime glanced at it and thought to himself that this thing could not stay....

Although it is broken, it must be completely destroyed!

When everyone was resting, Wind Chimes was always afraid.

Chu Sheng's machine can probably really detect auspicious charms.

Fortunately, I have the identity of a spiritual master and do a guarantee, otherwise it will be over.

After resting for about an hour, Yin Kongmen stood up with everyone:

"In the next week, I will first teach you physical arts, then simple spiritual techniques, and finally, actual combat demon hunting training."

"I saw that most of you are second-order and have not devoured the demon clan, so I just took this opportunity to take you to feel it and improve your strength by the way."

"You'd better behave."

"Now that the assessment has begun, at this moment, the fifteen major families are observing you."

"Your performance score will be used as an important indicator for the second assessment."

Among the crowd, some were surprised, some whispered, and some were worried.

Feel like I'm not doing well enough.

There are also people who are looking forward to devouring the stubble of the demon race.

Wind Chimes rejoiced:

Wow! Open pendulum!

"Do 30,000 push-ups first, just do it in the evening, eat dinner first, the number of dinners is limited, and the use of spiritual arts is not allowed."



Do you want to kill us?

One per second, it takes more than eight hours!

At this time, Lei Jing smiled and clapped his hands, and said:

"When the betting time comes, let's bet, who can be the first to eat dinner?"

"You can bet on the same people this time, last time it was us three first, this time the order is reversed. Patriarch Chen, please.

Patriarch Chen was the last to place a bet on the last round, and immediately said,

"Ye Qian! 500,000! The

crowd quickly picked out the powerful of these people.

This round, no one is optimistic about the wind chimes.

However, there are three people who bet on Chu Sheng.

Lei Jing smiled and said

, "Old Bai, do you want to play?"

Bai Qiling glanced at him, frankly a little itchy, but he had refused before, and it was already difficult to join.

I thought, you invite me again, I'll join again.

Ruo listened to the cold and said lightly:

"It's still wind chimes, 500,000."

Lei Jing raised his eyebrows:

"Then I'll follow you, wind chimes, 500,000."

When everyone turned their heads when they heard this, the wind chimes were already eating.

He and Chu Sheng, each with a bag of small cookies, laughed while eating.



Lei Jing smiled when he heard this: "

Haha, this is not counted, this is considered lunch."

Yin Kongmen also noticed the two foodies and walked over with a livid face.

Wind Chime smiled and said

, "Master, do you want to eat?"

Yin Kongmen directly took away the small cookies in their hands, plus Chu Sheng's backpack.

"Hey, there are still spirit weapons I made in it, be careful not to break them!"

Everyone, because of the two of them, handed in their backpacks....

"Hey, wind chimes, hurry up and do it, or you won't have food."

Chu Sheng sighed and began to do push-ups.

The wind chimes still sat there.

Open pendulum!

It doesn't matter if you eat dinner or not, disappointing those heads of the Ruo family is the point.

But after thinking about it, it seems a little too deliberate to put myself so directly.

So he followed suit, making a hundred and lying directly on the ground:

"Ah... I'm so tired, I can't do it, 30,000, how to do it..."

Then he got up and asked Chu Sheng breathlessly:

"How many have you done?"

Chu Sheng said while doing it

: "300..." Wind

Chime frowned:

"Okay, you, fine dog!" Hurry up, our dinner depends on you! "

Chu Sheng: ???

Your tm's....

Then Wind Chime smiled and looked at the Yin Kong Gate in front:

"Senior Commander, can I make me to others?"

Yin Kongmen said lightly:

"As you wish."

"Then when I get there, can I ask for food with other people?"

"If someone else voluntarily gives it to you, of course I can't care."

When the wind chime heard this, he slapped Chu Sheng, who was doing push-ups next to him, with his teeth.

Press him directly to the ground.

"I heard no fine dog, I also gave you the 100, no thanks!"

Chu Sheng ate a mouthful of soil:

"Your TM's... Get your hands off! "

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