For ordinary people, the characteristic of wind chimes may not be found by ordinary people.

I just think he is beautiful and good-looking.

After all, no one will keep staring at the wind chimes to see if his face is completely symmetrical.

However, for Ruo Qianyan, it means something completely different.

If Xiao Yuan's appearance is pleasing to Ruo Qianyan.

That wind chime's face, for Ruo Qianyan, is....


She looked at the wind chimes in front of her, and the fragmentary memories of her childhood kept flashing in her mind.

It was an afternoon more than a decade ago.

A likeable-looking child stood in front of him and asked her crying with a smile:

"Do you have no friends either? What is your name?

She wiped her tears and cried:


Small glutinous rice..."[Small glutinous rice? What a strange name, it turns out that everyone's parents have been named so casually this year?

"Very, weird? It's my nickname. Dad won't let me say daimyo... What's your name? "

[Che, then I'll tell you my nickname, listen up, em... Wait for me to think about it, there you have it! 】

【Lao Tzu is called Storm Mecha Linglong! 】 Small

glutinous rice: ???


Flashing back to his thoughts, Ruo Qianyan furrowed his brows and muttered, "

Storm Mecha Linglong?"

Lei Jing next to him turned his head suspiciously and glanced at Ruo Qianyan.

Say what?

Storm Mecha Linglong?

She likes this?

Got it, go back and let my son buy a one-to-one hand!

Ruo Qianyan did not make any more sounds, but thought in his heart:

Storm Linglong?



Wind... Ling!

She looked at the wind chimes on the screen in disbelief, and her eyes changed several times.

Shock, puzzlement, bewilderment, disbelief...

Is it really him!

The teenager who harmed himself and suffered from this strange obsessive-compulsive disorder!

Because he once pinched his face and said:

"Oh, your face is so symmetrical.

"Hmm... Is there any? "

[However, under this day, my face is the most symmetrical!] You can only be counted as second! Hey! At

that time, when she was young, seriously, carefully, glanced at the face of the wind chime.

That glance changed her world!

It felt like....

When you suddenly notice that you are breathing, your breathing will change from automatic gear to manual gear....

When she discovered the beauty of symmetry, she could never go back.

Ruo Qianyan knew that no matter what kind of famous doctor Lei Jing found, he would not be able to cure her disease.

In this world, only one person can cure her obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Only wind chimes!

She suddenly stood up and prepared to leave the place immediately.

So how painful is OCD?

Only she herself knows!

At the time of the onset, the scalp is numb, goosebumps, weakness, the brain is dull, and the hand holding the sword will tremble.

So she didn't want to wait for a moment, immediately, immediately, set out to find him!

As for whether finding the wind chimes can really cure her disease, she does not know.

All she knew was that wind chimes were the only possibility.

Ruo Tinghan glanced at his daughter and said lightly:

"Light Yan?"

Ruo Yan was stunned when he heard this, stopped his movements, and looked back at his father.

Ruo listened to the cold and said lightly:

"Just promoted, unstable mood, go back and concentrate."

He said words of concern, but in tone, with some sense of command.

Shocked, he returned to his senses, and only after his father's reminder did he realize it.

After seeing those eyes, his thoughts became chaotic.

But she still wanted to go to the wind chimes.

At this time, the smile on Ruo Tinghan's face had disappeared, and he continued: "

Glass Mirror Heart Technique, cultivate it 100,000 times."

Lei Jing raised his eyebrows when he heard this, good guy, a hundred thousand times?

Is this old guy so cruel to his daughter?

Ruo Qianyan was also stunned when he heard this, looked at his father and pursed his mouth, and finally said softly:

"Obey the order, father."

Then he said to Lei Jing and Bai Qiling:

"Uncle Lei, Uncle Bai, the little girl leaves first."

Lei Jing and Bai Qiling just nodded.

Then he whispered to everyone present

, "Lords, be well."

All the masters present immediately stood up:

"Congratulations to the Holy Daughter!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Ruo Qianyan left here.

Lei Jing couldn't help but laugh and said

, "18-year-old sixth-order, this kind of talent, you still need to oppress her so much?"

Ruo Tinghan's face returned to a smile:

"It's still far from it."


After Ruo Qianyan left the Heavenly Master Peak, he directly returned to his Saint Lady Peak.

"Welcome Virgin!"

There are a hundred guards on the Virgen Peak, and their strength is very terrifying, and they immediately kneel down when they see Ruo Qianyan.

If the light face is like a feather gently floating, there is no stay.

With Xiao Yuan, he returned to his boudoir and immediately sat down cross-legged with his eyes closed.

Ani had been standing beside her, but she felt weird.

After returning from the Heavenly Master Peak, the saint's brows were constantly furrowed, and her fists were always clenched.

Moreover, isn't it cultivating [Glass Mirror Heart Technique], what is she doing....

She seems to be in... Angry?

In fact, if Qian Yan is not angry, she just can't take her thoughts away.

She is now full of heads, blue hood, zipper, storm mecha Linglong, wind chimes, dengzi, symmetry, obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Is it just a matter of seeing him again and getting him to take back that sentence, and my OCD will be fine?

Or is it that just a few more glances at him will make my OCD better?

Or, he died, and I am the first symmetrical person in this world?

So my OCD is fine?

No, what do I think?

Ruo Yan was stunned and realized his crankiness, but soon fell into it again.

Frow again.

Help, the guy who knows my nickname is actually alive, I want purple sand!

Bah, I'm going to knife him....

Let him lose his memory!

Thinking of his nickname as a fool when he was a child, Ruo Yan wanted to kill himself.

She was messed up, messed up, completely confused.

Suddenly, she raised her head, and the calm eyes of the past switched from the Lord does not care about the mode to the Lord does not care mode.

"Xiao Yuan, find a screen like that in the hall for me."

Xiao Yuan replied

, "Lord Saint, do you want to see that experimental admissions conference?"

She nodded slightly.

"Xiao Zhu obeys!"

After Xiao Rui left, Ruo Yan gritted her teeth and muttered word by word:


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