By this time, Wind Chimes had done all the push-ups for the girl.

"Thank you, my name is Xi Ran..." Xi Ran

also opened his small mouth at this time, panting, and had not yet recovered from the tens of thousands of push-ups just now.

From his pocket, he took out a handkerchief and handed it to the wind chime.

"Here you go... Wipe your sweat. Because

of the previous strenuous exercise, her face is now a little rosy.

Her appearance is outstanding, and since she came here, many boys have noticed her.

However, the offensive has not yet begun.

The people around saw such a flower-like girl walking so close to the wind chime.

Many people have different emotions rising in their hearts.

Suddenly it was even more unpleasant.

Wind chimes, this wave of hatred, pulled quite successfully.


A sweaty girl will give you a handkerchief soaked in her own sweat, will you use it?

Anyway, the wind chimes won't, just shook his head, put his hand on his forehead, and said casually:

"No, I don't sweat."

Everyone around:

Hmph, count you acquaintance!


Then he took out a roast chicken and handed it to the wind chime.

His face was still red, and he whispered softly:

"Here you go, you eat the first bite."

Several boys around immediately looked over again, with envy and jealousy written on their faces.

This guy actually wants to eat chicken with her?

However, Wind Chime just yawned and said lightly:

"No, I'm full."

Then without turning his head, he walked directly towards Chu Sheng.


Originally the hatred was full, but because of his two waves of straight male operations.

This wave of hatred is not very successful.

Seeing the wind chimes come back, Chu Sheng raised his eyebrows with a smile:

"Gee, the little beauty invited you to eat chicken, don't you eat it?"

Wind Chimes just smiled and lay down, and

burped: "It's too full, burp ~ I really can't eat."

Then closed his eyes and prepared for sleep.

Everyone: ...

[Hatred +1]

Chu Sheng glanced at it and said with a smile:

"I'm looking for you again."

Wind Chime slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Xi Ran who was holding the roast chicken.

There was no wave on his face,

"Can I sit here?"

Xi Ran asked softly.

Chu Sheng was overjoyed when he heard this:

"Of course, of course!"

Xi Ran did not sit, but looked at the wind chimes lying on the ground.

Seeing this, Chu Sheng quickly pushed him:

"Madman, ask you."

"As you wish."

Wind Chimes said.

"Thank you."

She sat next to the wind chimes and kept taking small sips, eating quietly.

There is no sense of contradiction in this picture, and it feels like the three of them are good friends.

After a while, Xi Ran only ate half of it, and then said to the wind chime:

"Wind chime, I can't eat it, do you want to eat it?"

Wind Chime's brows frowned slightly, and he opened his eyes again and looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously.

Doubtful, what do you mean?

No woman had ever approached him before.

The women he contacted the most were Chen Ting and Lin Yue.

So he has always been a little resistant to women.

Being so active like Xi Ran will inevitably make him think more.

You don't want to poison me, do you?

Seeing him frown, Xi Ran quickly said

, "Ah, if you dislike it... Then when I didn't say, I'm sorry..." The

big brothers next door were crying, and they didn't have enough to eat.

Seeing her like this, Wind Chimes also realized that he might be thinking too much?

So he resumed his smile:

"I really can't eat it, or you give it to Chu Sheng?" This is my good brother, he eats equal to me. Chu

Sheng next to him raised his eyebrows when he heard this: Wind


From now on, you will be my eldest brother!

When Xi Ran heard this, he looked at Chu Sheng and said with a smile:

"Do you eat?" Chu Sheng? "


He agreed to her without hesitation.

One is because I am really hungry, and the second is because this is sent by a little beauty!

He only had roast chicken and beautiful women in his eyes, but he didn't notice it.

The wind chimes pulled the hatred for a long time, and most of it was transferred to himself.

After another rest, the time had come to 12 midnight.

At this time, another person finished and came to the large vat containing the roast chicken with great anticipation.

Only to find that there was nothing inside.

"Division Commander, this, there is no more!"

Yin Kongmen, who had been closing his eyes and staring, his eyes raised slightly, and said in a deep voice:

"If you haven't finished it, you can not do it, dinner is gone."


However, more than a dozen people present did not eat.

Almost all of them are first-order people, and they are currently the weakest.

Although weak, everyone's eyes are full of anger and disobedience.

But no one dared to speak out against him.

After everyone stood up, Yin Kongmen said lightly:

"Everyone, attack me together, no matter what means."

"Before dawn, those who can attack me can have breakfast tomorrow!"

When everyone present heard this, they immediately fell silent and looked at each other.

What kind of joke are you kidding, asking them to attack a seventh-order Imperial Spirit Master?

That's too difficult!

If inside the house....

"Come on, come on, everyone live and bet! Bet on who will be the first to attack the Inkong Gate.

"Wind chimes! 500,000! "

There was a homeowner who had not been optimistic about wind chimes before, and immediately bet on wind chimes.

The rest of the owners followed suit:

"Wind chimes, 500,000!"

Unexpectedly, this round, 6 people actually bet on wind chimes.

Lei Jing smiled and looked at Bai Qiling next to him.

Bai Qiling glanced at him, thinking, if you call me again, I will barely play.

Lei Jing knew Bai Qiling too well, and he gave face:

"Old Bai, if you can't come, can you join the group?"

Bai Qiling snorted and said lightly:

"Wind chimes, 500,000."

Lei Jing smiled:

"Wind chimes, 500,000."

If you listen to the cold, it will continue as usual, and press the wind chimes by 500,000.

By the time everyone looked at the big screen, everyone had already rushed to the Yinkong Gate, for tomorrow's breakfast!

It is also in order to get a point on this seventh-order imperial spirit master.

Let the masters of the Ruo family see their strength!

Unlike the wind chimes, those of them who have awakened accepted the invitation of the Ruo family to come here for only one purpose.

That is, enter the Gosanjia!

Turning his head to look at the wind chimes again, he found him lying on the ground, rolled over, and his leather was facing the camera.

All launched their own attacks.

Only he is sleeping huffing, look like that, he is really asleep!

Everyone: ...

Is it too late to withdraw the bet?

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