Fortunately, Yin Kongmen was a seventh-order imperial spirit master after all, and in the face of the attack of 49 people, he still dodged unhurriedly.

Like lions, they fiercely pounced on the gate of the Inkong.

But Yin Kongmen was like a cunning loach, and no one could catch him, not even the corners of his clothes.

Only after a while, someone stopped breathlessly and complained:

"Senior Commander, how can we possibly touch you!"

Unintentionally, I saw the wind chimes sleeping soundly, and I thought of something.

This wind chime, there won't be any strange tricks, right?

So he also stopped and lay down to sleep.

But he was the only one learning wind chimes, and the rest worked hard all night.

They knew very well that the wind chimes were so bad, those owners saw it.

At that time, it is impossible for him to enter the Royal Three Families.

And they, with their own goals!

So everyone did their best.

The wind chimes slept directly until dawn.

The voice of the Yin Kong Gate sounded:

"The time is up... Unfortunately, no one had anything to eat. "

Everyone: .

Heads of households: ...

"This Yinkong Gate, hey, it's really not interesting!"

They waited one night for the results, and the door told them that there was no result.

Those freshmen are all gone.

After a busy night, let alone attack him, I didn't even touch his hair.

Turning his head to look at the wind chimes, he slept full and full of energy.

The man who slept with the wind chimes last night was overjoyed.

I thought: Sure enough, it's right to follow this wind chime.

Others don't feel more upset.

It felt like the tutor had asked you to do duty with another classmate.

But the classmate forgot about it after school and went straight away.

You were left to do it alone, and the next day you came to school and was told by the tutor that you didn't do it.

Blood pressure has come up!

At this time, Yin Kongmen suddenly said lightly:

"The others rest first, wind chimes, Zhang Zhifeng, you two, are you ready?"

Zhang Zhifeng: ???


, you..." Yin Kongmen sneered,

"Did you sleep well?" It's time to get up and move, and if you can dodge an attack from me, I'll let you both have breakfast. "

Hahaha... The division commander is wise! "

Someone immediately made a mockery.

Most of them did not speak, but their faces were full of joy.


Nice job.

They can't wait to see the wind chimes beaten!

Zhang Zhifeng swallowed his saliva twice in fright, turned his head to look at the wind chime, and the wind chime was also confused at this time.

Well... What happened?

I was so sleepy last night, sorry.

Before coming here, he had been training every day and had never slept properly.

So I slept quite comfortably last night.

"Which of you two comes first?"

Yin Kongmen stood forward, frightening Zhang Zhifeng to take two steps back.

"Back what? When you sleep, why don't you retreat? Just you come first. Zhang

Zhifeng wanted to cry now.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with himself, the wind chimes directly fell asleep and went back to sleep!

I saw Yin Kongmen pedaling up in two steps, and slapped a palm on Zhang Zhifeng's shoulder.

Zhang Zhifeng didn't react, and was directly pushed to the ground by his palm, and screamed at the same time.

Yin Kongmen just said lightly:

"Stand up and continue."


"It hurts!"

"Division Commander! I... No! The

faces next to him were smiling, as if they were treating this as entertainment.

At this time, Lei Jing spoke again:

"Come on, come on, bet!" Bet on whether the wind chimes can avoid the attack of the Yin Kong Gate!

"I bet I can! 500,000! When

the other masters heard this, they said

, "Senior Lei, you are underestimating the Empty Gate!"

Originally, they really thought last night that these students could create a miracle and cause some trouble for the Yinkong Gate.

However, it cannot.

Similarly, the wind chime is only a second-order no matter what, can he dodge the attack of the Yin Kong Gate?

Then seal the empty door, don't teach!

"I can't bet, 500,000!"

"Can't..." "


And if you listen to the cold, you are gambling on your ability, and so is Bai Qiling.

So, after a hundred attacks, Zhang Zhifeng was already lying on the ground and couldn't get up.

Sore, whimpering in pain.

The seven-foot man was actually crying.

After Zhang Zhifeng, it was the wind chime.

When I turned my head, I saw that the wind chime was lying on the ground and sleeping back to sleep, and he hadn't woken up yet.

Someone couldn't help but laugh out loud, and the person next to him quickly reminded him:

"Shh, don't laugh, don't wake him up."

Yin Kong's façade walked expressionlessly towards the wind chime, and everyone held their breath, ready to watch a good show!

He walked over to the wind chime, stopped, and looked condescendingly at the sleeping wind chimes on the ground.

With a cold face, he said in a deep voice:

"I'll let you sleep!"

Saying that, he raised his foot and kicked him in the ass.

At this time, the sleeping wind chime, suddenly like a maggot, twisted violently, rolled over, and dodged this attack!

"Eh, hey! Yay, there's breakfast! "

Everyone: ???


Inkong Gate: ....

He's pretending to sleep!

If the head of the household: !!

This liar! Scam me 500,000!

Lei Jing laughed while collecting money, and it was millions in hand!

Although this amount of money is nothing to other homeowners, but....

It's just very upset!

What do you eat in the void?

Can this kick be empty?

Wind Chimes had already croaked his teeth and stood up at this time:

"Hahaha! Commander Xie. Yin

Kongmen's face was also a little ugly at this time, and it was nothing to be dodged by wind chimes.

He hoped that the wind chimes could avoid him with strength.

However, it is a shame to be deceived by him!

At this time, Wind Chime glanced left and right, pretending to be surprised:

"Huh? What about breakfast? It won't be... No, Commander! You wouldn't be unprepared at all, would you? Yin

Kongmen's face sank, indeed as Wind Chime said, he was not prepared at all.

Young age, what kind of breakfast?

I said that last night, just to understand everyone's current physical strength.

It's just that... This was also seen by him?

Yin Kongmen frowned and looked at the wind chimes in front of him, and said lightly:

"The one just now doesn't count, you still have a hundred attacks to hide."

Everyone around was overjoyed:


Hit him with a whoosh!

"You're playing right?"

Wind Chime looked at him unpleasantly, and Yin Kongmen just smiled and said

, "Yes, it's just play, how?"

"Shhh..." Seeing

that this old guy's face is gone, then there is really no way.

"Wait a minute, Commander."

A familiar voice came, and the wind chimes knew without looking at it, it was Chu Sheng.

Yin Kongmen also turned his head to look, and saw Chu Sheng's eyes firm: "

Senior Commander, I am willing to share 50 times for him!"

Wind Chime's heart warmed, but he didn't plan to let Chu Sheng help him share, and just wanted to speak.

Another nice female voice came:

"I, I am willing to help him."

Wind chimes:???

It is Xi Ran who speaks.

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