"Do you eat?"

The wind chimes turned the scarlet demon in his hand.

It was a red, flame-like thing that exuded cold energy.

Chu Sheng shook his head

: "I don't eat, you eat, after all, it's you..." Before

the words were finished, Wind Chime smiled:

"I'll be polite with you, you still take it seriously."

The corner of Chu Sheng's mouth twitched, and he gave a big middle finger to the wind chime.

Wind Chimes smiled, took a sip, and swallowed directly into his stomach.

He actually wanted Chu Sheng to eat it, so that he could improve his strength so that he could protect himself.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

It's better to protect him yourself.

The strength is still in your pocket, which is more reassuring.

After all, Chu Sheng, this guy, is too unreliable.

When that demon is held in his hand, it is so cold!

Wind chimes thought it was like eating popsicles.

But I didn't expect that the thing would burn all the way down his esophagus!

It felt like drinking piping hot boiling water, and I couldn't say anything for a while.

At the same time, in the mouth, there is another smell of houttuynia!

Disgusting no.

Chu Sheng glared and said

, "I'm Zhuo, you're such a warrior... We are all letting go and absorbing slowly, you swallow directly? Is your esophagus unconscious? It's the same as the demon race! "


Wind Chimes coughed violently!

Why didn't you say it earlier?

He really hasn't seen such a thing from the Internet... It seems like common sense.

I could only wipe the corners of my mouth and said with a hoarse voice:

"Cough, what do you know, brother is good at this mouthful."

"Brother Feng is awesome."

At this time, the three children also ran over, lying on their father's body, crying.

But the corpse, one of them, had only an arm left.

They are three children, just ordinary people.

He couldn't see that his father had transformed into a monster at this time.

"Big brother, please save my father! Please! "

Tearing my heart out.

"Sister! Please, save my dad"

One directly grabbed her thighs, tears and snot, and wiped her legs.

Xi Ran looked at a loss:

"This... But your father has..." At

this moment, the wind chimes came over and pointed at the back of the child's neck. Here it comes.

Then he slapped two more palms and knocked the three crying children directly to the ground.

Xi Ran: ...

Chu Sheng: ???

What are you doing!

Seeing the doubtful expressions of the two of them, Wind Chimes just smiled and said,

"It's a little noisy."

Chu Sheng was speechless, and the wind chimes pointed with a smile:

"What about these three?"

The three evil criminals were still in bondage.

The three who were particularly fierce before, after turning into demons, were instigated.

Seeing the wind chimes coming over, the soul is trembling.

Just now they could see his critical hit.

If you are chopped, go straight to heaven!

"Big brother, immortal! Don't kill us! Please, we still have children! And the wife! Don't kill us!

A trace of anger flashed in Chu Sheng's eyes, and he scolded in a deep voice:

"You were full of evil before your death, and now you still want to live?"

The three demons were stunned, their souls trembled, and they trembled:

"I, we have already been good!"

The moment the wind chimes untied the demon binding on their bodies, they knelt directly to the ground and kowtowed madly.


Chu Sheng suddenly smiled, but the expression on his face was angry.

I was really laughed at by anger.

"Only people with evil thoughts will take the initiative to transform into demons in the moment after death, and your current appearance is called Congliang?"

"How did you become a demon? Say ah!

He questioned loudly, and those three monster farts did not dare to put one.

"Wind chimes, no need to talk nonsense with them, kill them directly, we three people have a demon divide, although it is a first-order, it should be a tooth sacrifice."

"Wait a minute."

Wind Chimes stopped him, smiled and turned to look at the three of them:

"I ask you a few questions, and if I answer what satisfies me, then I won't kill you."

"Wind chimes?"

Chu Sheng came to him with a frown.

The wind chime ignored him, sealed the seal with one hand, and the golden light in his hand shone brightly, and at the same time slowly spoke:

"The first question, why were you sent here."

"Second question, how much do you know about this?"

"The third question, Demon Examination Town, what is the meaning of this name."

"The fourth question, do you know anything about the spirit master?"

After speaking, Wind Chime's eyes looked at them indifferently, his hand was placed in front of him, and the golden light shone on his face, making the three little demon souls almost frightened.

Chu Sheng also understood what Wind Chime wanted to do, and did not stop him.

"I, I don't know why I was sent here."

"The people in this town are criminals! Some people have sinned more than me! Go get them!" The

three of them were begging for mercy while talking a bunch of, it seemed, they didn't know anything.

Wind Chime and Chu Sheng glanced at each other, and a fierce color flashed in their eyes.


Three golden rays flashed and sent them to hell.

One demon per person, this time the wind chimes did not swallow directly.

Instead, he learned the appearance of Chu Sheng and Xi Ran, held it in the palm of his hand, and slowly absorbed it.

About 3 minutes, and the demon was absorbed.

In the body of the wind chime, there is still a demon that has just been promoted to the third order, and I don't know if I can advance after absorbing it.

Reminder: This is devouring, not fusion, and the wind chimes are now using the abilities of the spirit master.

As for integration, there must be unity of purpose and desire.

At this time, another layer of golden light rippled in the sky, and the sound of the empty door sounded in everyone's minds again:

[Wind chimes, kill the third-order thousand-faced sheep. ] Ye Qian, killing the second-order eyeless cat, can leave the town early. Others, continue to stay. Of

course, it is impossible for the wind chimes to go, because Chu Sheng is still here.

Ye Qianben, who killed the second-order eyeless cat, came to plan to leave.

But when he heard that the wind chime had killed a third-order thousand-faced sheep, one step higher than the eyeless cat he had killed, he was immediately unconvinced.

So, she has to wait here.

Next time, she's going to win!

After the end of the incident.

Chu Sheng wind chime, Xi Ran, stayed next to the three children, temporarily rested.

Prepare to wait for tomorrow and send these children to their mothers.

"Wind Chime, have you finished digesting it, I want to see the skills you have acquired!"

Chu Sheng looked at the wind chimes with glowing eyes.

He seemed to be happier than he was to acquire the skills himself.

"Huh? Oh, no.

"Not yet? Grind chirp. "

The spirit master of the Nine Ghosts and One Vein, devouring the demon race, can obtain one of its skills of devouring the demon race.

The spirit master can devour the demon race infinitely within the scope of his ability.

However, only one skill can be left in one's own body.

The wind chime had just devoured a thousand-faced sheep, and I didn't know what kind of skill it would open.

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