At this time, Xi Ran next to him smiled and said softly:

"Brother Wind Chime, your luck is very good, that thousand-faced sheep just happened to be promoted to the third order and was defeated by you." The energy in your body is not yet full, and you can just absorb its energy with a second-order body. "

It's also a little trick.

"The third-order thousand-faced sheep, even if it is an ordinary skill, will be much stronger than the second-order."

Wind Chimes raised an eyebrow:

"Oh? You know very well..."

Ran pursed his lips:

"E, my father taught me."

"Tell me?"

Xi Ran nodded and said

, "Generally speaking, a thousand-faced sheep can confer one of the five skills of a spirit master."

[Broken Seal Hoof: Belongs to Physical Cultivation Spiritual

Technique] [Sheep and Sheep Collision: Belongs to Long-range Killing Technique]

"This sheep and sheep collide well... It's just that the name is a bit earthy. "

Wind Chimes thought about it, every time he released a skill, he might be embarrassed to shout out the skill and name.

If you want to acquire this skill, you should change your name.

It's called... Sheep Spirit Rush!

Xi Ran smiled and said, "

There is also a very cute skill name."

[Lazy: Passive skill, lie flat and quickly restore mental power, physical strength, repair your body. Wind

chimes: ....

He has a face full of rejection, not wanting!

It is repeated with his original demon bloodline, and he was broken by Ruo Qianyan before, and it will be fine for half a day.

If you tear off the auspicious talisman and no longer suppress the demon power, it may be fine for a few minutes.

Can that broken [lazy] be repaired faster than the demon bloodline?

"What else?"

I don't feel like these skills are good.

Without thinking, he said,

"And the lamb running... and summoning skills" [

Little Sheep Run: As the name suggests, a skill that can greatly increase speed]

[Summoning skills are to use the spiritual power in the body to conjure up a thousand-faced sheep and let it fight for itself, the consumption is not low, but the strength of the thousand-faced sheep will also increase with the strength of the owner. After

speaking, the whole person of the wind chime was speechless, sitting there and closing himself.

It feels like it's all garbage skills, after all, it's just an ordinary third-order monster.

In the end, he couldn't help but complain:

"Inside the spirit master, who is responsible for naming it?" How about I apply tomorrow? Elementary school students have better names than this! "


"Haha, Lao Wang, he said he was going to your house to work. Do you want it or not. The

head of the family, surnamed Wang, pouted:



Chu Sheng saw that the wind chimes were closed, and said with a smile:

"It's okay wind chimes, this is just an ordinary skill, the skills that everyone obtains may be different, maybe you can get more advanced skills, even, hidden skills?"

"Besides, even if the skill is not satisfied, just go back and devour another youkai and wash off this skill."

Wind Chime nodded when he heard this, and said lightly:

"There should be no more tonight..."

This was followed by another piercing scream, and I don't know what animal made the sound.

The voice of Yin Kongmen sounded in everyone's minds again.

In the town, a pig demon and a bull demon have appeared!

Immediately after, a thousand-faced sheep appeared.

Then, [Six-winged Earth Phoenix] (that is, chicken), [Gray Feather Demon Bird] (duck).

All kinds of strange monsters all jumped out one by one.

It's like at night, a group comes out for a jump.

The night sky is full of all kinds of wailing, and the whole town is filled with the numbing neighing of all kinds of monsters.

In the middle of a small town, you feel like you're surrounded by monsters.

In the dark corners of the distance, you always feel that something is watching you.

Suddenly, there were so many more monsters, which made Chu Sheng a little flustered.

"Master Yin! Give me back my horcruxes!"

He shouted tentatively, and in the next second, the Yin Kong Gate actually appeared in front of him.

Carrying Chu Sheng's backpack in his hand, he threw it directly to him.

When he came out, he glanced at the wind chime, and the wind chime was also looking at him.

The two looked at each other for more than two seconds, and finally Yin Kongmen took a deep look at him, his figure flashed, hidden in the darkness.

Chu Sheng, who got his small arsenal, stood up with a confident face.

A spirit weapon invented by himself in one hand, changed the appearance of the bag just now, and said with a smile:

"Xiran, don't be afraid, I will protect you!" Come one, I'll kill one! "

He who obtained the spirit weapon was like a heavenly god.

Wind Chimes laughed, and couldn't help but mock:

"You can pull you down, your broken thing can't last for three seconds, I don't know where you come from with confidence, it's the same as the gun under you, three seconds at most, three seconds man!"

Chu Sheng: ???

"Fart! It was an accident before! Saying

that, he quickly looked at Xi Ran next to him:

"Cough, Xi Ran, don't listen to his nonsense, I have more than three seconds."

Xi Ran just pursed his mouth, snickered, and nodded slightly.

Since they were watching three sleepy little children.

So there is no intention to strike again tonight.

Throughout the night, monsters were constantly being born.

There was a terrifying sound all the time.

Wind Chimes and the others have been hiding in the shadows, vigilant around.

In the middle of the night, the wind is getting stronger, and the air is full of demon qi.

Xi Ran took off his coat and covered the three children, revealing a pure white short T.

Wind Chime looked at the pure white short T, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind, yes, it was a zipper.

Gee, MD, if that guy is not looking at me now, is it?

He suddenly felt uncomfortable!

If inside the house....

Somehow, Xiao Rui suddenly felt that Ruo Qianyan next to him exuded a murderous aura...

Turning his head to look, he found that the Holy Lady's fists were clenched.

"Saint, Lord Virgin?"


"That... Brother Wind Chime, I will be embarrassed if you look at me like that. Xi

Ran's face was slightly red, and he shrunk a little shyly.

Wind Chime was stunned and scratched his head:

"Eh, I'm sorry, I'm distracted."

"It's okay~

" Seeing this, Chu Sheng just wanted to say something, and among the children who were asleep, one suddenly shouted:

"Help!" Lamb! No! Don't! His

eyes opened sharply, and he gasped with his mouth open.

"Are you all right?"

Xi Ran quickly asked.

Wind Chimes and Chu Sheng also came over.

The child looked at the three people in front of him, his eyes full of doubt and confusion.

After a long time, tears suddenly overflowed in his eyes, and he said in a trembling voice:


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