Seeing the child's appearance, Xi Ran and Chu Sheng both showed distressed expressions.

The two looked at each other, not knowing how to explain the truth to this child.

Xi Ran could only take him into his arms, patting his back while softly whispering:

"Don't cry, don't cry... After

about ten minutes of coaxing, the child fell asleep in her arms.

This kid is about 5 years old.

Chu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Xi Ran with a smile and said

, "Yes, Xi Ran!"

He smiled and said

, "I have a sister, that's how I used to put her to sleep."

Wind Chime looked at all this, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Cows, sheep, pigs, chickens and ducks, criminals....

There seems to be some connection between this!

So he walked in front of Xi Ran.

Xi Ran was puzzled, thinking that Wind Chime also wanted to hug this child.

But I saw him slowly squatting down and approaching the sleeping child.

In his ear, he took a deep breath:

"Get up!"


The child snorted in his arms in fright, and turned his head sharply to look at the wind chime.

His face was full of confusion.

Xi Ran was startled and looked at the wind chimes stunned.

Wind Chimes didn't give him a chance to react, and directly asked:

"When I heard you talk in your dreams just now, I mentioned sheep, did you ever have a sheep in your family?"

The kid was stunned for a second and nodded:

"Little lamb, it's my good friend... But..." said

his small mouth and pouted, tears appeared in his eyes again.

Wind Chimes immediately said

, "However, your father killed him, right?"

"Whew... Hmm..."

he wiped his tears, and when he saw this, he quickly used the gentle Dafa again and began to coax him.

"What are you doing, Wind Chimes."

Chu Sheng was puzzled, Wind Chime's face was a little gloomy, and said lightly:

"I'll go find a trip to Yinkong Gate, you guys wait here."

Without waiting for Chu Sheng to react, he turned his head and prepared to leave.

Chu Sheng originally wanted to follow, but suddenly understood.

Oh, this is the two-person world that Wind Chimes created for himself and Xi Ran!

I get it!

Wind chimes! You are such a good brother to mine!

Seeing the wind chimes running away, he shouted loudly:

"Brother Wind Chimes, you, be careful!"

The wind chime's figure was slightly stunned, and he glanced at Xi Ran half-back, his eyes narrowed slightly, thinking about something in his heart, and finally nodded:


Out of the town, he directly shouted:

"Yin Kongmen!"

The voice just fell.


a ghost, Yin Kongmen appeared in front of him without warning, without speaking.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Wind Chimes said helplessly:

"Don't say anything?"

Yin Kongmen said lightly:

"You already know, what else do I need to say?"

Wind Chime pouted, sat down cross-legged on the ground, looked at the gate of Demon Examination Town in front of him, and waved his hand:

"Sit down, let's talk."

Inkong Gate: ???

You boy, who is the master here, you figure it out.

"Are you the mayor here?"

Wind Chimes suddenly asked.

Yin Kongmen shook his head:


He looked at the town in front of him again, thought for a moment, and slowly spoke:

"The negative energy of human beings will make dead creatures transform into demon races..."

Yin Kongmen nodded and did not speak, and the wind chimes continued:

"This place is full of evil criminals, and the evil thoughts in their hearts have always lingered in this town, which makes the domestic animals that die here every day have a great probability of transforming into demons at night when the yin is heaviest."

The monsters that appeared before were all poultry such as chickens, ducks, cows, sheep and pigs, and the wind chimes felt very strange.

Of course that cat, the exception, as for what it went through... Probably can also think of it.

Inevitably, it is tortured to death.

Yin Kongmen still didn't speak, and Wind Chime continued:

"People kill domestic animals, domestic animals turn into demons, and demons kill people again... When necessary, you intervene to maintain it at a sustainable level. Remain experimental.

"Simply put, this is a building... An experimental base dedicated to the production of demon races, right?

"The test is about what kind of demon races will be produced by different evil thoughts, or negative energy, or under certain conditions, right?"

Speaking of this, the wind chime has basically said a seven-seven-eight-eight, and Yin Kongmen said lightly: "Yes." Took

the words of the wind chime:

"Demon Detection Town is an experimental organization jointly established by the three royal families of the Spirit Master Realm and multiple families, and the test methods of each Demon Inspection Town are different, but its purpose is to understand the demon race, so as to better fight the demon race and protect the world."

A cold wind blew through, and the wind chimes felt a little cold:

"How many such towns are there?"

Yin Kongmen did not speak.

Then the two were silent for a long time, Wind Chime sighed, and slowly spoke

: "I feel a little uncomfortable..."

Yin Kongmen frowned:

"What's unpleasant?"

Wind Chimes pursed his mouth and asked

, "When the thousand-faced sheep was born, you should have been there, right?"

Yin Kongmen nodded, and Wind Chime continued:

"Why did those three children survive in the end?"

He seemed to know what Wind Chimes was trying to say and didn't answer the question.

Wind Chime turned his head to look at him, the two looked at each other, and said in a deep voice:

"Those three children survived, not because the father stopped the thousand-faced sheep, but because the thousand-faced sheep didn't want to kill them at all." Right?

"Otherwise, with the strength of that thousand-faced sheep, those three children would have been swallowed into the stomach long ago!"

"Because, that sheep and those three children are friends..."

"But I killed the thousand-faced sheep, you say, did I do the right thing?" Teachers?

After speaking, Wind Chime smiled.

Yin Kongmen's eyes narrowed slightly, what does this smile mean?

With a smile on his face, he said:

"It is our human evil thoughts, greed, and negative energy that created these monsters, and we gave them a second life!" We are the Great Creator! They should surrender to us! Right?

Yin Kongmen knew that the wind chimes were mocking, and said lightly:

"This is for all mankind, otherwise, you will see a world where monsters are rampant and life is ruined!"

The smile on Wind Chime's face narrowed:

"You say, in this world, are there good demons?"

Yin Kongmen was silent for a moment, and said word by word:

"People, demons, do not stand apart!"

Wind Chime just smiled:

"That division commander, what do you think is a good person?"

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