Without waiting for Yin Kongmen to speak, Wind Chime continued:

"Are good people who don't kill?"

"Are people who contribute to society good people?"

"Those good people... It seems that he was also involved in the process of creating the demon race, right?

"That demon hunting spirit master, is he a good person?"

"Strange... It seems that I remember, among the three royal families, what is the name of one of them? It seems to be killing people indiscriminately, right? Is that a good person?

"Won't the one who kills indiscriminately turn into a demon?" Hey, is this also to protect the world? I don't quite understand. "


he said several words, and when he talked about the Bai family, he suddenly smiled.

Bai Qiling, now he is watching....

Lao Tzu is talking about you, big silly Boichi!

The expression on Bai Qiling's face at this time was very gloomy.

Yin Kongmen's face was very calm, and said lightly:

"No matter what you think, facts have proven that Huaxia is the safest place in the world, and it is also the place that is least invaded by the demon race."

Wind Chimes shrugged:

"Of course I know, but I think, this is not the right answer..."

He shook his head, glanced up at the sky, tilted his head and whispered

: "I don't know..."

Then the two did not speak again, silent for a long time, and after a while the wind chimes suddenly laughed:

"Yin Kongmen, if one day, I start a family, are you willing to join?"

If all the heads of the family are present: ???

They all looked at Ruo Tinghan.

Big brother, this kid pries your little brother in your face, how to say.

Lei Jing suddenly couldn't help but laugh twice:

"This kid, it's a little interesting!"

Yin Kongmen, who had been expressionless, suddenly smiled and did not answer him.

Instead, he picked him up with one hand:

"You boy, since just now, you have been printing empty doors, and the shouts of printing empty doors, the division commander does not add them?" Do you want to die?

Although he was carried, Wind Chimes laughed twice:

"Don't, Master! I was wrong!

Yin Kongmen sneered, and was trying to educate him.

In his body, a breath erupted.

The golden light in the body appeared, and the Yin Kong Gate obviously felt a gravitational pull.

The spiritual power between heaven and earth converged like a torrent towards the body of the wind chime.

This is, advanced!

The wind chimes were also stunned, a little confused....

At the same time, there was an extra strange paragraph in my mind.

Wind Chime frowned and thought, and suddenly his spirit was shocked.

Is that... The skill has awakened!

[Cookie-cutter: You can change into other people's appearance, you can also turn other people into other people's appearance, skill activation restrictions, touched! ] It can store the appearance of 5 people. Duration, half an hour, interruption mode, re-contact of the caster himself. Is

it a skill that Xi Ran has not said, should it be a rare skill?

Although this skill cannot enhance combat power, it can be called a divine skill!

Seeing the happy expression on Wind Chime's face, Yin Kongmen smiled:

"Gained skills? What skills?

Wind Chimes smiled:

"Don't tell you!"

The Bai family was watching, and the wind chimes would definitely not tell him!

"Unless you promise me to join..."

Before he finished speaking, he was thrown to the ground by Yin Kongmen, and at the same time mocked:

"Third order, let me be a thug for you?" It's beautiful to think about. Wind

Chimes smiled:

"I'm serious, you can consider it."

Yin Kongmen didn't pay attention to him anymore, and the wind chime patted the dust on his body, and said lightly:

"I'm almost going back."

Yin Kongmen: "Get out."

"Oh yes, I have another question, is the matter of Demon Examination Town confidential? What does the spiritual master world know?

"Only the families involved in it know."

Wind Chime nodded and thought again:

"What about those children?" What crime did they commit?

Yin Kongmen was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice:

"Not guilty, but their father and mother are criminals, so they need to observe 12 years old here, and if there is no problem, they will be put back into society." Rest assured, until then, we will always protect them from being killed. Wind

Chime's eyes changed when he heard this, and some memories flashed in his mind, his fists clenched, and then slowly released.

"Is it illegal to kill a death row prisoner?"

"What do you want to do?"

He looked at the demon test town in front of him and said slowly:

"I want to try, I think the correct answer."

"No, that's the goal of the experiment."

"Oh, it's a pity..."

said Wind Chime, put his hands in his pockets, and walked nonchalantly towards the demon inspection town, his eyes were not glorious, but firm.

Yin Kongmen looked at the back of the wind chime, stopped in place for a long time, and couldn't help but mutter

: "Do you think... Can you really find the right answer from such a world?" Then

he sighed and disappeared in place.

After returning to Demon Detection Town, he walked very slowly along the way, watching as he went.

The voice of the demon race surrounds, and there are always golden flashes in the distance.

None of the homes on the side of the road have lights on.

He walked slowly all the way back, and by this time all three children had woken up.

All lying in their arms....

Every child had tears on their faces, but they all stopped crying.

Chu Sheng next to him was about to cry.

"Brother Wind Chime, you're back!"

Xi Ran shouted happily.

When the three children heard this, they all looked at the wind chimes.

Although they couldn't see the monsters and spells before, they saw the golden thunder that fell from the sky.

Under Chu Sheng and Xi Ran's explanation, they have already regarded the wind chimes as idols!

Only now he is still immersed in the pain of his father's death.

"Wind Chime, there is a trouble now, none of them have a mother..." Their mother

has long died.

Wind Chime said lightly:

"It's okay, you can't die."

"Eh... The question is..." Wind

Chime interrupted him and told Chu Sheng and Xi Ran all the information he had obtained from Yin Kongmen.

Chu Sheng showed a somewhat shocked expression after hearing this:

"This... And this kind of thing? Then

Wind Chimes asked the three children

, "You three, do you want to live?"

Although the three children were confused, they still nodded.

So the wind chimes stood up:

"Then let's go!"

"Why go, Wind Chimes?"

Wind Chimes did not speak, took them to the outside of a household, and directly turned in.

"Hey, Wind Chime, what the hell are you going to do?"

I saw him walk to the door, raise his legs, and kick the door open!

Moonlight spilled in, illuminating a sleeping strong man on the bed in the room.

He slept quite soundly, and there was such a big movement outside, which could not affect his sleep at all.

After all, it is a death row prisoner, and people die here every day, get used to it.

He knew that it was useless to worry, so it was better to get a good night's sleep.

The wind chimes frightened him and immediately sat up from the bed, thinking that it was finally his turn.

His face was puzzled at first, and after seeing Wind Chime and the others, he showed an angry expression:

"Who are you stepping on the horse?" What the!

The wind chime moved his muscles and bones, and said lightly:

"It's nothing, you just lie down, I'll give you a massage."

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