"Huh? What a smell, so disgusting..." Just

opened the door and didn't smell it, standing in the doorway for a few seconds.

A smell of blood, rot came to my face.

Ling Xiran, Chu Sheng, and the three children couldn't help but take two steps back.

The wind chime looked cold, sealed with one hand, and the thought moved, and the spiritual power in the body urged.


A flame rose in the palm of his hand.

The light of the flame illuminated this foul-smelling room.

The ground was dried up and covered with cracked blood, and under the walls lay several incomplete, decomposed corpses.

The wall behind the body was strewn with mottled blood.

Blood stains fell down the wall, that eerie and terrifying appearance.

Ling Chusheng put on the mask of pain and couldn't help but gag a little.

Xi Ran screamed, and quickly squatted down to take all three children into his arms.

"Don't look, don't look!"

This town is like that, from time to time there are new people escorted in, but there are so many houses.

As a result, there is such a drama of fratricidal and turf fighting.

This is just one part of the experiment.

"Let them see..." the

voice of the wind chimes was a little muffled.

Xi Ran was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled.

"If you want them to live, let them see."

He knew that these three children had definitely not seen this kind of scene.

When they live in the hut, there must be other criminals knocking on the door and grabbing the land.

Their father must have killed in front of them.

Although Xi Ran didn't understand, he still listened to the words of the wind chimes and let go of them.

The three children, trembling with fear, their legs trembling.

No matter how much they have seen, they are just children after all.

"Cao Nima's, what do you want to do?"

The man on the bed pulled out a large knife directly from under his pillow, shining brightly.

Jumped viciously out of bed.

"Death to Lao Tzu!"

With a loud shout, he rushed towards the wind chimes and others with a knife.


Seeing the man rushing over, the three children who had not dared to make a sound just now were so frightened that they immediately screamed and threw themselves into Xi Ran's arms.

The wind chime clenched his fist and extinguished the flame in the palm of his hand, and the room in front of him went dark again.

The man turned into a large black shadow, like a ghost, and quickly rushed towards the wind chime.

In the dark, only when the moonlight shines on the big knife, there will be a flash of cold.

In the darkness, there is also a golden light, which lights up in the eyes of the wind chimes.

He stepped forward and met the cold light, not dodging or dodging.

He raised his hand and said softly,

"Force Shield."

Ping ping -

the golden light in the room appeared, and in the palm of the wind chime's hand, a palm-sized shield appeared.

The big knife slashed at it, unable to inch.

But the criminal could not see the shield, and in his eyes, the wind chimes were receiving the white blade empty-handed.

Frightened, he looked at the wind chimes in front of him stunned.

He saw anger in the eyes of the wind chimes, which seemed to be even angrier than his anger...

Suddenly, the wind chimes squatted, and the criminal subconsciously wanted to retreat.

But the speed of the wind chimes, how could he dodge?

Before he could react, a punch had already hit his stomach.

Without using any spiritual magic, it all made him feel like his stomach was about to be pierced!

There was not even time to cry out for pain, and the wind chimes had already trampled him to the ground.

One kick and stomped his wrist!


the crisp sound of the knife falling to the ground, and the pitiful roar of the criminal.


He convulsed wildly and roared on that dried blood.

"What are you going to do? I didn't kill these people! I'm innocent! Wind

Chime slowly squatted down and sneered:

"Innocent? What an innocent murderer..." "What an innocent murderer..."

he thought for a moment and grinned:

"Then you will be me, a passing executioner, right?"

He crouched in front of the criminal, against the light, and the criminal could not see the smile on his face.

But I feel that my bones are cold!

The indiscernible smile of the wind chimes is cooler than the cold ground!

"It's really not me! Please, don't kill me, what the hell are you going to do... I beg you! Spare me! Seeing

that the criminal begged for mercy, Wind Chime just pouted and said lightly:

"Me? I have come to send you filthy soul to contribute to this world. You're welcome. With

that, he raised his hand and pumped a big pocket in his face.

Fanned the corners of his mouth and shattered his teeth.

This slap made him roll his eyes and faint directly.

Then the wind chimes grabbed him by the collar and lifted him directly from the ground.

Holding him, he slowly walked towards the confused people at the door.

"Wind chimes? You? Chu

Sheng looked at the wind chime suspiciously, and the wind chime just threw the unconscious criminal in front of Chu Sheng, and said with a smile:

"Help me take him, let's go to the next house."

This night, everyone else is hunting demons.

Wind chimes, on the other hand, go door to door to kick in doors.

Don't say anything, rush in and beat the people inside, knock them out and take them away!

On the walls of the third house hung many torture instruments, small leather whips, chains, etc., strange things.

It happens that the wind chimes are used to bind those people, and it can be regarded as the best use of things.

At this time, all the masters of the Ruo family couldn't help but wonder when they saw this scene:

"What does this kid want to do?"

"Master Ruo, let Yin Kongmen arrest this kid!"

"Pure to make trouble!"

Lei Jing smiled and said:

"Eh, Patriarch Chen, don't be in a hurry, let's take a look, I'm also curious about what he wants to do."

Hearing Lei Jing say this, the heads of the family had to shut their mouths.

More than an hour passed, and Chu Sheng was speechless:

"What do you want to do, do you want to exhaust me?"

At this time, he was holding five ropes in his hands, and each rope dragged a criminal who was beaten to death.

Wind Chimes glanced back and thought for a while, "


So he walked over, shared three for Chu Sheng, and dragged those criminals to run wildly in this town.

Blood stained, dragged on a long street.

But those few criminals did have thick blood bars, and none of them died.

Running and running, I suddenly heard a boom ahead!

In the distance, several spiritual masters shouted:

"Run! It's crazy!

"Master Yin! Help me!

Then three embarrassed spirit masters appeared in the field of vision of Wind Chimes and the others, and fled towards Wind Chime.

He was followed by a giant wild boar seven meters tall with sharp fangs on its mouth.

In the scarlet demon pupils, there was a bloodthirsty light.

A pig roared, sharp and piercing, frantically chasing the three spirit masters.

When the three spirit masters saw Wind Chimes and the others, they immediately shouted, "Help."

Wind Chime pulled the three criminals in his hand, looked at the pig demon rushing in front of him, and said with a smile:

"It's decided it's you!"

"Chu Sheng! Give me the criminals! Chu

Sheng was puzzled, but still handed the rope in his hand to the wind chime.

I saw him pulling the five criminals and running towards the huge pig demon that was rushing towards him.

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