The fleeing spirit master was a little puzzled when he saw him running towards him.

What does this guy want to do?

However, the terrifying pig demon behind them still forced them to continue running.

When the wind chimes pulled five criminals with big flowers and passed them.

With golden light in his eyes, he shouted:

"Demon Binding Technique!"

"Chu Sheng!"

The tacit understanding between the two no longer needed to say anything, and Chu Sheng immediately made a seal:

"Here!" Demon Bondage! "

At this time, the wind chimes are already of the third order, and the effectiveness of the demon binding technique is much stronger than before.

Two third-order spirit masters, releasing demon binding at the same time.

Even a pig demon with a height of seven meters can be easily bound.

I saw that under the huge hooves of the pig demon, golden chains suddenly appeared.

Tripping it, the whole pig slammed to the ground, and the chains were visible to the naked eye, all over its body.

It can only be uncontrolled because of the inertia rolling towards the wind chimes.

Like a huge van, crashing towards the wind chimes.

In front of him, the wind chimes looked a little small like that mantis arm as a car.

And he just smiled and raised his hand, stood in front of him, and drank intently:

"Force and shield!"

Bang -

with a loud bang, sand and dust filled.

The three people who had escaped before also stopped and looked back breathlessly.

The three of them were just second-order spirit masters, but they encountered a fierce pig demon and were so scared that they couldn't release their spiritual skills.

"Wind chimes!"

Chu Sheng shouted and ran forward.

Because of the dust, he couldn't see the current condition of the wind chimes and was a little worried.

A cold wind blew and the sand and dust dispersed.

I saw the wind chimes squatting in front of the pig demon's pig head, reaching out and gently patting its brain.

It looked very gentle, as if he had raised the pig.

It's just that the pig's head alone is already bigger than his entire person!

"From today onwards, you will follow me, and I will give you these five bastards behind me to eat, how about it?"

He said with a smile.


What is he saying?

Chu Sheng was also stunned when he heard this.


The pig demon seemed unwilling and struggled violently.

"Wind chimes! Be careful! Chu

Sheng immediately sealed the seal with one hand, wanting to make this pig demon honest.

Seeing this, Wind Chime frowned, raised a fist as big as a sandbag, Bang!

Gave it a punch in the pig's head!


The pig's head immediately bulged out a big bag the size of a wind chime's head.

Pig Demon: ???

The huge eyes turned to the wind chime, saw his gloomy face, and suddenly a fear of loss rose in his heart....

If you always feel disobedient, you will be hit by his punch in the next second!

The main thing is that there is an aura on the body of the wind chime that makes it feel very strange....

He seems to be human, but like, like himself?

Staying by his side is inexplicable.

It's just that the smell on the body makes it a little hungry....

Never smelled, such a fragrant human being!

That's because of the half-demon bloodline in the wind chime's body.

"Do you understand what I say?"

Wind Chimes asked again.

It can be clearly seen that the pig demon swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Wind Chime frowned, raised his fist again, and threatened:



The pig demon who was still imposing just now suddenly began to hum.

At the same time, the fat pig's head rubbed on the ground, seemingly nodding.

Seeing this, Wind Chimes smiled:

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you can't speak."

Saying that, he also touched its head, and then threw the five criminals in front of it:

"I will give you the five of them to eat, and from today onwards, you will follow me!" What do you think! "

The pig demon is puzzled....

But seeing the fist in Wind Chime's hand, it still nodded!

So Wind Chime smiled and untied the demon binding technique on its body, and at the same time let Chu Sheng also untie it.

"No, Wind Chime, you don't really believe that this demon clan will listen to you, do you?"


"You..." In

the next second, the chains on the pig demon were bound and all disappeared.

Wind Chimes smiled and touched its pig's head:

"Get up."

So the ground shook, and the pig demon, who was more than seven meters tall, stood up from the ground.

In front of the wind chime, like a mountain, staring at the doubtful demon pupil staring at the wind chime.

Those demon pupils, how terrifying and gloomy they look.

Those present did not even dare to blink their eyes.

Afraid of the blink of an eye, the next second I saw that the wind chimes were stomped into meat puree by it.

Chu Sheng's heart accelerated even more frantically, holding his breath, and shouting in his heart: Wind

chimes! What the hell are you doing! Run! Damn it!

I saw Wind Chime smile and raise his hand:

"Come here, touch your head!"


Are you looking for death!

At this time, on the Heavenly Master Peak of the Ruo family, there was no sound, and all the family masters frowned and looked at the wind chimes on the screen.

The pig demon looked at the wind chime, and in his huge nostrils, he breathed roughly.

Every breath blows up the hair of the wind chimes and blows his clothes into a hunting sound.

At this time, its walnut-sized brain is spinning rapidly, thinking.

Seeing that he didn't react, Wind Chime spoke again:

"What's wrong?" Haven't figured it out yet?

"Do you know how many people like me in this town can kill you with one punch?"

"You are a demon, they are human, they will definitely kill you."

"But, as long as you are my little brother, from now on, I will cover you!"

"If you want, come and let me touch my head."

After saying that, a smile appeared on the face of the wind chime, and the pig demon was silent for a long time, and suddenly snorted.


Then he was really in front of the wind chime, and slowly lowered his head.

The huge pig's head carefully came to the front of the wind chime.

"Haha! How obedient!

He laughed twice, rubbing his hand on the pig demon's head.

The pig demon rolled his eyes while humming, his head swaying slightly, obviously refreshed by the wind chimes.

Those present, whether it was the three spirit masters before, or Chu Sheng and Xi Ran, all showed shocked expressions.

Really tamed by him?

Is it that simple to tame the demon race?

That's not right!

By what?

Seeing this, Chu Sheng immediately ran over.

But when he approached, the pig demon stared at him and howled at him.

Wind Chimes frowned, and immediately said:

"Eh! Don't call it, this is also my good brother, but he came before you, he is my second brother, you are the third brother, you have to call him second brother! Do you understand? "

Chu Sheng: ???

"Fuck your uncle, you are the second brother!"

Wind Chimes laughed twice and threw the criminals who were tied up in front of the pig demon.

The pig demon showed a somewhat hesitant expression, in disbelief.

Are you sure?

Is this true?

And this kind of good thing?

Wind Chimes clenched his teeth and shouted,

"Eat as much as you want!"

Subsequently, because the picture was too bloody, many people frowned.

Wind Chime, however, was always smiling, and suddenly looked up and shouted into the sky:

"I didn't kill them, it's none of my business."

At this time, the heads of the Ruo family each frowned their own brows.

If the Lord listened to the cold, his face was still smiling.

He seemed to be paralyzed, and from beginning to end, he did not change his expression.

The corners of Lei Jing's mouth almost rose to the ceiling.

His eyes were always fixed on the wind chimes, and he didn't know that he wanted to gay him.

As for Bai Qiling... Facial paralysis No. 2.

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