While the pig demon is feasting.

Wind Chimes smiled and walked over to the three children, their eyes trembling with fear.

When they passed by the three spirit masters, they were scared to take several steps back.

There was even one person who sat on the ground in fear.

He just glanced at them, didn't bird them, and walked straight to the three children.

Crouching in front of them, he smiled and asked,

"Did you see them all?"

The three children looked at the wind chimes and trembled with fear.

They couldn't see the monster, they just knew that those five criminals, in front of the wind chimes, inexplicably, were splashed with blood and torn to pieces!

So he quickly nodded, and at the same time kept leaning on Xi Ran, hoping that Xi Ran could protect them.

In this regard, Wind Chimes just smiled:

"Don't be afraid, this is the end of the wicked."

"I believe you are all good boys, so you are safe."

"But... One thing I want you to remember.

He smiled, his gaze swept over the three children, and said softly:

"People are doing, the sky is watching, the wicked, there is a harvest!"

Saying that, the smile on his face slowly disappeared, and his eyes were cold:

"If the sky does not collect, I will accept it!"

"Got it?"

The three children nodded frantically in fright, like pounding garlic, and they looked quite cute.

They will never forget what happened tonight for the rest of their lives.

Can't forget, the expression of the wind chimes.

Can't forget what he said!

Seeing this, Wind Chimes smiled and touched their heads:

"From today onwards, I will send a divine beast to guard you, as long as you are always so well-behaved, it will always guard you, understand?"

"Divine beast! Where are the mythical beasts? "

One of the children heard the divine beast and seemed to be very excited.

Wind Chime smiled and said in a coaxing tone:

"Divine beast, of course you can't see it, but I can take you to feel its huge body!"

"Yay! I'm going to! Then

Wind Chimes took the three children and sat on the back of the pig demon.

"Wow! It's really a mythical beast! That's awesome! I'm flying! Wuhu! "

The three children forgot all the sadness before.

Although he still pulled the arm of the wind chime in fear, his face was full of smiles.

The child's world is that simple.

However, it is not for nothing that he was born a devil.

Fortunately, the three of them are not.

The pig demon was full of food and drink, and it was also upside down.

It seems to have played with the four of them.

Chu Sheng on the ground was staring blankly at the wind chimes on the back of the pig demon.

He really felt that the wind chimes were so strange!

However, it is so familiar....

Xi Ran looked at the three children and the happy appearance of the wind chimes.

There was an unconcealable smile on his face.

Can't help but whisper:

"Brother Wind Chime... It's so gentle..." Chu

Sheng turned his head to look at Xi Ran when he heard this, and saw a different demeanor in her eyes.

My heart was suddenly broken!


At this time, in the sky, Er Bai Dao felt that his brain was a little strange.

After taking a look, he found that the crow was touching his head.

Touch your head~


"Sky Raven? What are you doing on a horse? While

touching the brain of the two hundred knives, the heavenly crow learned the appearance of wind chimes, and said to the two hundred knives:

"Be our little brother!"

Two hundred knives: ???


Okay, feelings you are all big brothers, just me a little brother?

"Get out!"

When Tiancrow heard this, he withdrew his hand, looked at the wind chime, pondered for a moment, and sighed:

"It is worthy of being a young master!"

Two hundred knives directly rolled his eyes:

"You are really sick!" Cure!

"Don't you really want to? Thinking about it?

He asked again seriously.

"Get out!"

"Forget it, sure enough, I still have to be the young master of my family... It is worthy of being a young master!

"Then can you give me another Hanako?"

Two hundred knives: ....

You just want to me, right?


At this time, the voice of the Yin Kong Gate sounded

: [South of the town, newborn demon clan, six-winged earth phoenix (chicken)...]

The wind chime on the main back suddenly smiled when he heard this, and quickly patted the pig demon under him:

"Pig head pig!" Let's go! Go find your fourth brother! "

Roar -

the pig-headed pig raised its head to the sky with a long roar, carrying wind chimes all the way with sparks and lightning.

Chu Sheng: ???

Hog-headed pig?

Your name level, do you mean to say others?

You better not apply!

No, wait a minute.

"Hey! Wind chimes! Wait for me! "

Throughout the night, Wind Chimes was running around with his little brothers, looking for new little brothers.

Of course, not all youkai can hear the words of the wind chime.

However, now there is no need for wind chimes to shoot.

Disobedient, a group of little brothers behind him rushed directly and beat them up chaotically!

If you beat up obediently, you will keep it.

Those who are still disobedient will be killed directly, distributed to Chu Sheng and absorbed by Xi Ran.

It is worth mentioning that Chu Sheng and Xi Ran already have the skills of the demon race on them.

Absorbing demons has two purposes.

One is to change skills, and the other is to strengthen one's own strength.

The two methods are also absorbed in different ways.


At dawn.



could clearly feel that the town was trembling violently.

It was the movement made by Wind Chimes and his younger brothers.

Just one night passed, and behind the wind chime, there were six monsters.

With three children, Chu Sheng, and Xi Ran, sitting on the back of a pig's head pig.

Followed by five monsters, one after the other, followed slowly in an orderly manner.

Even the smallest ones are more than two meters tall!

Walking on the road, all the spirit masters showed doubtful expressions.

This guy... What are you doing?

Why are there so many youkai behind him?

"Brother Wind Chime! Why are you so powerful! "

Teach me, Brother Wind Chime!"

One night passed, and the three children had completely regarded the wind chimes as their idols.

Chu Sheng has now slowly accepted this setting.

Wind chimes this guy, it seems, inexplicably, quite popular with monsters?

He didn't know that it was simply because of the bloodline in the wind chime.

So he whispered a reminder:

"Wind chime, you better be careful, demon race, it is easy to backtrack..."

Unlike the Royal Beast World, which has a contract existence.

Maybe one day it will swallow you alive....

Wind Chime just smiled and patted the pig-headed pig under him:

"Don't worry, they won't, right?"


-birds spread their wings, and beasts chirp in unison!

The scene is very spectacular, it really makes the spiritual masters on the side of the road look stupid....

So, Lao Tzu didn't see a monster in the middle of the night last night, and all his feelings became his little brother?

Wind Chimes laughed:

"Go, take you to breakfast!"

Eat, of course, those criminals!

In the days that followed.

Wind Chimes asked his little brothers to wait outside the town during the day and clean up the criminals themselves.

At night, you can see it.

A line of monsters, walking around the town without people.

It's as if this town is their territory.

Those new spirit masters could only stand on the side of the road, shivering and watching, and no one dared to make a move.

Do you dare to move?

I wouldn't dare anyway....

Because a few days passed, the monster behind the wind chimes lined up a whole street!

It's not him you messed with, it's the demon of the entire demon inspection town!

It was also because of the wind chimes that caused the freshman trial in the entire Demon Examination Town to have to stop.

He is like a bandit, whenever a new demon clan appears, he will flock with his younger brothers.

Either turn it into a new little brother, or beat yourself to absorb it.

There is no one else's share at all.

Many people are complaining about wind chimes and shouting about empty doors.

But there was no movement at the Inkkong Gate.

They are angry, not that they can't get demons, they can't increase their strength.

After all, the demon is a thing everywhere, and it takes more or less to join the three royal families.

They are angry that the limelight is all stolen by the wind chimes alone!

As a result, they were unable to express themselves before the lords.

Yin Kongmen didn't know why, it seemed to have disappeared in the past two days.

The owners of the Ruo family are very upset now....

Can this newborn trial continue!?

But the head of the three royal families did not say anything, and they did not dare to say it.

That night, Wind Chimes walked their little brothers as usual.

Waiting for the birth of a new little brother.

Chu Sheng suddenly noticed that there was a person in the distance in front of him, and quickly pulled the wind

chime: "Wind chime, that person in front... The strength is very strong! That

person was dressed in a black robe, and from far away, Chu Sheng felt the powerful sense of oppression on his body!

Wind Chime looked up, suddenly smiled, and patted gently:

"Pig head pig, stop quickly."

The pig-headed pig took the order, and immediately stopped with a group of monsters.

Then the wind chimes shouted to the front:

"Elder Town! You, finally gave up? "

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