
The surrounding melon-eating spirit masters all looked forward.

At the same time, I was overjoyed.

Great, finally someone came out to take care of this guy.

He must not be allowed to be like this again, lawless.

In the dark, the man stood in the middle of the road, expressionless.

Raised his head to look at the wind chimes on the back of the pig's head and pig, and did not speak.

Wind Chimes laughed and jumped off the pig's head pig, turned around and shouted at the youkai behind him:


Bang - the

pig-headed pig in front squatted sharply, like a dog, and sat directly on the ground.

Then, the long row of monsters in the back, like dominoes, sat down one after another.

This terrifying discipline made the spirit masters who ate melons around them stunned.

Don't understand how exactly wind chimes do it?

Isn't he a third-order?

Why can so many demon races be tamed?

In fact, in the past few days, in order to fight against wind chimes, many people want to follow him.

But it couldn't be done at all, and those demon races didn't obey at all.

Either pretend to be obedient and then suddenly attack.

Or, while still trying, it is snatched away by the wind chimes that rush out.

This demon hunting trial seems to have become a small game for wind chimes.

After seeing that all the youkai behind him were seated, Wind Chime turned and walked towards the mayor.

The two of them kept staring at each other, and he was very wary of every step.

Although this town mayor did not release the breath in his body.

But the faint pressure in the air made him feel very dangerous.

This person is definitely not something he can deal with.

However, he is not panicked.

Although the crow didn't know where to go, the wind chimes also knew their current situation.

He guessed that his identity, in the Imperial Three Family, was likely to have been exposed.

But it's not particularly bad news.

The good news is that they all think they are spiritual masters.

Then there is still a trick.

The identity of the spirit master is a talisman.

You can pretend to join two other families besides the Bai family and use them as a backer.

It's better to be the Lei family!

Why don't you want to join Ruojia?

Because there is a violent woman who is light!

So the wind chimes are rejected in their hearts, and they always feel that if they are close to her, something bad will happen.

In short, since it is a thigh sent over, then hold it first, and then talk about the things later.

Lead this town mayor out to see what kind of attitude the Royal Three Family has towards him.

Just confirm your conjecture.

From the Yinkong Gate alone, the wind chimes are not too sure.

This matter is not directly related to the Yin Kong Gate.

Only people who have a direct interest in this town can better prove it.

The closer he got to the mayor, the slower he walked, and he gradually saw the mayor's appearance.

The figure is not very tall, maybe only more than one meter seven.

There was a lifeless feeling, standing there, like a tombstone in the middle of the road.

The skin is not white, but you can see the dark circles around his eyes.

When you go to a certain range.

Out of nowhere, 6 spirit masters appeared, landing around the wind chimes and surrounding him.

Seeing Chu Sheng's heart tightened, someone around couldn't help but say:

"He's really finished this time, right?"

"Absolutely, which mayor can stand such a mess in someone else's town?"

"He has killed a lot of townspeople in the past few days, and he must sit on the bottom of the prison!"

Someone gloated and laughed.

Wind Chime glanced at the six spirit masters, the strength of those people did not have such a strong sense of oppression.

But the moment he turned his head, when he turned his head.

That lifeless town mayor, I don't know when, has already arrived in front of him!

So frightened that the wind chimes twitched their hearts!

"Wind chimes!"

Chu Sheng shouted in fright, and immediately jumped off the back of the pig's head.

Bang -

the earth trembled violently!

Roar -

The monsters behind them who saw all this all stood up and roared.

At the back, like dominoes, they stood up one by one.

So many monsters roared in unison, the momentum was extraordinary, and the sound and waves brought a violent wind.

The glass of the roadside hut was trembling.

The spirit masters who ate melons around were frightened, and they all retreated to the wall, for fear that these monsters would go crazy and trample themselves to death with their feet.

"It's okay, don't panic."

The wind chimes did not look back, but reached out and shouted.

When the words fell, the monsters also stopped roaring, but they still looked at the mayor and the wind chime.

The surrounding melon-eating spirit masters were glad in their hearts that they hadn't provoked the wind chimes before.

At the same time, I also hope that the mayor of the town can treat him well!

"Hello mayor!"

Wind Chimes saluted him unhurriedly.

The mayor raised his somewhat sunken eyes and looked at the youkai behind the wind chime.


What are you doing?"

The voice is low and low, cold feeling.

Wind Chime just wanted to speak, but he continued:

"Adultery, murder, capital crime."

It wasn't loud, but everyone present heard it.

That indifferent voice seemed to have pronounced the death sentence of Wind Chime.

Wind Chime was silent for two seconds, and suddenly laughed:

"Demon? Mayor, I'm a demon.

Saying that, Wind Chime raised his hand and shouted again:



knock, knock.... Those fierce and vicious, huge monsters, as if they had been rehearsed in advance, gave face to the wind chimes very much.

A smile appeared on Wind Chime's face:

"As for killing, the mayor, what do you call killing people, and what do I call killing?"


So what?

So what's that?

The people present were confused and a little unable to understand what the wind chimes were saying.

The truth of Demon Examination Town, currently known, is only the three people of Wind Chime.

"I'm just making a new one for you, I wonder if the mayor is interested in hearing it?"

He looked at the man in front of him with a smile.

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