The mayor frowned slightly, stared at the wind chimes, and after two seconds, said lightly:

"Follow me."

Wind Chimes smiled and saluted:


It can be seen that the mayor of the town does not want to expose the experiment.

Yin Kong Men also did not cheat the wind chimes, and only a few people knew about the experiment.

So, he glanced back at Chu Sheng, and waved his hand with a smile at the confused Chu Sheng.

Then he glanced at Xi Ran next to him and said with a smile:

"You can just wait for me here!"

When Xi Ran saw that he was talking to himself, he immediately shouted:

"Got it, Brother Wind Chime!"

Wind chimes also smiled.

Turning his head, his face became a little gloomy.

So, how did Xi Ran know?

Could it be that he is a person from the Royal Three Family?

The mayor of the town took the wind chimes to a forest outside the town and stopped in it.

Several spirit masters behind him immediately stepped forward and sealed at the same time.

The golden light in his hand burst out, and then several golden rays hit a large tree in front of him.

I saw that the big tree suddenly twisted.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding space was distorted, and the appearance was dizzying.

In the next second, the trees disappeared, and in their place, a large villa.


Wind chimes were secretly shocked, this is a good thing.

As soon as the door of the villa opened, the wind chimes saw many people inside.

The environment is very noisy and surrounded by various sounds.

It feels very busy and out of place with this desert island.

[North of the town, the sheep that died the day before yesterday, the soul negative energy filling value: 95%, about to turn into a demon, due to the low efficiency of negative energy, predicted type: 30% of the thousand-faced sheep, 60% of the swift sheep spirit

] [Predicted talent skills: strength type, swift class

...] [Prediction given skills: 50% jumping, 50% desperate impact

] [Dead today, pig...]

Wind chimes listened to what they said, Looking at the information recorded on various screens, I was surprised in my heart.

Can this be measured?

Then they should already know that after devouring a thousand-faced sheep, they have obtained the [cookie-cutter] skill?

The hole cards are exposed!

No way!

After Wind Chimes decided to go out, he immediately killed another demon and pretended to wash his skills.

He is now a third-order and can devour three youkai and has three skills.

Keep [cookie-cutter] and show people with another skill.

I have to say that this experimental base is indeed two hits!

Following the mayor up to the second floor and into his office, the world went quiet.

Inside the office, there is a wall, all of which is surveillance.

Every corner of the town is projected on that wall.

The monitor doesn't see the monsters.

But there was a radar next to it, and there were many red dots.

There is a string of red dots, lined up, that is the little brothers of the wind chimes.

"What do you want to do?"

The mayor sat down in his office chair and said in a deep voice:

"If you can't satisfy me, then don't think about going back today."

At this time, only the two of them were left in the office.

Wind Chimes glanced around, and there was no chair in this office....

So he came to his desk and said with a smile:

"Mayor, do you want to study it, if there is no interference from the spirit master, there are no natural enemies." What kind of ecology will the demon race form?

The mayor's expression did not change when he heard this, but he said softly:

"Is there any point?"

"Of course! This is sociology, you know? You should understand, after all, the lab boss, hehe. Wind

Chime smiled and said

, "Look, every time you create a monster, after obtaining the data, you directly kill it, right?"

"That's a pity, it's better to study it again!" Put them in a town with no people and see how they develop. Will it develop into a human-like society?

The mayor sneered when he heard this:

"No, because this race will kill each other."

"I don't think so."

Wind Chimes smiled and said

, "Mayor, don't discriminate against the demon clan, people, not all are good people, right?" Otherwise, aren't those people in this town considered people?

"Look at my little brothers, aren't they cute?"

"People, they don't have to be rolled up at birth, do they? Not the oppression of the surroundings, who does not want to lie flat? "

The environment makes character."

"Are those man-eating monsters by their nature, or are they forced by people to survive?"

"The demon race doesn't have to eat or work, they only need to absorb the negative energy of the world to maintain their lives. Their only natural enemy is the Spirit Master.

"The meaning is that if this demon town can be achieved, then their strength will stagnate and they will no longer be able to pose a big threat to humans."

"If it can be done, then this experiment can not also be put into human society?" The powerful demon race is a minority after all, and there are still organizations with discipline, and now that the spirit master is powerful, they will not come out to find trouble. Only those weak demon races, demon races without any constraints, are the existence that gives the spirit master a headache.

Wind Chime said, the mayor in front of him was still unmoved, there was no expression on his face, and his face was full of disinterest.

So he paused, smiled and said

, "Of course, I know that this is not enough to convince you."

"But what if you put auspicious charms on them all?"

Speaking of auspicious charms, the mayor of the town, who had been unmoved in front of him, raised his eyes slightly.

Seeing that he finally reacted, Wind Chime immediately continued:

"Look at the demon race, put on the auspicious charm, after becoming a human, what special living habits will there be, can't it also help you find the hidden demon race in the world?"

"As far as I know, at present, there is no machine to detect auspicious charms, so it is better to start from another angle. Isn't it good? "

Build a town that simulates human life, filled with youkai with auspicious charms. Let them work, trade, and live exactly the human way.

"Since the auspicious charm is currently a black product, why not turn him into a clear product and distribute it, but it must be recorded."

"It can even bring them into real human society."

"Having so much more labor at once is also beneficial to human society, right?"

The mayor, who had been silent, suddenly snorted coldly:

"Hmph... You just want me to keep your little brothers."

Wind Chimes smiled when he heard this:

"Then of course, otherwise why would I waste so much tongue with you?" And you say, is this going to work? "

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