The mayor did not speak, but was silent for a long time.

Seeing this, Wind Chime smiled and said

, "Don't tell me, the Imperial Third Family, you are reluctant to pay for that auspicious charm." One is 30,000 yuan, right?

After a while, the mayor slowly said

, "Okay, you can go."

Wind Chimes were stunned when they heard this:

"So, you agreed?"


Wind Chimes: ....

"Mayor, I suddenly thought of a new experiment! You might as well listen to me again..."

"Don't listen,."

Wind chimes:???


In vain Lao Tzu has so many tongues, it is hateful....

After that, the wind chimes were driven out of the laboratory.

It's not without gains.

At least Wind Chimes probably understood the attitude of the other two to themselves in addition to the Bai family.

As for his little brothers, there was no way, he tried his best.

After the wind chimes left, Yin Kong Door slowly walked into the office.


The mayor glanced at Yin Kongmen and said lightly:

"Turn back, I'll send his little brothers to No. 78 Demon Inspection Town."

In fact, what the wind chimes said, the spirit master has long had a corresponding experimental base.

It's just that the mayor didn't tell him.

Yin Kongmen smiled when he heard this:

"You will actually be moved by him?"

The mayor said lightly:

"I just think he is noisy." Besides, after all, it is the person who wants to stay above. Otherwise, I wouldn't even bother to listen to his nonsense. What a lot of.

Yin Kongmen smiled and looked at the wind chimes on the screen.

After going back, Chu Sheng and Xi Ran kept asking him what happened.

He didn't say it, just scolded a few words.

But what I didn't expect was that at night, a spirit master suddenly found the wind chime.

Gave him dozens of auspicious charms!

That's all money!

"The mayor agreed?"

He was pleasantly surprised to ask the spirit master who had come to deliver the auspicious charm.

The spirit master did not speak, and left directly.

In fact, the mayor of the town is gambling with this auspicious charm that the wind chimes will return.

He wanted Wind Chimes to think that these monsters would really stay here.

If he comes back one day, just leave him in his laboratory and work for Lao Tzu!

It just so happens that he is almost retiring and lacks a successor.

"Hey, hey... Pig-headed pig, the strength may be a little big, you bear with it. "


a pig-killing cry sounded, and the huge pig demon in front of him suddenly exploded into a black gas and spread out.

In the next second, the scattered black qi was pulled back by something, gathering in a small body in front of him.

After the surrounding black qi was all absorbed by that small body...

A naked little girl with a pig's nose stood in front of the wind chimes.

Wind Chime, Chu Sheng, Xi Ran: ???

None of them expected that the pig-headed pig, who was seven meters tall and had extraordinary momentum....

It's actually a sow!?


She has a pig nose, smiles and snorts, looks cute, this guy can't talk yet.

It's just, the auspicious charms are all pasted, how can there be a pig's nose?

Just thinking so, the pig's nose suddenly flowered, turning into a delicate and cute little upturned nose.

The wind chimes were looking at her, and she was also looking at the wind chimes, her eyes full of joy.

"Hey! You two! Stop looking!

Xi Ran hurriedly blocked in front of the pig-headed pig, took off his coat with a red face, and draped it over the pig-headed pig.

She is only a little over one meter tall, as tall as a smile.

Xi Ran's clothes, for her, can be regarded as a long trench coat.


The pig-headed pig got dressed and immediately ran to the wind chimes and lowered his head.

Wind Chime was stunned for a moment and reached out to touch her head.


Woo -

the monsters behind them immediately became agitated when they saw this!

So Wind Chime divided the auspicious talisman to Xi Ran and Chu Sheng, and asked them to help label all the younger brothers with auspicious talismans.

The clothes are all snatched from those criminals, and it doesn't matter if they fit or not, some wear them well.

So, around the wind chime, there were more than seventy people at once, there were adults and children....

Each is a yokai!

The wind chimes touched their heads one by one, and their hands were almost bald.

The three children before can now see the monsters with auspicious charms, and a few of them have become good friends.

It's just that those monsters can't speak yet.

It won't be long, though.

Seeing this, the surrounding melon-eating spirit masters were all puzzled.


"Why did he come back without anything?"

"Why did the mayor acquiesce to him?"

"Isn't this aiding and abusing?"

"Make no mistake! Then how can our trial continue! "

At night, the wind chimes ran to the lab again.

Looking at the screen of those prediction skills inside, I suddenly saw a pig demon.

It predicts that the skills that may be given are:

[Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water]!

It can increase your defense several times, and it is also poisonous resistance!

It's a rare skill!

So the wind chimes quickly ran away and killed the pig demon with great fanfare.

Absorbed its demon in front of everyone.

Chu Sheng: "You washed the last skill?" I don't even know what it is!

Wind Chimes smiled:

"I won't tell you this time!" Didn't expect that, right? "


Over the next two days, the wind chimes intensified again.

Not a single youkai was left for other students, so angry that some people even wanted to curse people on the spot.

But seeing those monsters around him, he could only swallow his anger in the end!

The people who were cut off halfway, of course, also Ye Qian, who was the strongest.

She looked at the monsters behind the wind chimes and gritted her teeth in anger.

Lost too completely....

Finally, one morning, the voice of Yin Kongmen once again echoed over the town:

"The demon clan hidden in this team has been found. When the trial was over, everyone immediately went to the airport and prepared to leave. "


Someone couldn't help but scold, in the end, he couldn't show his strength in front of all the masters!

All blame that wind chime!

Angrily turned his head to look and found a group of youkai, actually crying around the wind chimes....

Cry, quack!


Suddenly even more angry!

"I'll be back, really."

Wind Chime said a little helplessly, not only the monsters, but also the three children hugged Wind Chime tightly and did not let him go.

At first, he just wanted to do something, but he didn't expect it to become like this.

But to be honest, this is the first time many people have seen a monster and cried so badly....

Even people know that monsters can cry too.

Suddenly, a little girl, speaking not very fluently, said with a crying voice:

"Wind, wind, Ling..."

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