"Great... Elder brother. The

pig-headed pig shouted with a crying voice, causing Wind Chime and Chu Sheng to look at each other in surprise.

Unexpectedly, this little piglet actually learned to speak so quickly?

It was actually the demon who spoke the fastest among the monsters present.

"Don't... Go..."

She was a little taller than Wind Chime's legs, holding his thighs and not letting go.

Crying so loudly, snot and tears all wiped onto Wind Chime's pants.

And this guy has as many tears as the guy in the pit, and his wind chime pants are wet.

Looking at the pig's head pig, Wind Chimes couldn't help but think of smiling.

I thought, the two of them should be, will become very good friends, right?

It's just that he can't take her now.

Now I want to go to the Gosanjia, the Wakaya family.

Not only the pig's head pig, but the three children saved by the wind chimes before also cried to go with the wind chimes.

Wind Chimes had to crouch down, level with their height, and said softly:

"If you can be obedient, wait for me here, and I will come back to pick you up."

After coaxing for a while, the pig-headed pig reluctantly released the wind chime.

"Brother Wind Chimes! We are waiting for you here! You must come back! We will definitely be obedient! The

three children stood at the gate of the town shouting, and the wind chimes smiled and waved their hands, following the group and slowly leaving.

Chu Sheng glanced back and couldn't help but ask

, "Wind Chime, will you really come back?"

"Who knows, if you are still alive by then, come back, after all, they have been promised."

Chu Sheng frowned when he heard this:

"What do you mean?" What is alive? Are you seriously ill? Hidden diseases? Not much more than a long way to live?

He looked nervously at the wind chimes, looking up and down.

Wind Chimes gave him a roll of his eyes:

"I have a pen phobia, you stay away from me, thank you."

"No, are you sick?"



A few days after the wind chimes left here....

The mayor of the town called the people of No. 78 Demon Inspection Town, intending to pick up all the younger brothers of the wind chimes.

Send them where they need to go.

"I don't want it! Woo hoo, you can't take me away! I'm going to wait for Big Brother Wind Chimes here! "

The pig-headed pig is killing the mayor this time, and after a few days, she can actually speak fluently.

The mayor of the town was also surprised, but could you roll away!

He lifted the pig-headed pig directly with one hand, and the pig-headed pig struggled wildly on his hand.

Bang, kicked him in the face, a big black footprint.

"Do you want to die?"

The mayor asked coldly.

"Nope! You can't kill me! My eldest brother is the big brother of wind chimes! Whew..." The

tear glands of the demon race seemed to be very developed, and when the pig-headed pig cried, tears nourished the mayor's face.

The mayor frowned and threw her to the ground.

The pig-headed pig rolled around and immediately got up and ran towards the town.

Want to stall for time.

At this time, the other younger brothers of the wind chimes had already boarded the plane, leaving only the pig-headed pig alone.

The person on the plane said softly:

"Mayor Xu?"

Can you hurry up!

The mayor glanced back at the fleeing pig-headed pig and said speechlessly:

"Forget it, you guys go, this guy will stay here."

Then the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The pig-headed pig ran and ran, and suddenly crashed into an embrace.

Covering his head and looking up, he found that it was the mayor of the town, and he was so frightened that he immediately cried again.

Mayor Xu said lightly:

"If I cry again, I will slaughter you and stew ribs at night."

Pig Head Pig: ???

Are you a devil?

"If you want to live, work for Lao Tzu. Well done, I'm in a good mood, so I won't kill you. "


a few days later....

Mayor Xu rushed into her room angrily:

"Pig-headed pig! Get up! Are you a pig? Work for Lao Tzu! The

pig-headed pig got up from the bed, opened its hazy eyes, and flashed the light of innocence

, "wisdom": "People are pigs..." As

for the three children, they were also taken back to the laboratory by the mayor of the town, doing some handymen.

A few children were running around in the laboratory, causing the subordinates

to comment: "Do you feel that the mayor of the town seems to have changed recently?"

"Eh, you mean the number of angries? Or speak decibels?

"No, it just feels, it's not as lifeless as before."



Time goes back to the present:

after getting on the plane, the wind chimes sit in the middle, Chu Sheng on the left, and Chu Sheng on the right, Xi Ran by the window.

Along the way, Wind Chimes were chatting nonchalantly with Xi Ran.

Xi Ran was originally quite sleepy, but as soon as Wind Chime chatted with her, she became energetic.

He spoke very funny, causing her to let out crisp and pleasant laughter from time to time.

But for fear of disturbing others to rest, he covered his mouth and chuckled:

"Giggle... Wind Chime, you, don't make me laugh..." Seeing

this, Chu Sheng next to him couldn't help but exclaim: Did

this guy Wind Chime talk behind my back?

So provocative?

The people around them all looked at the wind chimes with unkind eyes.

Almost all the people of the plane regarded the wind chimes as enemies.

Because in the past few days in Demon Examination Town, Wind Chimes has not been a person.

Some people even pondered in their hearts how to let him lose himself in front of the family owners when they got to Ruo's house.

"Xi Ran, what are your parents doing?"

Wind Chimes pretended to ask casually.

"My father is a casual cultivator, my mother is a member of a family, and I originally planned to enter my mother's family. But I didn't expect that this year I ran into this national enrollment, and I had the opportunity to try the royal three, what a good luck!

Xi Ran said with a smile, his answer was very smooth, and he didn't look like he was lying.

When Chu Sheng heard this, he asked next to him,

"Family? Which family? That's awesome! "

Help Wind Chimes ask what I really want to ask.

"It's a small family, it's not so powerful, it's not famous."

Wind Chimes was thinking in his heart.

Little, not a well-known family....

Not famous, can you know about the demon inspection town?

Moreover, Xi Ran said before that it was her father who told her about Demon Examination Town.

But now she said that her mother was a member of the family, and her father was just a casual practitioner.

This is a bit contradictory, but it is still not 100% certain that Xi Ran was sent by the Bai family to contact him.

Still need to look again.

In short, he will always be on the lookout for her.

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