When the wind chimes were on the plane, Tiancrow and two hundred knives escorted all the way.

He shouted a few times in his heart, but the Heavenly Raven still did not answer.

He didn't know how to answer the wind chimes.

Although it is for the good of the wind chimes, I still feel guilty in my heart.

"I'm sorry Young Lord... When you come out, no matter how you punish the old minister, the old minister will gladly accept it!

"The front is the Ruo family's territory, we can only go here."

Two hundred knives said, but the crow shook his head:

"A little further..." The

two hundred knives did not speak, just followed him.

Until he really came to the enchantment of the Ruo family border.

The crow stopped.

Looking at the plane flying towards Ruo's house, his eyes were complicated, and he suddenly shouted softly:

"Young Lord..."

A black blade instantly appeared in his hand, as if he wanted to stop the plane.

The two hundred knives next to him were startled, and quickly grabbed him:

"Hey, hey, what do you want to do, didn't we say okay?"

Held by two hundred knives, the Heavenly Raven came back to his senses, holding the knife in his hand, and finally slowly released it, and the black blade in his hand disappeared.

After a long sigh, he turned to leave.

He also had things to do before the wind chimes returned.


After entering the enchantment of the Ruo family, the plane shook.

The captain's voice sounded:

"About to arrive at the destination, all people of the second rank and above, the seat belt is about to automatically pop off, please pay attention to safety."

Everyone subconsciously wanted to wear seat belts, but reacted carefully.

Wait a minute, what the hell is the seat belt popping off automatically?

At this time, Yin Kongmen slowly stood up, clapped his hands, and made everyone look at him:

"Above the second order, look good, I will only teach it once."

Saying that, his hands were in front of everyone, slowly sealing, and after two seconds, there was a flash of golden light in his hands.

In the confined space, a strong wind actually blew.

"This is the Ruo family's Imperial Wind Technique, you will use it later."

Everyone was wondering, and a gust of wind directly poured in overhead.

Looking up in horror, I found that the roof of the plane had actually flown away!

Wind Chime's eyes widened, and suddenly there was a bad feeling....


All the people above the second order were ejected by the seats under them and forced to jump off!

The wind chime was quite calm, and the light in his hand flashed, and he immediately used the Imperial Wind Technique that Yin Kongmen had just taught.

He stabilized his figure slightly, but he still couldn't stop falling.

After all, this is the Imperial Wind Technique, not the Flying Heaven Technique....

Looking down, he wanted to look for Chu Sheng, but he was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

The fog under your feet is shrouded, and several peaks can be faintly seen in the fog, piercing through the clouds and revealing emerald green sharp corners.

The fresh air, the fragrance of nature, is pleasant.

As far as the eye can see, the mountains loom in the distance, and the mountains are majestic.

Like a wonderland in a hidden place, it exudes a mysterious and sacred atmosphere.

The rich aura of heaven and earth in the air made Wind Chimes feel as if they had arrived in another world.

There was just a little cold air, which made him come back to his senses.

Himself is now high in the sky!

"Chu Sheng!"

With a shout, everyone around him has already fallen.

Just now, Chu Sheng didn't know where to go.

This is also a small test, testing how quickly everyone can comprehend spiritual arts.

Those who can quickly comprehend can naturally float down slowly without falling to death.

But even if it is slow, there are people below who will respond, and they will definitely not let them fall to death.

Soon, the wind chimes saw below, and from time to time there was a flash of golden light.

Some people calmed down and released the Imperial Wind Technique.

But some people, when they are afraid, cannot use spiritual magic.

For example, Chu Sheng, when the wind chimes looked for him, he was almost to the end.

"Aaaaa Mom!

Looking at the ground getting closer and closer, Chu Sheng shouted and closed his eyes.

The next second, he crashed into an arms.

Bang -

with a muffled sound, Chu Sheng opened his eyes and saw Yin Kongmen's black face.

Before he could react, he threw him to the ground, which was considered a safe landing.

He landed on a flat peak, surrounded by many people, all young men.

He was wearing Ruojia's clothes and had a smile on his face:

"Haha, that guy was so scared just now that he called his mother."

"Hahaha, die of laughter."

Chu Sheng suddenly felt that his face was dull, and quickly stood up from the ground.

Then more and more people fell from the sky.

Among the more than 50 people, more than 30 people failed to release the Wind Technique.

Some are released too late, too late.

Others don't learn it at all.

The people behind them are all slowly floating down.

The wind chime is at the top at this time, and Ye Qian is the penultimate one.

She kept looking up at the wind chimes above, and inside:

lost again....

But in the next second, the falling speed of the wind chimes accelerated sharply.

When he passed by Ye Qian, he didn't even look at her.

Ye Qian looked at the wind chimes below suspiciously.

Seeing that his speed seemed to be in a constant state, he suddenly understood something!

Shock muttered

, "He, already able to control speed? Could it be that he had learned this spiritual art before?

However, inspired by the wind chimes, Ye Qian also quickly understood how to control the speed and also accelerated the speed of falling.

At this time, if the masters on the Heavenly Master Peak saw this scene, one of the masters said:

"I have to say that this kid's understanding is indeed high."

The other head of the family also said lightly: "

It is indeed rare to comprehend the essence of the Imperial Wind Art so quickly."

After this period of observation, there are still so few people who recognize the talent of wind chimes.

But there are also people who always don't like wind chimes.

"It's just that the character needs to be polished again. And his thoughts, too, have to be corrected.

Someone next to him immediately chimed in:

"It must be a prick, it's not easy to manage."


"Abominable! I lost again!

Ye Qian followed behind the wind chime, her eyes dead looking at the swooping wind chime.

It may be that the personality is relatively strong and unwilling to be left behind.

So I picked up speed again and caught up with the wind chimes that had been at a constant speed.

Feeling someone behind him approaching quickly, Wind Chime glanced back and saw Ye Qian's somewhat fierce eyes.


Why are you staring at me?

So he slowly stretched out his hand, and in front of Ye Qian, he sealed the seal again, and said softly:

"Imperial Wind Technique."

Ye Qian thought that Wind Chime saw that he was about to catch up with him, and wanted to speed up and compare with himself.

The fighting spirit in my heart suddenly increased.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, the Imperial Wind Technique controlled by himself suddenly poured into a turbulent current!

The whole person immediately fell uncontrollably and quickly.


With a bang, it passed by the side of the wind chimes like a shooting star.

At that moment, Wind Chime saw her panicked expression.

She also saw the mean smile on Wind Chime's face....

Owners: ...

In the end, because Ye Qian was too close to the ground and too fast, she failed to land and fell into the arms of Yin Kongmen.

After landing, he looked up at the wind chimes angrily, gritting his teeth in anger.

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