At this time, the wind chimes in the sky turned a corner in the air and suddenly flew towards other peaks.


"This guy, why are you going?"

Yin Kongmen also frowned and looked up.

Slowly raised his hand, in the direction of the wind chime, slowly said:



a golden light instantly burst out from his hand, shrouding the wind chimes.

He was actually fixed in the air by the Yin Kong Gate, causing the people around him to exclaim.

Those inner disciples of the Ruo family hurriedly patted their horses.

"It's worthy of being Master Yin!"

After being dragged back by Yin Kongmen, Wind Chimes smiled and

said: "I just want to fly a little longer..." Yin

Kongmen said lightly:

"Yes, then I'll help you fly for a while?"

"No thanks, hehe. Thank you, Commander! Saying

that, he saluted the empty door and walked towards Chu Sheng.

Xi Ran's understanding is also good, and he has also comprehended the Imperial Wind Art in the air, but he can't control the speed yet.

Slowly falling from the air, after everyone landed, Yin Kongmen looked at everyone and said lightly:

"The last person to land, you can choose your opponent first." Your opponents today are the surroundings, your predecessors.

Everyone looked around, all showing surprised expressions.

"Huh? Could these be the inner disciples of the Ruo family? How could it have been beaten?

"That's it..."

Yin Kongmen just said lightly:

"Don't worry, their strength is similar to yours, they are all about the third order."

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt that they were doing it again.

At this time, Yin Kongmen looked at the wind chime in front of him:

"You comprehend it the fastest, so you first."

Wind Chime quickly shook his head:

"Eh, that's not okay, I think the fastest comprehension should have privileges!" You can think when to go on and when.

He knew that even if it was the same third-order, the gap would definitely not be a star and a half.

The strength of the spiritual technique alone is not at the same level.

What they learned was the orthodox powerful spiritual arts of the Ruo family.

The strength of Guo Tianyu, the disciple of the outer sect before, was all present, except for Ye Qian, the strongest.

Not to mention these inner disciples.

It's better to wait and see first, steal two tricks before talking.

What he thought was indeed right, although the people present were third-order, they were all third-order great consummations!

The reason why they stay at the third order is not because they can't ascend to the fourth order, but because they are laying the foundation.

In Ruojia, if you want to advance, your strength is up to standard, and you are allowed to advance!

Inner disciples, no matter what rank, must be of the highest standard in the industry.

In the long run, this is a very sensible rule!

Yin Kongmen knew what he was thinking, and did not force it.

He looked at Ye Qian again, and Ye Qian also said to look again.

When the other spirit masters heard Wind Chimes say this, they were not willing to go first.

As a result, it became the fastest falling, and Chu Sheng was the first to play!

Chu Sheng stepped forward a little speechlessly.

Yu Guang found Wind Chime grinning next to him, his face full of gloating, and he was so angry that he gave him a big middle finger.

Those inner disciples of the Ruo family also had smiles on their faces.

But that smile made Chu Sheng feel cool behind him.


No, I have to behave!

If you can't enter the Imperial Three Family, you will be scolded to death by my father when you go back, right?

It is estimated that I will not be able to invent again in the future....

"Choose me!"

"Choose me!"

Those seniors were eager to try one by one, and they couldn't help but want to have a good meal.

At this time, a nice female voice sounded:

"Little brother, don't call your mother for a while!"

This voice immediately stood out from everyone's voice, attracting Chu Sheng's attention, and when he turned his head, he saw that it was a girl, who looked quite beautiful!

The spiritual power fluctuations on his body felt that his strength was indeed similar to his own.

"That's you."

The girl covered her mouth and chuckled when she heard this, and stepped forward:

"Ruojia, Qiao Shanshan!" The third-order consummation, please ~ advise more!

Then the two walked to the center of the field, and Chu Sheng saluted Qiao Shanshan:

"Chu Sheng, third-order middle realm, please advise more, forehead, wait a minute!"

He touched the backpack behind him, and then turned his head in horror to glance at Yin Kongmen:

"Division Commander! What about my Horcrux pack! I'm still on that plane!

Unexpectedly, in the next second, his backpack appeared in Yin Kongmen's hand.

Chu Sheng, who got the backpack, smiled with a confident smile on his face.

Immediately rummaged through the backpack and pulled out a lot of big treasures.

Seeing this, Qiao Shan was a little surprised: "

You are still a Spirit Weapon Master?"

Chu Sheng said with a proud face:

"Of course, I made all these things myself."

Qiao Shanshan smiled when she heard this:

"Oh, it's amazing... But do you really want to carry such a bag and fight me? It's a bit of a hindrance.

At this time, someone next to him laughed and said

, "Senior sister, don't be bluffed by him, this guy's spirit weapon is used to blow up his own!" Haha..." Hearing

this, everyone laughed.

Wind Chime glanced at the man who had just spoken, good, I remember you....

Chu Sheng didn't care, tightened his backpack, and said with a smile:

"Come on!" I'm ready! "

He held a strange thing in his left hand.

The right hand also holds a strange thing, which looks like a box, and I don't know what it contains.

Carrying the backpack in front of yourself seems to be to facilitate your own big treasure.

It's kind of funny.

Before the start of the war, the owners had already made their bets.

Most people think that even if Chu Sheng has a spirit weapon, he will lose.

Lei Jing and Ruo Tinghan thought that Chu Sheng would win, while Bai Qiling lost the bet.

"Senior sister, can you let me start first?"

Chu Sheng asked with a smile.

Qiao Shanshan nodded with a smile, even if Chu Sheng had spiritual energy in her hand, she did not put it in her eyes.


So he raised the strange thing in his left hand and gently pressed the button....

"Just because you're too ..." Music

suddenly sounded in the field, and the rhythm was quite sensual....

At the same time, a strange energy swept out.


"Cough, sorry, misplaced, start over!"

Subsequently, a button was pressed again.

"Mental pollution!"


A wave of energy spread out, and at the same time, a sharp voice sounded again!

You! Why


the shrill sound stirred in the field and carried a strange energy.

Everyone couldn't help but cover their ears, and at the same time felt a pain in their brains!

It seems to be really a mental attack?

The closest Qiao Shanshan was forced to hold her forehead with one hand and take two steps back because of the harsh sound and energy!

It can actually force back the third-order great consummation! Worthy of KUN, bah!

This Horcrux seems to have some effect....

And at this time, the shoes under Chu Sheng's feet suddenly flashed with golden light.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Qiao Shanshan.

The strange box on his right hand was raised high.

Qiao Shan's eyes froze, and he said in his heart: Little

brother, you may also look down on me too much!

Just as she was about to do something, Chu Sheng shouted:

"Cockroach attack!"

Saying that, he opened the box-like thing in his right hand.

I saw that one by one, black and not slippery, with a pattern of big cockroaches, fanned their wings like crazy!

Flew at her.

Qiao Shanshan: ???

She stared at the cockroaches coming from the shop, frightened and screamed!

"Aaaaah! Help! "

Looking at the entire Spirit Master World, I am afraid that there are few women who can face these terrifying creatures head-on....

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