The world changed with the appearance of superhumans, humans born with a mutation that gave them extraordinary powers, otherwise known as quirks. No one knew how it happened. There were many hypotheses, but nothing concrete was ever discovered. Not knowing what to do with their powers and being ostracized by those without them, people began resorting to violence and crime. Thus came an era of professional heroes who were trained to protect the weak from these villains.

I am Midoriya Izuku, a professional hero, and this is my story of how I rose to be the number one hero with the power of my will.


The world is cruel and unfair. Not everyone is born with power to boast about and in my opinion, it was wrong to oppress the weak. That's what I was trying to say back then when I saw my childhood friend, Bakugou Katsuki, bullying a child.

"It's really cruel to do this Kacchan," I told him, with my eyes tearing up, my body trembling with fear of being beaten by Katsuki. I knew I was weak, but I couldn't stand aside and watch my friend bully some kid. "I won't let you continue without doing anything!"

Katsuki, who used to be my childhood friend, walked up to me, with his two goons behind him, using his quirk between his hands to instill fear in me. "What are you gonna do? You don't even have a quirk! You are a good for nothing, a deku."

That's right, my quirk hadn't appeared at that time. I think I should be somewhat thankful to him. He pushed me far enough for my quirk to appear right when his flaming palm was about to hit my face. All I could think of was preventing the kid behind me from being harmed. I felt a strange power well up inside me and I yelled at Katsuki to stop. Then it happened, as if time had stopped and the world had lost all it's colour and turned grey. Like a wave, the power rushed outwards and knocked everyone out, with Katsuki stumbling away from me, his legs trembling and his eyes wide, filled with fear. Strangely enough, the kid behind me wasn't affected and we took that chance to get away.

That was ten years ago. After that day Katsuki maintained his distance from me and we drifted apart. Our parents tried to mend the relationship but they failed in doing so. I hated him for his continuous bullying of the weaker kids and intervened whenever I could. As for my quirk, it took me a whole year to figure out what it was and how it worked.

Willpower, that's what I named it after much discussion with my mom about not naming it as 'Super Mighty All Might Power'. Yeah, it's embarrassing now that I think about it. Nevertheless, basically my quirk offered th...


"What's that...," I mumbled after the loud bang distracted me from my recollection.

Right when Kamui was about to use his famous move, a giant blur came rushing towards the thief and landed a drop kick on his chin, knocking to guy out.

"A new hero, or should I say heroine. Huh, she has a gigantification quirk too but her move was very destructive." A hero should not only save people but also should keep the collateral damage as low as possible. I shook my head and walked away as I was getting late for school.


"I will now distribute the career aspiration doc.u.ments!! But hey, everyone has the same ambition right? You all want to be heroes!" The teacher carelessly threw away the doc.u.ments as the rest of the class cheered. Heroes, the word has a new meaning now. How narrow minded people could be. Everyone can be a hero in one way or the other. It's all about perspective. But in these days, the true meaning of the word hero has been reduced to fame and money.

Even bullies could become heroes if they had a strong quirk. Take Endeavor for example. The man is so obsessed with being number one that he forgot what being a hero meant. Speaking of bullies...

"Hey teach!.." Katsuki banged at his desk and produced a small blast with his quirk. "Don't lump me with these extras..."

Katsuki boasted about his quirk and insulted the rest of the class by saying they had weak and mediocre quirks. The teacher revealed Katauki deciding to enter U.A. High, the best hero training school in Japan. To put more weight to his boasting, Katsuki admitted scoring the highest in mock entrance tests.

I, obviously, had no interest in hearing his rant. U.A. High, that was the school I too was aiming for. The alma mater for so many heroes, All Might being one of them. I had been training from the day I understood my quirk and had full confidence that I'd be able to enter the hero course without any hitch.

The teacher then recalled of me too wanting to enter U.A., making everyone go quiet. It was a well known fact that I and Katsuki never got along.

Only ten months more, that was all on my mind when suddenly I sensed someone creeping on the roof of the dark tunnel I was walking through.

"A large sized invisibility cloak," the slimy villain said as he extended his tendrils to grab me. But I was faster. Quickly dodging him, I activated my quirk and my arms and legs turned metallic black. This was an ability granted by my quirk, I called it 'Will of Armament'. It greatly enhanced my combat ability, strength and endurance. Observing every tendril of the slime villain, I effortlessly dodged them and got closer. Reaching for his face, I rammed my fist into his head, sending him flying at the wall.

The villain was clearly surprised as I was able to touch him and do physical damage to him. This was all because of my quirk. It allowed me to manifest my willpower into reality. I could even grab water as if it was solid and could perceive everything around me with my eyes closed. But the best part, I was able to force my will upon others and intimidate them upto the point they fainted.

I focused on my willpower and sent a blast of 'Conqueror's Will' at the villain. Suffice to say, being the coward he was, the slime's eyes rolled back and he fainted. Right when I was about to put him into bottles, I sensed someone rushing towards my location, someone who I had no chance of beating. Still, getting ready for battle, I took a stance only to get stupefied when I saw who the person was.

It was All Might.

"Villain! You won't..." but he stopped when he saw that the slime guy was already down.

With his ever so high morale and jovial attitude, he grabbed my shoulders and said, "Young boy, you were able to apprehend the villain by yourself! You must have a really good quirk!"

To be honest I was a bit overwhelmed. It's not everyday you meet your idol. "W-Well yeah. It wasn't much."

He kept complementing me and then reminded me of not using my quirk in public. Much to his amus.e.m.e.nt and my embarrassment, he even signed my hero analysis note book where I had drawn his sketch. After that I offered him help in putting the slime in bottles and continued towards my home.

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