Standing in front of the gates of U.A. High, I felt a bit elated and emotional. Ten long years of training and pushing myself much beyond what I could handle, I was finally just one step away from entering the world of professional heroes.

Taking a deep breath, I took a step forward. I immediately sensed Katsuki approaching the gates behind me and he rudely nudged my shoulder with his. Without sparing a glance, he trudged forward, scowling at everyone in his path. Shaking my head at his shenanigans, I quietly made my way into the hall, only to be seated next to him.

We didn't talk with each other at all but I could feel him glaring at me for all the time we were there. A tall boy with spectacles interrupted Present Mike who was giving instructions about the practical test. It seemed the boy was quite impatient, maybe the nerves were getting him.


It was a good thing I and Katsuki were in different testing areas. I didn't want to deal with him during the test. I could see those around me doing everything to keep themselves calm. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and focused on my quirk.

"AAAND START!!" I heard Present Mike speak and immediately activated my armament ability on my legs, before running towards the simulation area. I guess the others were startled by the sudden command, given that Present Mike just told them about their being no countdowns in real battles.

A two pointer came out of an alley and pointed it's weapon at me. Lunging at it, I landed a spinning kick at it's head, making it explode as my leg continued to crush it like a can of soda. Those things had a really weak armor. Finishing it off, I resumed running to look for more targets.

I kept scoring more points and by the time Present Mike yelled out "TWO MINUTES LEFT!!" I had already scored around eighty five points. That's when the observers decided to add some spice into this otherwise simple exam.

A zero pinter suddenly appeared from a building. The destruction it caused was immense. I shuddered thinking about the fatalities it could have caused if this was a real life situation, with all the rubble falling around. Everyone around me began running away as it did not give them any points. How very heroic, there were some hero aspirants near the building when the zero pointer appeared, but no one batted an eye.

I immediately ran forward and looked for anyone who needed help. I sensed someone fallen on the ground and quickly rushed towards them.

A girl was trapped under a slab of concrete. Quickly, I grabbed the slab and yanked it away, freeing the girl's ankle.

"Are you ok? Can you run on your own?" I asked urgently. The zero pointer was closing in towards us. I tried to find anyone else trapped nearby with my 'Will of Observation', but I didn't find anyone else.

I grunted and picked her up in my arms. Running as fast as I could, we managed to get out of the zero pointer's range. That's when the proctor yelled time up.

I saw Recovery Girl coming towards us as she distributed gummy bears to everyone. She asked me if I was injured anywhere to which I said no. With my armament I was able to crush the bots like paper. As she healed the girl who I had saved, I decided to leave and tell mother about my test.


It took seven days for the result of my entrance test to arrive. The waiting was getting on my nerves. I knew that I did well in the test but it was still unsettling.

While sitting at the table I ate listlessly. I didn't have the mood to be energetic. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and my mom came rushing towards me. "Izu-Izu-Izu-Izuku! It's here!"

Feeling relieved, I, along with mom, opened the letter only for a holographic device to drop from inside. When I activated it, I was startled to see my idol appearing, telling me the result for the exam.

"Hahaha! Young Midoriya! You scored excellently in written exam. As for the practical exam, you scored eighty five villain points which is the highest score in practical exams! Congratulations young Midoriya! Welcome to your hero academia."

I hugged mom as we cried, happy that I finally got accepted. I was one step closer to achieving my dream.


"Izuku, did you get your phone?"

"Yes mom."





She smiled and looked at me, her eyes full of love for me, "I'm proud of you Izu. You're really amazing."

I was so lucky to have a mother like her. She had been there for me through thick or thin. She never let me feel the absence of my father, who had been working overseas so that his family could live a fulfilling life. Even though he rarely visited us, I was happy he was there for us.

I grabbed mom into a hug and pecked on her cheek. "You are the amazing one mom. Love you, bye!"

As I stood before class 1-A's door, I wondered how my classmates would be. In all that excitement I forgot about something, or more precisely, someone, and I was reminded of him when I entered the classroom. Bakugou Katsuki, the bully of my school and the one person who I didn't want to see for the rest of my life.

"Please remove your legs, it is disrespectful to your fellow students and to the people who made this table," said a tall blue haired boy, almost yelling.

Katsuki smirked "And why would I do that? Who the heck are you anyway? What middle school are you from?"

The boy adjusted his spectacles and replied primly, "My name is Iida Tenya. I'm from Soumei High!"

Katsuki scoffed, "Soumei huh?! You're a shitty elite then."

The boy looked so scandalized that if I didn't know any better, I'd have thought of him being a second rate actor.

"You must not use such language!"

To much of my disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, the boy's attention was diverted towards me. "It's nice to meet you! My name is-"

"I know, I heard you earlier," I stopped him as I was taken aback by the way he walked up to me. Maybe he had watched too many movies having robots. The dude was really uptight.

That got me confused. There was a hidden purpose? "What hidden purpose are you talking about?"

Before he could continue, he was cut off by a girl's voice, "Hey! It's you! The curly haired guy!"

Turning around, I was able to recognize who the girl was. It seemed that she managed to get accepted, despite of getting injured badly at the end of the exam. "Ah, yes. Seems like you managed to make it through the exam too. How's your ankle?"

I knew it would have been healed already, but it was common courtesy to ask. She rubbed the back of her head as she joyously replied, "It's fine! Thank you for saving me back then."

"Ah, there's no need to thank me. I did what any hero would do."

The girl bobbed her head. "Yes! You were so awsome! You ran so fast and threw that slab away like nothing! You must be really strong! I'm Uraraka Ochako by the way, nice to meet you."

The girl, now introduced as Uraraka Ochako, was really an endless bundle of happiness. I could see her smile visibly getting wider as we talked. I sensed someone creeping out of something right outside the door. When I was about to inquire, the person entered the classroom and spoke, "If you are here to make friends then go somewhere else."

We quickly settled down as it was quite clear that our homeroom teacher had arrived. "It took you eight seconds to settle down," He continued in a really unmotivated manner. "I want all of you to get dressed in your P.E. uniforms and be ready for your quirk assessment test."

Ok that was strange. Wasn't there usually an orientation at the beginning of a school year? Perhaps many of my classmates shared that thought as Uraraka asked our teacher the same question to which he answered dismissively, "You are here to become heroes and heroes don't have time for formalities. Now get moving."

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