The semester exams went like a whirlwind. Well, the written exams were certainly easy, it was the practical exam that showed me the difference between the strength of the strongest and my own.

A few days before the practical exams, Itsuka had told us what we were supposed to do to pass the exams while she was dragging away Monoma after he was trying to antagonise us. Really, I thought after that beating I gave him he would improve. But he was lacking the jealousy he used to have and it had been replaced by competitiveness, which was a good thing.

Anyway, the exam was supposed to be like the entrance test. Beat the robots to earn points, it was really simple. But the teachers changed it.

We had to fight a staff member while being paired with each other.

I was excited about the challenge. Facing a hero would have been a great experience. I was secretly hoping for it to be Midnight. But then I was told that I had to face All Might.

My dream was crushed...

It was bad enough that I was going to face All Might, but I was also paired with Katsuki of all students. It was the worst kind of feeling to be paired with him. The only thing even worse would be to be paired with Endeavour.

When I learnt Mineta and Sero would be facing Midnight, I wanted to dig a hole in the ground and bury them alive. But those murderous thoughts went away as soon as they appeared.

I was right in my assessment of Yaoyorozu back during the Sports Festival. She had confidence issues and trusted Todoroki's plan in the beginning. But when the boy realised that they were losing time, he asked Yaoyorozu about her opinion.

And boy was it the right decision.

As the other students fought against the teachers, I and Katsuki were walking through a maze of streets and trying to find All Might.

When the exam started, my first thought was to just fly to the exit and take Katsuki along with me.

Turning to face him, I said, "Katsuki, I think we should fly to the exit as fast as we can before All Might catches up to us. My speed is fairly good when I'm flying. I think we can manage to end this without a confrontation with him."

Katsuki scoffed, "Like I would run away like a coward! Deku, if you want to go with your tail tucked between your legs then be my guest! I will face All Might and defeat him today!! I don't need your help anyway!!"

My eye twitched in irritation. He wanted to fight against All Might all on his own and expected to win? Finally, I found the perfect name for him.

"You've been calling me Deku since we were four years old. I resent the name and believe it's laughable that you were defeated by this 'Deku' during the sports festival. You really are an idiot if you think you can defeat a pro hero of the calibre of All Might, Baka-suki."

The idiot whirled around towards me, his face contorting to the ultimate ugliness as he snarled, "What did you call me?!"

Unfazed, I retorted, "I called you an idiot! You are a self-obsessed idiot who thinks that the world is inferior to him. But I can't put all the blame on you. No, partly, it's the fault of our peers and those teachers who inflated your ego and turned a blind eye to your bullying. There's something wrong in your head if you believe you can defeat All Might all on your own."

Baka-suki shouted, "I will blow your head up you f.u.c.k.i.n.g Deku!!"

"There you go again! Why don't you actually try and do it and show the world the kind of villain you are?! Because only a villain would threaten his peers to blow them up just because he couldn't handle the truth!"

With a dangerous smirk on my face, I continued, "How about a wager. We both will fight All Might. The one who is defeated by him will agree to any request the other one makes. If both of us are defeated then the first to fall will be the loser of this bet."

As expected, the short fuse took the bait.

Hook, line, and sinker.

We walked around and searched for All Might. I was just having fun watching Baka-suki try and fail to find him. If he thought for a bit, he would have realised that I could easily find where that musclehead of a hero was.

Two minutes later, we were out in the open and just a few hundred meters away from the exit. All Might chose to make an appearance right at that moment.

As usual, his entrance was not normal. Creating a violent gust of wind with his punch, he decimated a portion of the mock city and exclaimed, "Now, get ready to have a really bad time! I'm a villain, 'Heroes'. Give me your best shot."

The air around him was completely different than what it usually was. It was tough to fight against the feeling of intimidation that was coursing through my body. The only thing that kept me level headed was 'Conqueror's will'.

You want me to explain the ass-kicking he got? Well, All Might was very serious when he was facing us and used brute force to endure Katsuki's explosions.

Completely unfazed, he swatted Katsuki away like a fly. Not giving him a moment to recover, All Might grabbed the idiot by his head and slammed him face-first into the road.

Then Katsuki was thrashed around like a ragdoll till he fainted from being brutalized.

Katsuki was captured before he could even begin to fight properly. I guess it was partly my fault. He was too provoked and angry to think properly of a strategy.

Although, I was not expecting him to be captured that easily. I wanted to make Katsuki realise that working together as a team is much better than trying to work solo. I wanted to make him realise the value of teamwork.

All Might looked towards me while he stomped oh Katsuki's back and asked, "Young Midoriya, Are you gonna leave your teammate and make a break for it?"

My plan was ruined. I wasted no time and flew towards All Might to confront him. With my body covered by 'armament', I threw a punch at All Might's jaw in an attempt to make him free Katsuki who was lying under All Might's foot.

All Might tried to grab my punch but I easily anticipated it by using 'observation'. I manoeuvred in the air and avoided the hold. With my fist glowing with intense aura, I clocked his jaw with all of my strength.

To my shock, it wasn't enough to throw him through the buildings and only pushed him a few feet away.

All Might rubbed his jaw and said, "That was a good punch, young Midoriya. But it's not enough to defeat me."

I smirked and replied while picking Katsuki up, "Who said anything about defeating you? I'm not an idiot to think I can achieve such a feat as I am now."

Wasting no further time, I flew as fast as I could with Katsuki hanging on my shoulder like a sack of potatoes and made a beeline towards the exit knowing fully well that All Might was closing in towards me.

Just as All Might was about to hit me on my back with a 'New Hampshire Smash', I once again dodged it by spinning away and came face to face with All Might.

With a menacing smile appearing on my face in response to his surprised look, I said, "You can never catch me off-guard, All Might. Now face my indomitable will..."

I pulled back my arm as the glowing aura intensified and expanded around it to form a gigantic fist.

"... I call it 'Judgement', sucker."

With a mighty roar, I brought down the 'Fist of Judgement' on All Might and sent him crashing into the road.

With All Might temporarily taken care of, I flew towards the exit and managed to get past it just in time for All Might to come out of the crater that was formed due to the force of his impact with the road.

"This is an announcement. The first team to pass is Midoriya and Bakugo."

As he stirred awake, I smiled down at him innocently and said, "I won the wager, Baka-suki. Now, as per the rules, you have to do what I tell you to and you can't argue against it. You won't go back on your word, would you? Because that won't be very heroic of you."

I bet he was seeing two horns on my head and a tail swishing behind my back.

He lost a bet with the devil.


A/N: Did anyone read the latest chapter of the manga?! That was one hell of a plot twist!! I won't reveal any spoilers here for anime watchers so don't worry.

Anyway, hope you liked the chapter. Please comment how you felt about it and, cheers!!!

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