A/N: Sorry about that 'Continue' part. It was old and was released when I resumed writing this. I don't know how it got re-published.


As Recovery Girl treated Katsuki, I decided to tell him what he had to do, being the loser of the bet.

I waited for Recovery Girl to leave and asked Katsuki, "Do you remember a boy named Yoroi Kaneda? He used to be a student in our class back in primary school."

Katsuki looked at me questioningly.

I sighed and elaborated, "He had a quirk that made his skin burn in sunlight. You bullied him a lot because of that. I want you to come with me to see him and his family. Although, that's only part of what I want you to do."

Katsuki scowled but didn't utter a word. His eyes held a hint of sadness and guilt.

'Good, you should feel guilty. Whatever happens tomorrow, I'm not sorry for it. It's all part of your redemption, Katsuki.'

I left the room for Katsuki to recover and joined Todoroki and Yaoyorozu who were with Recovery Girl and observing the rest of the tests.

I suddenly noticed something as I was watching the screens, "I know they're calling it a test, but each matchup almost seems like a specialized assignment, right?"

Recovery Girl responded, "That's right."

I continued, "The teams and the matchups with the teachers is obvious to understand..."

I pointed towards a screen and said, "... Take Ectoplasm versus Tokoyami and Tsuyu. Tokoyami has a very strong quirk and his dark shadow has only one weakness. It's perfect for defence and long-ranged attacks. But if someone gets closer to him, Tokoyami will be in trouble as his physical constitution is weak. Someone like Ectoplasm who has numbers with him along with his expertise in close combat."

I watched as Tsuyu managed to save Tokoyami right when Ectoplasm was about to hit him.

"Then there's Tsuyu. She can easily provide support and cover-up. Also, she's level headed in the most difficult situations and that makes her great for emotional support."

Tsuyu and Tokoyami fought together and managed to evade Ectoplasm's attacks as they made their way to the exit. But Ectoplasm overwhelmed them with a gigantic clone and managed to trap them.

Finally, Tsuyu decided to regurgitate the handcuffs she had swallowed to keep them away from Ectoplasm and gave them to Tokoyami for Dark Shadow to use them and capture Ectoplasm.

On the other screen, Kaminari and Ashido were struggling against principal Nezu who was tactically closing off all the exits while drinking tea and laughing maniacally like a supervillain. It was kinda scary to watch. Nezu was the worst matchup for straightforward people like Kaminari and Ashido.

Koda and Jiro were backed into a corner as Present Mic was constantly sending sonic attacks towards them while casually standing in front of the exit gate. I remembered that Koda had a quirk that allowed him to talk to animals and somewhat influence them. But he was a very shy person and didn't talk at all.

When they could do nothing and it looked like Jiro was in a lot of pain from being constantly assaulted by Present Mic's attacks, Koda manned up and talked to insects, conquering his fear of the little animals. The way Present Mic was attacked by the insects, it made my skin crawl as I shivered. Suffice to say the voice hero was soundly defeated.

But what I saw on the next screen, made me want to abandon my dream to be a hero and kill someone. Specifically, Sero, who was sleeping in Midnight's l.a.p as she c.a.r.e.s.sed his hair with her soft and delicate hands while Mineta was running away, crying tears of blood as he watched Sero in her l.a.p.

Oh it was tough to control myself. As Midnight followed Mineta and cornered him, her words and the look in her eyes turned my brain into mud as I entered a trance. I had the material for the night, and so many nights following that...

Anyway, Mineta managed to outsmart Midnight and walked out of the exit gate with Sero who was still sleeping soundly.

I quietly left the room and returned a few minutes later as I had some business to take care of.

The rest of the students managed to pass their respective exams, except Ashido, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sato.

Katsuki was bedridden for a few hours and so was Sero from injuries that he somehow recieved. No one knew how since he didn't engage in any fight during the exam.

Hey! Who are you looking at?!

Uhm, anyway, the exam was a bittersweet ending for us. Some managed to grow while some failed to surpass their limits.

Back in our classroom, the four who had failed were on the verge of crying, or in case of Kirishima, manly sweat from his eyes.

Aizawa-sensei slammed the door open and ordered us to take our seats.

"That's the bell... back to your seats."

Standing in front of the class, he said, "Morning. About your exam, sadly we had some failures, so, you all will be going to the summer camp!"

The entire class exclaimed, "WHAAAAT?!!"

The school played us!

"It was rational deception."

Rational deception my ass!

"You all passed the written exam but Ashido, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sato... and Sero failed the practical."

Sero, who was sitting beside me sighed. Perhaps he estimated the outcome as he did nothing during the practical.

"Failure is still failure, rational deception or not. You five will receive additional supplement lessons. And to be honest, they'll be far worse than summer school."

I felt pity for the five... who am I kidding? I was enjoying the looks on their faces! Aizawa-sensei was a sadist.

After the class, Hagakure asked, "Since we are free tomorrow, how about we go to the mall shopping for anything we need for the summer camp?!"

When they asked me, I simply replied, "I'm sorry. As much as I want to come with you guys, I have to visit an old friend and so does Katsuki."

Well, they bought it and we left for our homes.

The next day, I met Katsuki outside his house and we rode the subway to our destination.

We walked all the way to our destination. No one uttered a word. Even though Katsuki wanted to ask, he didn't, seeing that at that time, I had a very serious look on my face.

When we reached where Kaneda was residing, Katsuki looked around in confusion.

I stopped, turned around and said, "We're here."

"... Here?!"

I nodded to my side and as he looked, his eyes grew impossibly wide as despair and panic filled his countenance. His breath got erratic and I could feel his ego breaking.

Of course it would, for in front him was the grave of Yoroi Kaneda, who died at the age of ten.

"Kaneda died because he removed his protective clothes under the sun and burnt to death. They tried everything but nothing worked, not even fire extinguishers. Within minutes, Kaneda was reduced to ashes. There nothing buried in this grave because there was nothing left to bury."

Katsuki just stood in his place, his eyes fixated on the gravestone as I continued, "There was note found under his pillow by his mother. I found about it and asked Mr and Mrs Yoroi to take action but they refused. I still have that note with me, wanna read it?"

I handed him the note as he wordlessly grabbed it and began reading, "[I don't want to live anymore. This quirk I have is a curse. I'm sorry, mama, papa, I'm not a strong boy. I was born cursed. Bakugo is right, maybe I should die and pray for a better quirk in my next life. I just hope that I get parents like you if I am reborn. I love you mama, papa, and I know that you love me. I'm sorry that I going to do this. But this is my choice.


The letter dropped from his hands as he fell on his knees, his eyes still fixated on the gravestone.

"Look at the graves on either side of Kaneda's. I told you that you'll be meeting him and his parents. His parents couldn't bear the loss of their only child and killed themselves. Mrs Yoroi was found dead as she bled out from cuts on her wrists and Mr Yoroi hung himself to the ceiling fan."

I felt no pity for Katsuki at that moment as he trembled and cried his eyes out.

With a look of extreme hatred, I continued, "You killed them, Katsuki! You destroyed their family! You drove them to commit suicide because you couldn't live with the fact that he was getting better marks than you in school!! I could have informed the police and destroyed your future. But, Mrs Yoroi stopped me. She made me promise her to help you to become a good hero because she feared the kind of villain you could become! I thought you would improve as you age but no, you've gotten worse. I hope this is the last time I have to tell you to let go of your over-inflated ego because if you don't, there will be many such families you're gonna ruin in the future."

Katsuki stayed seated on the ground and kept crying and repeatedly apologizing, but it was way too late for the Yoroi family. At the very least, Katsuki had a better chance of improving after learning about his biggest mistake.

(A/N: Kids are not criminals. Kids make mistakes, not commit crimes. They can't be judged the way we judge grown-ups. Think before you comment about it.)

While we were returning to our homes, I spoke, "As I said yesterday, that was only half of your punishment..."

He looked at me in panic as I continued, "... For the whole summer camp, you won't be referring to anyone by the word 'extra' and will use their proper names to address them. You won't swear at all and with wholeheartedly co-operate with your fellow students without being rude to them at all. If you don't, I'll personally inform your mother about all of your p.o.r.nographic collection, all the magazines and the videos you have hidden away. Good day."

With that, I walked away as Katsuki sputtered in panic. His mom knowing about his collection was the worst thing that could happen to him, even worse than not becoming a hero.

Well, his bad. I had my way with him and showed him the truth of the consequences of his actions. It all depended on how he interpreted it in the future.


A/N: Man that was a heavy chapter. Sorry if you expected something fun but I had to do this. Hope you liked it. I tried to make up for delayed updates so, two chapters today. Thanks for reading and all your support.

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