As I was flying with Kota to Aizawa-sensei, I asked him, "Kota, do you have a quirk?"

"Huh? Yeah, it's same as my mom and dad's quirk."

I nodded, "We'll need your help, Kota. The villains have set the forest on fire. With the fire spreading, all of the ways out will become dead ends. We need your quirk, Kota. I may have saved you, but we need you to save all of us."

Soon, I saw Aizawa-sensei speeding through the forest.

I landed near him and said, "Sensei! There's a lot I have to tell you. But first, I need to talk to Mandalay. Take care of Kota for me. He has a water quirk. You have to protect him!"

Aizawa-sensei narrowed his eyes and asked, "How did you get a bruise on your face?"

I was a little startled.

"Huh? Maybe I got it when I was hit by that villain."

"How was he able to hit you anyway?"

I rubbed the back of my head as I quickly explained, "Well, the villain was very strong. If I dodged his attacks, the mere shockwaves of his punches would have thrown Kota off the cliff. I had to tank his attacks and reduce the strength of my armour ability to absorb the blows."


I looked up in the sky and nodded to sensei, "I'll be off."

"Wait, Midoriya! Also, tell her this..."

I zoomed through the air and went back to Mandalay. They were still fighting the villains.

Spinner, the lizard man exclaimed as he swung his third-grade version of samehada sword at Mandalay, "You're a stubborn one, you phoney!! Hurry up and get purged already!!!"

I flew towards him and smashed through his stupid sword while saying, "You're the one who needs to f.u.c.k off, you wannabe Stain's bitch!!!"

Turning towards Mandalay, I said, "Kota's fine, Mandalay!! I have a message from Aizawa-sensei. Use your telepathy to tell everyone!!"

As I spoke, Mandalay relayed the message to everyone.

[Students of class A and B, I professional hero Eraserhead, hereby authorize you all for combat!]

When I was about to leave, asked to relay one more message, "Mandalay, relay this to everyone too. The villains, or at least one of them, are after Katsuki. They are here for him! Please use your telepathy again!"

When the tall villain with big lips heard me, he immediately jumped towards me saying, "This won't do. This kid needs to die."

I scoffed at the villain and swatted him towards Spinner like a little fly, "Piss off!!"

There was no time to deal with those grunts. I flew high up in the sky and spread my observation throughout the forest.

Katsuki, Todoroki and a guy from 1-B were facing a villain. Itsuka and Tetsutetsu were walking towards a villain who was the one behind the poison gas. Uraraka and Tsuyu were also fighting a villain.

Shoji was fleeing from Tokoyami whose quirk had gone berserk.

There was no one in an area of hundreds of feet below on the ground. I smirked, it was time to mess up with their plan. With a yell, I released a huge pulse of 'Conqueror's will'.

Soon, my 'will' began affecting the villains. One villain standing far away immediately fell unconscious. The two fighting Tiger and Mandalay fell down on their knees and began heavily sweating.

There was a moment of quiet in the forest. I hadn't used the full extent of my power as I didn't have absolute control over it. If I had used it, I feared the pulse would have been so powerful that I would have killed the villains, all the while giving permanent psychological injuries to everyone else.

Then, the Nomu that was aimlessly walking around, jumped towards me in an amazing show of strength.

'So it was looking for me.'

Our fists collided with a bang high up in the air as my entire body was glowing with a bright green aura.

Those Nomus were an incredible creation. If only they weren't created from humans, but instead by robotics, they could have been a boon against evil. But they had a glaring weakness. All Nomus were devoid of their wills. They had no consciousness of their own. They just followed their innate battle instincts and did what their minds were programmed to do.

Which meant that they never dodged any attacks thrown at them. As my punch cancelled out his attack, I manoeuvred in the air and smashed my knee in its gut, send it flying higher in the air. I instantly followed behind and as it reached the highest point, I made a club with my fists and with a mighty roar, I smashed its face, sending it crashing towards the ground thousands of feet below.

But I wasn't done. As the Nomu was zooming towards the ground, the green aura around my body flared up like a wildfire and I rammed my body into its gut like a battering ram and crashed into the ground with a thunderous bang.

When I finally stopped, the Nomu was nothing but a broken husk of flesh. It was still alive, given that I could sense its heart beating in his battered c.h.e.s.t. But there were no movements.

Suddenly, I sensed Tokoyami rushing towards me. His quirk had gone out of his control and I had the perfect solution for it.

As Dark Shadow came blasting through the trees, I punched it with a 'Fist of Judgement' and sent it back from whence it came. Without allowing it to get back up, I placed my hand on its head and blasted it with a concentrated pulse of 'Conqueror's will'.

"Calm down."

It was immediately subdued.

Tokoyami panted heavily as he looked up at me and said, "Midoriya, *huff* *huff*, thanks. I was trying very hard to control dark shadow but he wasn't listening."

Suddenly, from the bushes, Shoji came running towards us.

"Tokoyami! Midoriya! You guys are alright!"

I didn't respond as my eyes immediately found themselves looking at the grievance injury on Shoji.

I narrowed my eyes and asked, "Shoji, what happened to your arm?"

Tokoyami dropped his head down while gritting his teeth as Shoji explained their encounter with a villain. Fortunately, it was one of the dupli-arms that was cut off and not his main arm. It could be grown back.

It was at that time when I felt the familiar aura of Kurogiri in the vicinity. He was opening a portal. The villains, Spinner and his companion, who had been tied up by the P.u.s.s.y-cats, disappeared into a portal, startling the heroes.

One by one, the villains began disappearing in portals. I felt a sudden foreboding of danger and without saying another word, I blasted off towards Katsuki.

There, in front of me, Katsuki was struggling against a villain who had some kind of quirk that allowed him to extend his teeth out of his mouth like sharp blades and change the direction of his attacks at will.

I took the villain by surprise and broke his teeth with an overpowered kick to his mouth, sending him zooming through the darkness of the night.

A portal suddenly appeared behind Katsuki and a pair of hands grabbed his arms and began pulling him inside the portal.

My ears began ringing from a sudden rush of blood to my brain. All I could think of was to prevent Katsuki from being taken away.

I teleported to Katsuki and pried the hands off him.

It all happened way too quickly for me to react.

The last thing I remembered was Katsuki's terror-stricken face as he desperately tried to reach for me.


The world blackened in front of my eyes. I felt my head getting lighter as the ringing in my ears intensified.

After that, I fell unconscious.

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