A/N: Many of you seem to be unhappy with the recent chapters. 'The outcome was expected', 'MC was nerfed', 'I'm disappointed'...


No f.u.c.ks given, bitches.????

Huh! I kept writing my Harry Potter fanfiction and finished it even after being blatantly told to 'quit this shit'. Nothing's gonna dishearten me to quit writing this ff, or any others in the future.

Also, the dude who thought that MC knows the story and did nothing about it. Well, I never said this is a self-insert or a reincarnation story.

MC wasn't nerfed. He held back. Like All Might did against All for One when Bakugo was nearby.

Disappointed? Well, go write your own goddamn ff. Do inform me when you start writing though. I'd love to read what you pros write.

Don't like my attitude? This is pretty mellow.

Wanna quit reading this story? Go ahead. If I was doing this for some profit I would have created a pat.reon account. I'm just doing this for personal entertainment. I'm just a writer for fun.


I didn't know for how long was I unconscious.

I could hear some people talking around me. Keeping my eyes closed, I listened...

"Hey! Hey! can I taste his blood? I wonder what he'll taste like!"

"Himiko! The boss wants him alive and awake!"

"Well, maybe he'll wake up when I cut him up!"

Quietly, I took a whiff of the air. The smell, it was that of alcohol... I was in a bar... or a club... which didn't have many visitors. It was either at a distant and secluded area or had been closed for a long time.

"Why are we keeping him alive anyway? He was among those who took down Stain! I say we slice him into pieces and send his head to U.A.!"

The boss... Shigaraki? He wanted to keep me alive. I have to inform someone, but how? Also, I had to know where they were keeping me.

Using observation, I looked for an easy target. I had learnt, from the Nomus, that if I could overpower someone's will, I could establish some form of control over their bodies. I know, it would be so easy to abuse that for evil and have my way with people. But I wasn't an evil person.

So, I decided to target a bird or a little rodent, something that I could easily overpower, something of very low intellegence.

I shook away the pain and guilt I felt when I took control over the bird while the poor animal fluttered violently. I had to be careful. A little fumble on my part could destroy the bird's will and turn it into something that couldn't be described as alive after I relinquished my control over it.

Under the commands of my will, the bird craned its neck to look for any boards or signs that could tell me where I was.

"Shut up, Spinner! Don't try to get out of this! You owe me 500 yen!"

Soon, the bird found itself in front of a local shop with its address painted at the bottom of its board.

'Kamino, Yokohama.'

I was in a bar in the Kamino Ward of Yokohama city.

'But how will I inform anyone about my location?!'

I wracked my brain for an answer while relinquishing my control over the bird. Fortunately, the bird wasn't affected at all, saving me from the guilt of manipulating something to its death.

Suddenly, I thought of the P.u.s.s.y-cats. Mandalay was a telepath and Ragdoll was able to sense everything in the surroundings, kinda like my observation. And they could communicate with each other through their minds if they were close enough.

'Could I?... Gotta activate One for All and increase the range of my willpower's reach.'

I kept my breathing steady and deep. I couldn't afford to make a mistake. I activated One for All and focused to keep it around my nervous system.

Soon, I began using my 'Will of Observation' and tried to spread it as far away as I possibly could.

There, like a faded ray of light in the darkness, I could feel Mandalay's presence right around the edge of the limits of my observation.

Next, I used 'Conqueror's will' and tested her will. Due to the large distance, my probe was very weak but it was noticeable.

Mandalay suddenly perked up when she heard faint voices in her head.

'Mi... riya... zu... '


Pixie-bob looked at her questioningly.

'Mido... ya... Iz... ku...'

"Pixie-bob, I think someone is trying to talk to me through telepathy!"

Pixie-bob exclaimed, "Is it Ragdoll?!"

Mandalay shook her head and concentrated.

'Midoriya Izuku... I'm Midoriya Izuku! Mandalay!'

Mandalay gasped and turned towards Pixie-bob, "Get everyone here! It's Midoriya Izuku! He's trying to contact me through telepathy! Go, hurry!!"

'Midoriya, Mandalay here! I can hear you!'

I was about to sigh but held it in at the last moment. The villains were still there. I couldn't alert them that I was awake.

'Mandalay, they are keeping me in a foreclosed bar in the Kamino Ward of Yokohama. I think this is their hideout. The villains are all here and talking among each other.'

I could perceive her sigh as she replied, 'Alright, we'll be there as soon as we can. We'll save you, Midoriya.'

After hesitating for a moment, she continued, 'Is Ragdoll there with you?'

What I found, froze the blood in my veins... metaphorically.

'... Mandalay, Ragdoll isn't here. She is being kept somewhere else in Kamino. The place is full of Nomus. I think they are trying to convert her into one. You need to hurry!'

I felt Mandalay gasp in horror as she quickly broke the connection.

All I could do was wait.

Or... cause some mayhem.


Pixie-bob barged in the meeting that was being held among the heroes of UA.

They had just gotten information about the hideout of the villains from detective Tsukauchi Naomasa. Someone had identified the villain Dabi entering an abandoned building that used to be a bar in Kamino Ward.

Without waiting for someone to ask, she exclaimed, "Midoriya Izuku had made a telepathic connection with Mandalay!"

Mandalay was running towards them with a terrified expression.

"Midoriya is being kept in a foreclosed bar in Kamino Ward! He told me Ragdoll is kept somewhere with a lot of Nomus. They are trying to make Ragdoll a Nomu! We have to save them!"

The heroes immediately began mobilizing.

Meanwhile, Yaoyorozu informed the heroes about the tracker she and Awase from class B had planted on the incapacitated Nomu I had left behind. The villains had managed to take the Nomu away with them.

As the heroes gathered around to conduct the raid, my foolish classmates were devising their own rescue operation for me. It still warms my heart when I recall what they had done to rescue me.

Back in the hideout, I 'stirred awake' and g.r.o.a.n.e.d.

A girlish squeal stung into my ears, "He's awake! Hey! Look! Can I make him bleed now?!"

I glanced around the bar and probed their presences. All villains who had participated in the attack were present, with the addition of Kurogiri and Shigaraki.

They were watching a press conference on the Tv where the UA staff was answering the media's questions.

Shigaraki turned towards me and said, "Midoriya Izuku, we wanted to capture Bakugou Katsuki. But you thwarted our plans. A small inconvenience."

I kept staring at him impassively.

Shigaraki spread is arms wide and continued with flair, "Look over there..."

He gestured at the Tv.

"... Why are heroes being criticised? Their response was just a little too slow! Is it because it's their job to protect the kids? Everybody makes a mistake or two!"

'Like your parents made you?'

"Heroes are under some pretty strict standards huh?"

'Why is he even telling me all this?'

Spinner, who was standing against the wall said, "The moment that protecting people began to merit some compensation, heroes were not heroes anymore. That's Stain's teaching!"

'What an idiot... go ride his d.i.c.k then! Stain's bitch.'

Shigaraki continued, "The queerness of converting human life into money and selfish pursuits, citizens who criticize the losers who instead should be cheered on, our battle is one of those questions. What is a hero? What is justice? Is this society really just? We want people to think about these things..."

Oh, I tried. Trust me, I really tried to but I couldn't hold back and laughed hysterically.

"Oh man, you guys are truly a bunch of idiots! What is this, some intellectual debate on what a hero is supposed to be? Asshole, I'm held captive here, someone who is your enemy, and instead of trying to get some information out of me you are trying to lure me to your side? Do you even know shit about me?"

I looked at Spinner and continued, "Heroes are not heroes because they earn money from it? They earn money so that they can be full-time heroes and protect the citizens from megalomaniacs like your boss. How are they supposed to feed their families if they don't earn money? F.u.c.k.i.n.g imbecile!"

Without giving anyone a chance to react, I broke through my bindings and blasted off towards Kurogiri, catching everyone by surprise. I wrapped my arm around his throat and grabbed his head in a vice grip.

"The rest of these are might be cannon fodder for you, but this dude, he's important, isn't he? My quirk allows me to ignore defences against physical damage, like your warp bitch. Wanna see what his brains will look like if I crush his head? Believe me, I'm strong enough to do it."

Right then, someone knocked on the door of the bar.

I smirked when I felt who it was through observation, "Rejoice f.u.c.ktards, you're daddy's here to kick your a.s.s."

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