As All Might burst in through the door, the villains were overwhelmed within a blink of an eye.

The heroes were fast. Kamui Woods acted quickly and captured the villains with his special move. When a villain tried to burn the wood holding him down, Gran Torino swooped behind him and knocked him out with a kick behind his head.

All Might said in his booming voice, "Between the sturdy Kamui Woods and the speedy Gran Torino, the villain alliance stands no chance... For we are here!"

The heroes rushed in one by one. Edgeshot took an instant to mess with Kurogiri while I was holding his head and took care of him. I could sense that more had surrounded the bar and with Kurogiri incapacitated, all paths of escape for the villains were closed.

I watched with silent triumph as Shigaraki began losing control. He was absolutely terrified at the sight of All Might.

But, the fight wasn't over. In all the suddenness of the retaliation by the heroes, I dropped my guard. It was a grave error.

Suddenly, I could feel some form of liquid rising from my throat. It was extremely unpleasant. Unable to keep in inside, I vomited the liquid out. Similar things were happening with the villains. Out of nowhere, numerous Nomu appeared out of strange portals made of the same liquid that I was vomiting out.

The realisation dawned upon me but it was too late as I was whisked away from the bar along with the rest of the villains.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in ruins of what looked like a lab. The whole place was saturated with the imposing and intimidating aura of the man standing in front of me.

One by one, the villains also fell out of the portals. In the meantime, I spread my observation to the surroundings and found out that I was at the place where they manufactured Nomu.

Yes, manufactured, because the sheer number of those incomplete Nomu boggled my mind. It felt like the villains were creating an army. But all that could wait. The man in front of me was being addressed as sensei by Shigaraki.

I narrowed my eyes and decided to test his will and when I did, a lot of things suddenly made sense.

The man's will was the same as the that controlled all the Nomu I had encountered. Every single one of them was controlled by him.

I pushed on, there was something else... something horrifying...

The man had numerous fragments of wills of other people...

"Midoriya Izuku, you really did a number on Tomura during our incursion in USJ."

He had stolen those fragments from people, subdued them and shackled them to himself.

Stolen fragments of wills...

Shigaraki's sensei...

Control Nomus who had multiple quirks...

When I finally realised who the man was, my breath stagnated as my thought process halted.

He was the mastermind behind the League of Villains.

The nemesis of every One for All user.

All for One.

I immediately activated my quirk, ready to fight even though I knew I was nowhere near his strength. His will... was indomitable. It felt like an impenetrable shield with the strongest chains ever holding the fragments to it.

My breath got erratic and I zoned out, unable to hear what anyone was saying. Such was the extent of the effect his aura was having on me.

I felt suffocated.

Suddenly, All Might came blasting towards us and tackled All for One, decimating the ground below him. But surprisingly, All for One held his ground. No, he didn't even budge.

"I'm going to make you give everything back, All for One!!!"

"You're going to kill me again, All Might?!"

The smile on All Might's face that always reassured everyone was absent.

It didn't take him even a moment for All for One to deduce that All Might had become weak.

As I observed, All for One drained the power from some fragments chained to his will and created a devastating wind attack, sending All Might flying through dozens of buildings.

He then told Shigaraki and the other villains to escape and take me with them. Using another stolen quirk, All for One forcefully activated Kurogiri's quirk as All Might came back to stop All for One.

Among all the chaos, I sensed that Katsuki and some other classmates of mine were hiding behind a wall.

'If All for One saw them, he will attack them to further provoke All Might. The villains... I can't let them escape. Furthermore, All Might isn't fighting with his entire strength. He's holding back because I'm here. I need to do something.'

I chuckled lightly, attracting everyone's attention to me, "Escape? Not while I'm here!"

I didn't hold back and blasted my surroundings with the entire strength of my 'Conqueror's will', making sure the attack was aimed only at the villains.

My attack was by no means weak. It cracked the very ground beneath me, shattered the glass of numerous buildings and sent a lot of rubble flying outwards. All the villains who were awake fell down like bowling pins. But, it didn't even chip the impenetrable shield that was All for One's will.

The boss of the villains looked around and said to me, "I felt that. Your quirk is strong... Come over here."

Suddenly, his fingers transformed into cords and he attacked me with the intent of grabbing me and pulling me towards him.

But All Might stopped his attack.

"You won't harm him in my presence!!"

Taking advantage of it, I dashed towards All for One and punch at his face with a 'fist of judgement'.

But All for One stopped it with little effort.

"Your strength is comparable to All Might, but it's not good enough, Midoriya Izuku."

I gritted my teeth and pushed on, not intending to give up.

All for One whipped his other arm and threw All Might away before retracting the cords back.

"You wouldn't mind if I take your quirk, would you?"

I responded with a snarl as he brought his hand closer. But, before he could begin taking my quirk... many things happened at the same time.

The wall behind which Katsuki and others were hiding was blown away and a massive pillar of ice emerged from behind it. Kirishima, Iida and Katsuki sped on the ice pillar and flew into the air over us.

Meanwhile, my quirk reacted to the distress I was feeling and teleported me behind All for One as his hand was inches away from taking my quirk away. It worked to my benefit as it surprised the villain.

I could hear Katsuki shout "Izuku!!"

That was my only chance to escape. It was All Might's fight, one that he had to put an end to. I had no right to interfere.

But before I did, I snarled at All for One, "Here's a parting f.u.c.k you, you rotten old fossil of a cunt!!"

Moving my finger in a horizontal arc towards his back, I created a streak of green aura which shattered into countless shards. Then, the pieces hailed at All for One's back with no chance for the villain to dodge.

'Needle mountain hell'

The shards of aura pierced through his torso and riddled him with holes as I flew towards my friends and grabbed Katsuki's hand.

I had gravely wounded All for One.

All I could do was have faith in the hero everyone admired.

I looked back at All Might and conveyed my thoughts with a simple gesture. And from the smirk on his face, I knew he understood.

'I've evened the odds for you. You better win, All Might.'

A/N: I have written this chapter again and again and erased everything because I just couldn't do justice to the fight in canon. In the end, I decided to skip it entirely. It's beyond my skill to grab the essence of it. I'm just not good enough to write it in words. I spent hours typing the chapter again and again but...

Anyway, that move, Needle Mountain Hell, it's Janemba's move from DBZ: fusion reborn. That movie didn't do justice to the badass Gogeta.

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