All Might's battle with All for One showed me what the top hero was truly capable of. But All for One was not one to be scoffed at. He knew exactly how to use the quirks he had stolen.

The battle of the two behemoths was causing the nature itself to bend to their wills. Whipping violent currents of air with nothing but their fists, the two attacked one another like titans of the myth.

The entire country and perhaps millions in the entire world watched with bated breaths as All Might fought against the odds.

With my heart pounding with uncertainty and a little bit of fear, I watched as All Might's weakened form was revealed to the world. He was already at his limit yet All for One stood tall despite the injuries he recieved from my somewhat of a sneak attack.

But All Might did not yield. He pushed his body beyond its limits and dashed towards his adversary using the last embers of the quirk his master had bestowed upon him.

Sacrificing his good arm, All Might put his entire being into his other arm that had been shattered and with a last farewell to his quirk, All Might smashed his fist into All for One's face.

That day marked the end of an era because on that day, the Symbol of Peace, the greatest hero of his generation, All Might, retired from being a professional hero.

All for One was defeated and lay unconscious at All Might's feet as the man raised his broken and bleeding fist up in victory. Then, he dropped his arm down and pointed towards the camera held by the reporters and said, "You're next."

For the world, those words were a warning to every uncertain villain. His stance was that of an unbreakable pillar. Yet, to me, they held an entirely different meaning.

"My time has come to an end."

That moment has forever been etched to my memory. The country may have lost its Symbol of Peace but to me, he would always remain All Might because it wasn't his quirk that made him the man I idolised, it was his principles, his conviction that he upheld... till the very day he died.


All for One was taken to Tartarous, the prison for criminals on a death row.

Meanwhile, the country was in a state of chaos. Even though the mastermind was caught, Shigaraki still managed to escape while the people lost their Symbol of Peace.

All Might's weakened form was revealed to the world. The 'Symbol of Peace that will never fall' was no more. Neither to the civilians and nor to the villains.

While Katsuki and the rest went back to their homes, I was taken by the police for questioning... standard protocol.

I told them everything that had transpired as mom sat beside me, barely holding her tears back.

I returned to our apartment with mom in a police car. Neither of us talked, too occupied by our thoughts and emotions.

Just as I entered through the door, mom grabbed me into a crushing hug and wept. She was so scared... I could feel her body tremble as she reassured herself that her baby was alright, kissing me all over my face over and over again.

I stood quietly and accepted her display of motherly affection. I knew she was still putting up a strong front for me. I knew that she'd cry herself to sleep yet I was helpless, unable to think of any words that could soothe her. All I could do was hug her back.

I blamed myself for my incompetence and selfishness. How could I be a hero if I caused so much pain to my own mother?

As I held her trembling and crying self in a hug, I vowed to never make her suffer through such distress, ever again.

Mom fell asleep while we were standing at the door of our apartment. She hadn't slept or eaten for more than a day. I tucked her into her bed and went to my room. Finally, the fatigue took over and I collapsed into my bed.

I woke up the next day to my phone vibrating on my bedside. I looked at the screen and immediately shot up from my bed. It was a call from All Might.

I flew towards Dagobah beach as he had asked. I still didn't know what I would say to him. Should I try to encourage him? Was I too naive to even think that he'd need some consoling?

As those uncertain thoughts swirled in my mind, I saw All Might standing at the beach, the majority of his body was bandaged.

"Ah, you are here. Took you long enough!"

As I landed in front of him, I said, "All Might... I'm sorry I..."

But the words died out in my mouth because out of nowhere, he punched me in the face.

"What are you apologising for, young Midoriya! I came here to inform you that I'm retiring. My body is no longer in a state to fight anymore."

He then transformed for a brief moment and punched in the air, only to deflate and comically spit blood.

He stopped and continued, "The last embers of One for All have gone out. On top of that, I'm not able to maintain my muscle form anymore. And you! Not only you were able to get out of harm's way without being hurt, you also helped me by giving All for One some very bad injuries."

He crouched down and held me in a one armed hug.

"I'm incredibly proud of you. And I'm happy that I chose you as my successor. From here on out, I'm entirely devoting myself to your development. Despite my condition, we'll do our best, okay?"

I couldn't hold back anymore and cried. Even though I knew, it was at that moment I realised...

The weak lingering pain in my cheek told me but one thing, it was the end of the age of All Might.


A/N: Sup!! Greetings from a shameless author!! ????????

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