I spent most of my time at home meditating during the break we were given to recover from the villain attack and the subsequent events.

I had tested the will of a man who had tempered his own for hundreds of years. I had a clear vision in my mind of the target I had to surpass.

I was able to sate the worries of my friends. But deep down, I knew the incident changed them in one way or the other.

Even though All for One was defeated and arrested, his protege, Shigaraki, was still at large and so was his League of Villains. I was feeling an uneasy need for urgency. The more he was allowed to remain free, the more troublesome he got.

After the attack at the summer camp, UA decided to have all the students live at the campus itself for our own safety. One by one, the teachers visited all the students for permission from our parents to allow us to move into dorms.

I was a little nervous as All Might himself was coming to talk to mom and I was afraid that after all that had happened, she won't allow me to relocate to UA.

Mom was incredibly warm towards All Might when he knocked on our door. As I poured tea for the three of us, All Might modestly thanked me and began, "As you may already know, Mrs Midoriya, that because of recent events, the principal of UA has decided to relocate all the students to the campus for their safety. I am here to ask for your consent in allowing young Midoriya to move into UA dorms."

Mom patiently took a sip of her tea and breathed out before replying, "Since the day my Izuku joined your school he has been under constant threat. First the attack at USJ. Izu faced something terrible and had to fight against an absolute monstrosity until you arrived to handle it. Then the hero killer Stain, Izu had to take the matter in his own hands and save his friend because the heroes were incompetent."

Staring into All Might's eyes, she continued, "Now this... Izu foiled the plans of villain league to abduct Katsuki and was taken by villains. He took down a dangerous criminal by himself and even defeated a Nomu while the heroes were occupied by some crooks. He had to face their leader whom even you barely managed to defeat. That too after Izu gave him serious wounds. How can you expect me to believe that you or any other hero will keep him safe when he's out there fighting your battles? He, who isn't even a hero yet has proven to be more of a hero than any of you."

I was shellshocked. Even though I wanted to, I had nothing to say to refute her.

Mom continued, "I cannot stop Izu from pursuing this profession but as a mother, I worry that one day he may not return. I have always supported him but I cannot live in constant fear of losing him before he's even ready to stand on his own feet. Can you guarantee that he'll be safer if he moves to UA?"

All Might took a few moments to absorb the damage done by mom's words.

He steadied his breathing and replied, "Mrs Midoriya, I can understand if you have little faith in me and in UA for properly taking care of your son and you have every right to deny his relocation..."

All Might got up from his seat and before I could comprehend what he wanted to say, he got down on his knees and bowed in front of mom, saying, "... But, give me one chance of being a mentor of young Midoriya. He has the potential of being someone great and I want to do everything in my power to nurture him into a great hero. I'll lay down my life before I let any kind of danger befall upon him. This, I vow to you."

I was stupefied seeing All Might bow in front of mom and hearing him make that vow. Too overwhelmed by her emotions and awe at All Might's bow, mom fell on her knees and said, "No... the reason Izu ever wanted to be a hero was because he idolized you. You are part of what drives him to push himself so hard every single day. I cannot ask you to lay down your life. I cannot accept your vow. It's not like I have something against UA. All I want is for Izuku to be happy... You mustn't put your life on the line, no matter what. Please keep on living and nurturing him to the fullest of his potential. If you can promise me that, then I will not stand in your way."

All Might immediately responded, "I promise."

Without looking at me, mom said, "And you, Izuku... be the hero you vowed to be... I've seen it... you know...? I've seen what you wrote down on the day Kaneda-kun died..."

She turned around and looked into my wide eyes, her hardened gaze resolute, "... You've been holding back a lot... Izuku... If there are villains as evil as those of the League of Villains... You have to let loose of what hold you back and become the bane of the wicked!"

I stared back at her and grunted with purpose, "I promise, mom. I'll be the bane of the wicked."


A/N: Yo! I'm alive... Sorry for no updates for more than a month. These days have been hard on me. I was having major psychological issues around the time I stopped writing and have been on medication. It was getting dangerous for me to be alone in a room.... with a ceiling fan... I had knives... and sharp objects...

Then, COVID happened. I've been stuck in New Delhi ever since, living with my sister and her husband. They are both doctors and I'm under observation. These are tough times for all of us and I hope that none of you caught the virus but if you did, hope you recovered and are healthy now.

Anyway, I'll try to update more frequently but don't getany hopes up.

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