The girl who was generous enough for my inner pervert to have a little more joy in his life turned out to be none other than Hatsume Mei. Yeah, the same one who used Iida to show off her creations at the sports festival.

Ochako, to whom I was eternally grateful for some blissful memories, was pouting and looked annoyed. The reason, well, Hatsume was still lying on top of me and we hadn't moved for over a minute. I was barely able to breathe but it was worth it.

Don't you all dare judge me! I was a hormonal teenager! All teenage boys are perverts! Those who aren't, are just too cowardly to let their perversion soar!!

Uhm... Anyway...

Hatsume immediately bombarded me with her obsession with her 'babies' as she called them when I told her about the reason I was visiting the lab.

A bo-staff was extremely easy to get but I wanted something more. Since I had very little time to wait for the said equipment to be built, I settled for a bo-staff made of a flexible yet strong metal that could handle my strength to some extent. It was collapsible so it didn't hinder my manoeuvres. I decided to keep it attached to my belt and it could be drawn by a censor on my wrist. I didn't even have to grab it! Just wave my wrist at it and voila! A bo-staff ready to smack some douches!

I excused myself and Ochako followed leaving poor Iida at Hatsume's mercy.

For the next few days, we trained our quirks and improved in many ways.

Katsuki, for example, thought of an attack that decreased the blast radius of his explosions and gave them a more piercing effect. A small incident occurred as he was practising that move. A heavy piece of stone broke off and fell on All Might... or it might have fallen but was stopped by yours truly as I was blasting away Ectoplasm's clones with 'Conqueror's will'. It was like I could produce an invisible force field that decimated everything it touched. Much to my and the teachers' relief, I had exceptional control on my abilities or at full power, I could have crushed my friends into a paste.

As we continued our training, the doors of TDL were banged open by the homeroom teacher of class 1-B, more commonly known as Vlad King.

"That's it for you, class A!!" he growled.

"We have plans to make use of the TDL from today afternoon!! Eraser, you best get out."

Aizawa-sensei retorted in his bland voice, "We've still got about ten minutes left. You've got a little trouble telling time, huh?"

My eye began twitching when class B barged in the TDL. One one hand, despite my perversion for all that's human and female, I was slowly sinking into the quicksand of love for Itsuka, their class representative and the unofficial 'big sis' of the class. On the other hand... the entire class knew damn well how to get on my nerves!!

Monoma, despite the brutal a.s.s whipping I gave him in the sports festival, hadn't changed much in his ways and was back to his ways of trying to goad us into an argument.

Itsuka immediately found me and we began talking about random stuff. The hazy blush on her cheeks that was absent around everyone else told me that she was interested. And I was absolutely certain that she saw the same thing on my face.

Right when we were about to leave, I mustered enough courage and asked, "Hey, Itsuka?"

"How about we... hang out for a while the day before our provisional exam? It'll help with the nerves! So, what do you say?"

Her face heated up faster than Katsuki's temper. If I accidentally dropped water on her I bet it would have evaporated the moment it came in contact with her skin... Ok maybe that's a stretch but I could almost feel her body temperature rising.

She somehow managed to squeak out an 'ok!' before she robotically walked away.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. After taking in the serenity of her figure as she calmed herself down and prepared to begin training, I walked out of the TDL with the rest of my class.


Two days before the provisional exam, I had a major breakthrough with my quirk. It happened when I training at the Dagobah beach. The sea was a little chaotic and the wind was harsh yet I felt right at home. A storm was brewing up. I closed my eyes and let my body become one with the wind and the sea.

I lost the sense of time and before I knew it, the sun had begun setting. The wind was roaring and crashing against the chaotic waves of the sea and the clouds were rumbling in controlled anger, ready to unleash their wrath as lightning and hail.

But I noticed something off with the surroundings. The world seemed to be of a different hue than normal. As if a dense shade of green had been added all around me. When I realised what had happened, I gasped and felt the unimaginable power and potential my new ability had.

I felt like the god of the storm.

A day before the provisional exams, I got ready for something that was incredibly important to me.

At four in the afternoon, I stood outside the gates of U.A. as I watched her approach with a smile on her beautiful face.

Itsuka was wearing a loose top over her spaghetti that exposed her smooth yet toned shoulders and a mini skirt. She was definitely dressed for something more than a casual hang out.

It was our first date, something I cherish to this very day. The details are hazy but I remember that the date had been cracking sidewalks and watery sunshine that struggled past the clouds. We had made several loops of the block, how many neither of us could recall.

On the first few circuits, the talk had been shy, despite having known each other for years and then each of us backing away.

Another few circuits and we knew more about one another than any members of our own family, our fingers entwined in a loose grip.

As the date was coming to an end, I could feel her getting anxious. I had to do something...

On the final loop around I pulled Itsuka close into a kiss that stopped all her anxious thoughts dead in their tracks. Her lips were soft like the petals of a rose. I poured in all my feelings into that kiss. There was no heated battle, just the sweetness of the moment filling us with warmth, unfamiliar yet welcomed.

That timeless moment has been ingrained in my mind. It has been years...


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