The day for our Provisional License exam had finally arrived.

The exam was being held at Takoba National Stadium. So you could say that it was a damn big deal. Good thing for us that class B was at some other place. I really didn't want to go against Itsuka right after we became intimate with one another.

After we climbed out of our bus, Aizawa-sensei addressed us.

"If you guys are able to pass this exam and get your provisional licenses, then you are no longer eggs. You will become chicklings, incubated to become semi-professionals. Do your best."

He quickly glanced at me and backed away. I took the hint and moved in front of the rest of the class and said, "Alright! Let's do our best! No matter what, we'll have each other's back! Now gather around!! Ready?! PLUS...!"

A rude idiot sneaked behind my back and tried to do what I thought he was about to. So, like a good student, I pushed him down and stopped him.

"... ULTRA!!!"

Everyone cheered the motto of U.A.

My expression immediately changed from cheerful to a scowl. I quickly turned around and grabbed idiot by his shoulder and asked menacingly, "What the hell were you trying to do by sneaking behind me?! It's rude to jump in others' huddles!"

Trust me, the dude was even more expressive than Iida. His face morphed from smiling like he saw Midnight n.a.k.e.d to shocked down to his very soul upon realising that it was actually a nude pedophilic old man walking towards him while scratching his crotch.

"Aahhh!! Damn it!!!"

Yeah, I think that's exactly what he saw.

"Please accept..."

He bent his torso backwards and swung forward only to slam his own head hard into the ground.

"... My humblest apologies!!!"

My eye began twitching at how ridiculous it all looked. The dude was like a cross of Iida and Kirishima on steroids.

His classmates immediately walked up to us and reprimanded him for acting like a weirdo. That's when I noticed the uniform they were wearing.

Shiketsu High, the school in West Japan that rivalled U.A.

The rude idiot got up with a jerk, his face once again morphed into one that of pure joy even though he had begun to bleed from his head. He loudly exclaimed, "I jus' wanted to try an' say it once!! Plus Ultra!! I myself, I mus' say that I love U.A.!!! It's my utmost honour to compete wit' you all at U.A. I wish you all the best!!!"

As he was taken away by his classmates, Aizawa-sensei began telling us about the idiot, Inasa Yoarashi.

Apparently, he topped the recommendation exam but didn't join U.A.

The reason, I didn't care for it. There were more important things to focus on. I mean why would anyone dwell upon some dude's reason for not joining U.A. when a hot heroine like Ms Joke was walking towards them.


... I really did have a thing for older women.

Yeah, I had a girlfriend but that doesn't mean I'd stop admiring the absolute wonder a woman's body is. It wasn't like I was gonna cheat on Itsuka. I might be a closet pervert but I'm not a damn cheat! The world is full of goddesses, but I had a goddess who trumped them all in my eyes and she was my girlfriend.

Anyway... as I was saying, I fully enjoyed watching the beautiful Ms Joke and zoned out the world around me. She and Aizawa-sensei were close and knew each other from work. But their relationship wasn't intimate.

She had brought the second year students of Ketsubutsu Academy for the exam.

They too had their quirks, pun intended... which I soundly ignored.

Right at the front was a man who looked like he'd fall dead just with a gentle breeze. Seriously, zombies would look more healthy than that man.

Taking his position at the podium, he addressed us.

"Er... Well then, let's begin that provisional license thing... All right..."

Still looking at the doc.u.ments in front of him, he continued, "My name is Mera and I'm from the hero public safety commission. My favourite form of sleep is N-REM sleep. Good to meet you all."

Again... priorities!

"My work has been so busy I've hardly been able to sleep. There's just not enough manpower...! Alright, with that jut of the way, let me explain this to you all."

He let the podium bear his weight and continued, "There are 1540 of you here taking this exam. We'll carry out an exercise to whittle down your numbers. In today's day and age, we are said to be living in a hero saturated society. Ever since Stain's capture, there are many who question the current state of affairs with heroes. As an individual, no matter what the motive, to put your life on the line to save others but 'don't seek anything'... That is the merciless expectation of today's society."

Hero Killer Stain, that son of a bitch had been the reason for a new boom in the number of villains coming out of their hiding holes. Even after his capture, he had been able to sway many to his way of thinking. But to me, he was nothing more than a weak-willed failure of a man who chose the easy way than the right way to get himself heard.

"In any case, be it for compensation or out of pure heroism, many heroes have endeavoured and dedicated themselves to rescuing others and suppressing villains. From the beginning of an incident to its restitution, that window of time is becoming incredibly short. All of you who'll receive the provisional licenses will be plunged into these rapids. For those who cannot keep up with that speed, I'll say it clearly... It is relentless. Therefore, what's being tested is your speed! The first hundred examinees who clear the conditions will pass."

Mera patiently explained the rules of the test. In a gist, we had to tag two opponents to eliminate them and get qualified for the next round. The targets were like lives in a video game. Whoever took your last life would be given the credit.

After he was done explaining, the walls of the hall began to expand and we found ourselves in the middle of a vast terrain.

Within a few moments, everyone began spreading out, trying to find locations best suited for their quirks that could be used to their advantage.

While that was happening, I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes.

I recalled all the s.e.xy posters of big sisters and cougars on the walls of my room, the date with Itsuka and the kiss we shared.

'For you all... I'll pass this exam.'

... Priorities!!!

As soon as the countdown ended, examinees from all around us rushed at us like hungry hyenas.

With my lips twitching in annoyance, I said to my classmates, "Guys, let's show these dogs why it's a bad idea to mess with the kings of the jungle."

With the balls being thrown at us from all directions, I sneered and threw my arms out, creating an invisible dome with 'Conqueror's will' and sent the balls back to their owners twice as hard.

"Take these back suckers!! You'll need them to replace the ones we are about to bust!!!"

Class 1-A, "PLUS ULTRA!!!"


A/N: Heeey!!! What's up lovely readers!! I didn't add an author's note in the previous chapter because I didn't want to break the mood and feels at which the chapter ended. Hope you liked it and this one.

Have a lovely day ahead and stay safe!!

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