After we got our results, we were given handouts as Mera addressed us for one final time.

"Ahem, the handouts in your hands have the specifics of your scoring described in great detail, so please do look over them carefully."

I had 89 points and there was a detailed analysis on what I did to lose eleven points. With Todoroki the only one failing, it was success for 1A. But ut wasn't over for the Ice-hot boy. He could retake the exam in april.

As we changed back into our school uniforms and were getting ready to board the bus, I felt a presence leave the group of students. They kept walking away so I focused and was alarmed when I realised who it was. The really hot girl who screamed danger.

My instincts told me that something was wrong and I chose to follow the girl.

After flying for a little while, I saw the girl talking on her phone. Then, something happened that chilled me to my core. Her skin melted and her real appearance came before my eyes.

'Holy f.u.c.k.i.n.g wrinkled old balls of all the gods.. The nerve of them..'

I suppressed the urge to engage her in combat and dialed Aizawa-sensei's number on my phone.

"What happened?" Was the question he asked right away.

"Villain infiltrator in the exam. Himiko Toga from the league. Possible abduction of a Shiketsu High student. Sending current location. Permission to apprehend?"

His tone immediately changed as he replied, "Stay on their tail. Back up is on the way. Do not engage."

"Requesting to reconsider. She may escape at any moment. They have Kurogiri. He may appear at any time."

I hear him sigh in frustration and what he said next made my day.

"You have my permission. Run if the situation gets out of your hands."

"Got it."

I concentrated hard and in the next moment, I was right behind her ready to kick her in the head and knock her out.

But, she wasn't caught off guard.

"You have a wonderful smell, Midoriya-kun. Oh.. How I wish to make you bleed and taste your blood."

'This girl is bat crap crazy!!!'

I flipped in the air and landed away from her.

"Himiko Toga, the polite and cheerful girl who went manic."

The psychotic villainess giggled in delight and said, "Oh! I feel so happy to know you researched about me! What else do know?"

"I know that your has a lot to do with your current state of mind. I know that because of your different quirk, your parents disowned you. I wonder how it all started. An injured animal, perhaps. You drank its blood and your parents saw you. They must've been scared out of their minds."

I could sense emotions stir inside her so I continued talking.

"Even for a world in which quirks is a norm, you were too abnormal. They must've forced you to act in a way so that you would be accepted in the society. Fighting the urge to drink blood must've been hard, right?"

There was no smile on her face. Instead, she was somber and resentful.

"Then, one day it all got too much for you to handle. There's only so much one can tollerate before they break. You are just another victim of this society. No one understood you. None of it was your fault."

She was crying. 'Good. It's having an effect.'

"You joined the league and found a place where people accepted you. A place where you could live the way you always wanted. It was never about blood, right? You just wanted to be accepted, to be understood.. to be loved."

Down on her knees, Himiko bawled into her forearms.

"I can help you, Himiko. The heroes can help you. Yes, we may have chased you around and seen you as just another villain. But now we know and we are capable of helping you. Surrender.. Toga."

"Y-You called me Toga.."

I smiled and extended my hand towards her.

"Come with me. There is a place for you among us. You don't need to be a villain to be free. This is the chance for you to redeem yourself."

With her eyes sparkling with tears, Himiko looked at me with a little smile and I smiled back, my hand still extended.

The next thing I know..


"You almost had me."

I sighed and said, "Well, it was worth the effort. I didn't want to hit a pretty girl."

Himiko giggled and said, "So you think I'm pretty?"

"You're kidding me? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? And I wasn't lieing, you know? We really can help you. Just, surrender peacefully. We are heroes. We protect people and villains are people too."

Himiko scoffed but remained silent. But, she didn't attack nor did she run away. In some ways, my words did strike a cord in her heart.

"I could have simply knocked you out and taken you in. But, that's not what a hero does. We save people, especially when they need saving from themselves."

Geitting her teeth, Himiko spat out, "I've had enough if this!"

Before she could attack, however, a team of heroes had arrived.

Sbe was clearly outnumbered so she decided to bolt away but I was way faster. With one attack of conqueror's will and she fell down like a sac of potatoes.

After I was done, Katsuki walked towards me and asked, "That was different. You didn't attack her, at all!"

"I am trying something new. I realised I was becoming way too easy to be provoked to start a fight. That's not good. There's always a better way"

Katsuki scoffed and retorted, "Like hell! You didn't attack her because she's pretty!"

I coughed and said, "Yeah.. that may have been a factor."

"You have a girlfriend, you asshole."

"Dude.. I didn't do anything!"

"Keep tellin' yourself that!"

"Oi! I love Itsuka!"

"Didn't stop you from hitting on other girls!"

"Damn you, Bakasuki!!"

"What did you say?"

Uhm.. Just a friendly banter. You know, the usual.

Anyway, we got Himiko Toga.

It was a major win for the heroes.


A/N: What a development in the manga. The waiting for the next chapter will be painful. Peace out????✌!!!

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