Some time after Himiko Toga's capture, I was informed by All Might that she was taken to a correction facility where they were going to treat years of psychological damage done to her by the society. I was told that my statement had helped her immensely and prevented her from being sent off to Tartarus.

The villains had lost their infiltrator and it was certainly a big blow to them.

Meanwhile, I was back in school and we were visited by the big three i.e. Nejire Hado, the babblemouth with amazing figure, Amaijaki Tamaki, the socially awkward boy and Mirio Togata, dude always on methamphetamines.

Their introduction was... crazy, psychotic and disturbing.

Nejire rambled on about whatever came to her mind. It was mind numbing to some degree. Amaijaki was shy and didn't look at anyone. I wondered what could have happened in his childhood to make him so socially awkward. Children can be very cruel.

Meanwhile, Mirio, out of nowhere, decided to challenge all of us to fight him at once. That was the first time I used observation on him and boy was I shocked.

A seventeen year old built like a professional heavy weight MMA fight was rare to see. It was hard to imagine that he didn't have a strength type quirk.

As everyone braced for the battle, suddenly, Mirio's clothes fell right through his body. We felt a mix of shock, apprehension and embarrassment.

I paid special attention to not look below his waist and instead broke from my stupor and got ready for whatever he would have done next.

The very next moment, he sunk into the ground and shot out like a mole at the back of the group, attaking the ranged fighters first. All it took was one blow to the gut for him to take everyone out. His strength was nothing to scoff at given that he didn't have a super strength quirk.

When Mirio went after Katsuki, well, it was a fun short battle.

Katsuki followed his instincts and fought back. He managed to evade the first hit to his gut but simultaneously creating an explosion next to Mirio's fist, forcing the older boy to phase.

But, no matter how good your instincts are, you can not hit what's intangible. Katsuki didn't go down with just a punch to his gut. No, he was way too tenacious for that. Mirio had to drive his fist into the explosive brute's liver to incapacitate him.

Next, he came after us, the close ranged ones.

I took no chances and used the maximum of armament on my body. No way was Mirio going to punch me harder than that maniac muscle manipulator, Muscular.

True to my belief, Mirio's fist landed clean on my gut but it didn't do any damage.

With a wild smirk on my face, I finally decided to retaliate and save face of class 1-A.

It wasn't a hard battle. I hadn't found anything that could hide from my 'will of observation'. No matter what state, I could sense Mirio's will as he shot out of the ground. I just had to catch him off guard. Also, he couldn't see until his eyes were out of the ground so I could easily punt him over the head.

As soon as I saw a semblance of his yellow hair out of the gound, I yelled, "I got you!"

Hard enough for it to hurt but not enough to make him bleed or give him any internal injury, I slammed my armament covered fist into the top of his skull.

Suffice to say he clenched his head between his hands from the pain.

"Are we gonna play whack-a-mole?" I said with a smirk.

Mirio smirked back and immediately resumed attacking. Yet, no matter how much he tried, he got hit every single time while I remained unharmed.

In the end Aizawa ended the battle as Mirio wasn't backing down and I didn't want to hurt him anymore.

After getting dressed, Mirio laughed uproariously and said, "Well done! You won, Midoriya Izuku!"

I inclined my head and asked, "Don't you mean, we won? This was a collective effort of class 1A as a whole."

Kirishima said, "What? It was clearly you who was able to fight him."

"Yeah, we were all knocked out and couldn't do anything worthwhile."

I shook my head and said, "You shouldn't see it in that way. We have our provisional licenses now. Officially, we can be heroes in the presence of professionals. It doesn't matter which hero took a villain out as long as the villain is apprehended. One hero's win is a win for all heroes. At least, that's how I see it."

Mirio laughed again and exclaimed, "Interesting! Your words have power! Anyway! Like Bakugo Katsuki was able to fight back by predicting my moves, you need prediction! It's the way to be faster than your surroundings. It's the most critical skill of all! Anticipate your opponent's moves and act accordingly for the best outcome!"

And so, our session was at an end. It was time for us to learn as interns under heroes and gain first hand experience.

I contacted Gran Torino to ask if I could intern unded him, the grumpy old man refused me saying he had too much on his plate. He did recommend me to try with 'Sir Nighteye', All Might's former side kick.

As I was thinking of approaching All Might, I decided to take a detour and hang out with Itsuka. We hadn't had much time to spend together given our busy schedules. I was hoping to arrange a date when I saw her talking among her friends.

She was sitting on a bench with her legs resting on the opposite bench. Nothing unusual... except there was a dude standing between those legs and he had his arm resting on her shoulder.

As I watched, he reached forward and tucked her heair behind her ear. Then he affectionately c.a.r.e.s.sed her cheek and I saw her blush and her eyes sparkled.

There was a sudden shift in the air and suddenly, everyone in the classroom began to suffocate from the sheer pressure my 'Conqueror's will' was exerting on them.

I could see the shock in Itsuka's eyes. She was caught red handed.

"Izuku! Izuku, wait!"

I stopped and whirled nack to face her.

"How long have you been two timing me?!"

"I-It's not what you think!"

"Then what is it?!" I shouted.

I grabbed her wrist and observed her eyes very carefully. Then, I asked, "Answer me truthfully, Itsuka. Are you also dating Tetsutetsu on the side?"

"No! I'm not!"

I wished... Oh I so wished for her words to be true. But, the slight shift in her pulse and the dilation of her pupils was all I needed to know the truth.

"... I see. You are a bad lier, Itsuka. You know me well, don't you?"

Finally, she looked down and said, "I.. I'm sorry.. Izuku."

I reased her wrist and sighed. I couldn't believe it. My first relationship didn't even last an entire year.

" Goodbye, Itsuka. I loved you.. but you clearly didn't."

I stormed off without waiting for her to speak. I was dejected but, cheating and break ups are typical during high school life. You fall in love, you experience heart break and then you move on.

That's what I did. I loved Itsuka and got my heart broken. Our relationship was short and sweet. To this day, I don't regret it.

I did maintain my friendship with Itsuka. Personal feelings had no place among pro heroes.

I postponed visiting All Might to the next day and went to my room to vent against my heavy bag. Good that I had soundproofing foam. I could go crazy on the bag without anyone getting disturbed and getting beaten up by me.

Later that night, I was brooding on the roof of U.A. Heights, looking at the stars as I wallowed.

"Still here?" Katsuki asked as he came through the door to the rooftop.

"Can't sleep."

Looking at him questioningly, I asked, "What's this?"

"Kava. Lightens you up without all the effects of booze. It's legal so.. I ordered it online a while ago. Seems like you need it right now."

I took a sniff and sipped from the cup.

"So, your girl cheated on you."

"You heard?"

Katsuki scoffed and said, "Everyone knows. that Monoma has a big mouth."

I sighed and said, "Yeah.. I'm trying not to let it affect me."

"Well, the world isn't gonna stop for you to get over it."

I chuckled dryly and said, "I know."

We sat in silence and drank kava. Despite all our differences, Katsuki and I were the closest of friends.

As he was walking back to the door, I said, "Thanks."

Katauki scoffed again and replied, "Dwell on that girl too much and I'll leave you in the dust."

'I know that better than anyone. Thanks, friend.'


A/N: Sup.. been a while. Anyone still reading this fanfic? Don't worry. I'm not abandoning any of my works. Just.. busy real life. Got less time to work on here.

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