My brain stopped thinking when I saw Aizawa-sensei bleed, his face buried into the floor as the huge villain called Nomu held him down. Sensei's arm was bent in the wrong direction, the skin around the elbow missing while the rest was flaky and falling apart.

I looked at my classmates and saw similar expressions on their faces.

Todoroki stepped forward and began making his way to the plaza without sparing a glance to any of us. When he was at the bottom of the stairs, he looked directly at me and spoke, "Are you coming or not?"

With a determined look on my face, I nodded and said to my classmates, "Anyone who is combat ready and can inflict physical damage can come."

I immediately covered my entire body in armament and pushed the ground below me with all the strength I could muster. Within a blink, I had my feet planted on the huge villain's c.h.e.s.t. But, he didn't even budge. I immediately flipped away from him and readied myself as the hands villain ordered it to kill us.

Nomu was fast and his attacks were stronger than any I've ever faced. But that wasn't the problem.

He was a mindless being. Which meant his attacks were completely random and thoughtless. It nullified my observation. All I could do was counter his attacks with mine as I wasn't fast enough to dodge. But I could feel the strain in my arms and legs. Even though I was fully covered with armament, I was taking damage from his hits.

As I tried to kick the side of his head, he grabbed my foot and slammed me onto the floor. He jumped high into the air in an attempt to crush me with a stomp. I barely managed to get away but was thrown a few feet farther by the shockwaves.

But before Nomu could do more damage to me, a large pillar of ice appeared betweem him and I as a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me away, just in time for Nomu to break through the ice pillar.

I coughed and spat blood to make my breathing a little easier. I looked up at Todoroki and the rest and said, "Took you guys long enough. The entrance is not that far away."

Katsuki clicked his tongue and replied, "You were way too fast fo us to come to your aid you dumbass!!"

I coughed again as I shakily got up with Kirishima supporting me.

Todoroki used his ice to freeze Nomu's legs to buy me some time. As the villain thrashed around, the mist villain appeared beside his boss.

"I see you failed to separate them Kurogiri," the hands villain said, a bit irritated and annoyed as his plans hadn't worked accordingly.

"That kid fighting Nomu interfered, Shigaraki Tomura. He was able to touch me and hit me physically. It wasn't something I was expecting."

Shigaraki spoke while impatiently scratching his neck, "Then hope Nomu kills him because he's a counter they can use against you."

My eye twitched for a moment as I thought how stupid those two were. They talked so loudly I was able to hear each and every word of their conversation. And who adresses someone by their full name? Unless it's mom trying to scold me for leaving the toilet seat up.

"Sensei, I saw that Nomu break your arm but why is the skin over it gone while the rest of it is flaky?"

He looked towards me and replied in a tired and shaky voice, "Th-That boss, he... he grabbed my elbow and used his quirk. The sleeve disintegrated and as his hand touched my arm, the skin over it too began disintegrating. No, it seemed to have decayed."

It was like a sudden impulse. That memory flashed in my mind.

My friend, lying dead in that alley... half of his body gone without a trace... the other half seemed to have decayed...

A villain with decay quirk...

Shigaraki Tomura...

My friend's murderer...

Tetsuo, he was a kind hearted kid. I still remember that conversation we had before he made that promise.

"Hey, Zuku? Do you think All Might ever gets scared when he's fighting scary villains?"

Tetsuo's eyes sparkled as he jumped up from his seat and he exclaimed, "I promise to become a hero that smiles in the face of villains!! I'll be the best hero ever!! Even better than All Might!!"

"Hey! All Might is the best!! And I'll be the best hero! You can be the second best!!"

There was no fearless smile on his dead body that day. No, he was scared, afraid for his life. He had a bright future. But Shigaraki killed him. He killed my best friend.

An emotion flared up from the deapth of my being. One that I had buried deep inside my mind, never to be allowed to surface. But upon learning the name of my friend's killer and seeing him standing right in front of me, revenge burned like a raging fire in my c.h.e.s.t.

I was so consumed by rage that I didn't register All Might's arrival, nor did I notice when he gave a pat on shoulder and thanked me for saving Aizawa-sensei.

I walked forward to Shigaraki as All Might engaged Nomu in an intense fight. Armament rippled all over my body with a new vigor. With a stomp on the floor, I dashed towards Shigaraki with revenge clouding my mind. I completely ignored my classmates calling for me to stop.

Shigaraki was caught offguard as my knee buried itself into his abdomen, sending him tumbling on the ground. The hands that covered his body detached from him and I could see the madness burning in his eyes. He was a murderer, a psychopathic killer. There was no mercy for him in my mind.

In a burst of speed, I grabbed his face in my palm and jumped high into the air. I completely ignored the stinging pain on my arms when he used his quirk on them, or his muffled shouts and screams as I decended towards the floor and slammed him on his back. I could hear multiple cracks in his body and I showered his face with punches, turning his face into a bloody mess of fleashy pulp.

A portal of black mist appeared beneath us and s.u.c.k.e.d Shigaraki in. Before it could take me with him, I jumped away.

As I was walking back to the entrance, I passed by Katsuki who was standing with a shocked expression on his face.

"What happened to you?" He whispered.

"Tetsuo," I answered.

Katsuki's eyes widened as his head snapped towards me. "He...!!"

I just nodded in response.

Soon, the police arrived at USJ and question everyone of us. Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen were taken in an ambulance. I only suffered superficial injuries. Shigaraki's quirk hadn't done much damage to my arms. The armament had considerably decreased it's effect.

As we were travelling back to U.A. main campus, I clenched my fists in frustration. I wasn't fast enough. I wasn't strong enough. I could do nothing against Nomu and I let Shigaraki get away. I was still too weak.

If I had payed more attention to my surroundings, I would have seen the concerned glances of some of the students and teachers directed towards me.


Also, if Midoriya's character seems similar to that of Edmund from my other fic. then please forgive me. I just love OP bamf characters.

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