A vortex appeared in an abandoned bar and an unconscious Shigaraki fell though it on the floor. He wasn't moving, his breathing was labored and his face looked like it was hit by a jackhammer, over and over and over again.

Kurogiri materialized into his humanoid form and looking at the monitor he said urgently, "Sensei! He needs medical attention!"

"Bring him here," The voice from the monitor said.

Wasting no time, Kurogiri warped Shigaraki to their Sensei.

Shigataki was taken away on a stretcher by a couple of doctors while Kurogiri stood in front of Sensei, ready to answer the unasked question.

Sensei waited for the room's door to close and said, "Tell me everything."

Kurogiri began, "Nomu wasn't strong enough. All Might defeated him and sent him flying. We got crushed. Only two of us managed to escape. All Might was in perfect health! Even those kids were strong."

Sensei immediately replied, "We merely got ahead of ourselves. Yes... we underestimated him. Good thing the league of villains came cheap. Anyway, what happened to Tomura? Our creation, Nomu? Did you retrieve him?"

Kurogiri shook his head and replied, "Unless we ascertain his precise co-ordinates, no amount of warping can find him. I just couldn't spare the time back there. Shigaraki, he was beaten by a kid."

"Yes, he had a strange quirk that allowed him to hurt me physically. His quirk is like a black armour that appears around his enture body. He was fast, almost as fast as All Might. He was the one who did this to Shigaraki. Without him, we might have had a much better chance in killing All Might."

Sensei breathed out and spoke, "No use crying over spilled milk. This endeavor was not a complete loss. Don't worry about Tomura, he'll be healed back to perfect health. Find more troops! Take all the time you need! We can't move freely..."

Sensei looked over to the room where Shigaraki was being tended to by the doctors.

"... That is why we need a symbol like him. Shigaraki Tomura!! Next time the world will know the terror you represent."


We were given a day off after the USJ attack. None of my classmates suffered from any injuries. But that couldn't be said for the two heroes who protected us with their lives on the line.

Aizawa-sensei's arms were smashed to splinters. His face was also fractured. Even though he didn't suffer any brain damage, his eye sockets were smashed. We were told he might suffer from long term loss of vision.

Thirteen had lacerations along his back and upper arms but his life was not in danger.

Nomu was found and captured. Being mindless and not having any decision making power, he didn't even resist his arrest.

It was our first fight against villains, and we prevailed.

Soon, a mummified Aizawa-sensei walked into the classroom and said casually, "Morning."

"You're back already?!!" We shouted.

Iida decided to address him and said, "Glad to see you're doing well!!"

Doing well? If being entirely covered in bandages meant doing well then...

Aizawa-sensei wobbled to the teacher's podium and shakily began speaking, "My welfare isn't important, because your fight is not over..."

We tensed up, the memory of the villain attack was still fresh in our mind and if there were more villains attacking...

"... U.A. Sports Festival is fast approaching!!"

.... This asshole.

In the conference room in U.A. main campus, a meeting was being held about the recent villain attack. Every staff member was seated as Detective Tsukauchi addressed them.

"The one called Shigaraki, his quirk allows him to disintegrate anything he touches. We've been through the list of men in their twenties and thirties in the quirk registery, with no luck. Nothing turned up on the 'Warp gate' quirk user, Kurogiri, either. Neither is registered and both are using aliases. Their quirks aren't on record, making them members of the underworld."

Snipe contemplated, "So you're saying we know next to nothing... I reckon we oughta learn fast, or the leader of those vermins, Shigaraki, his wounds will heal and he'll come back."

"Leader...," All Might thought out loud.

"What is it All Might?"

All Might looked Nezu and spoke, "It's just that nothing about this feels normal. It was a very daring attack, and not just the meticulous planning! He started going on about some ridiculous ideology. And although he didn't say anything about his own quirk, he was shooting his mouth off, bragging about Nomu's quirk, how he was the Anti - Symbol of Peace. And when things didn't go his way, he started throwing a tantrum. That was when young Midoriya attacked Shigaraki and diverted the attention of Kurogiri from me, allowing me to defeat Nomu..."

"... Well... I guess the whole thing with the quirks was meant to provoke me."

Nezu immediately replied, "Even so, it seems incredibly foolish in a battle against heroes to reveal one's quirks and waste the element of surprise."

All Might pointed out, "Spouting out a plausible yet deluded ideology, bragging about the toy he brought along and simple-mindedly thinking everything will go his way. If we think about how the attack was carried out, it seems clear that this Shigaraki character couldn't quite hide his childish nature. He does whatever he wants. He's a man-child."

Tsukauchi shuffled through his notes and began, "We apprehended a total of 72 villains at USJ the other day. They were all back-alley thugs but, the question is why so many of them would follow this 'man-child.' Nowadays the society is saturated with heroes. So maybe small time villains like them who always get kicked around are drawn in by that sort of pure evil."

There was pin drop silence in the room. Someone capable of mobilizing so many villains to attack the most prestigious school in Japan, the thought was troubling.

Tsukauchi continued, "Anyway, thanks to you heroes, we can focus on our our investigation. We'll expand our search and devote more effort to apprehend the preparators."


A/N: Sorry for the delayed and short chapter. I had almost finished typing the whole chapter when I recieved a phonecall. It wasn't saved and so almost all of it was lost and I had to type it all over again.

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