My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 1 - The beginning

Isaac just finished another day of highschool and was planning for the future, he wanted to go to college and be successful in life to prove that he wasn't some shut in neet to his parents.

On his way home, he suddenly saw a truck speeding towards him. He tried to move but it felt like something was holding him down! Isaac could only watch as the truck was coming closer and closer. 'Is this the end? I didn't even get too read the latest chapter of MHA. Will my family miss me? Probably not. I will miss my friends though, they were too good people that I actually cared about. Oh well, I could only pray for their happiness now.'

When the truck was just mere inches away from hitting him, the world around him suddenly went black. 'eh? What happened? Did I die? I don't feel any pain... Wait! I don't feel anything at all!'

While Isaac was trying to figure out what happened to him, a bright shining light appears from what he he ȧssumes is the sky.

"Hello there." said a mysterious voice that sounded emotionless and robotic. 'General Kenobi?' Issac knew he had too take this seriously but he couldn't help but think that when he heard the voice call out to him.

"No I am not kenobi but I can take this mans form if it will keep you calm."

The voice responded to Isaac's thoughts as if he had said them out loud. "Really? You'll take the form of Obi Wan Kenobi just for me?"

"Yes." The light started to get smaller and take shape of a human. At first it looked like a human shaped glow stick, but the light started to fade to reveal a old man with brown robes covering him.

"Woah." Isaac couldn't help but gasp out in astonishment at what he just saw. It was truly amazing to witness.

"Now then, lets talk about why you're here Isaac." As if water was dumped on his head to wake him up, Isaac quickly snapped out of it when he heard the god (or what he ȧssumes it to be) talk to him.

"Huh? Oh r-right sorry about that.Well why am I here then if we're getting straight to the point."

"You died."

"Yeah I think I know that but for what reason? I must be in this place for a reason right?"

"For entertainment."

The entity responded getting a glare from Isaac as he said this. "Did you really have me killed just so I could entertain you?"


Isaac was dumbfounded at its words. "*sigh* So what will happen to me?" Isaac questioned, hoping to get some information about the situation he's in.

"You shall be reincarnated in a world of your choosing and get three wishes."

Said the Kenobi look alike. Now Isaac was getting excited when he heard this, he could potentially go to to a anime world if it was possible, and he was about to find out.

"First question, can I go to a anime world, second question, can I wish to become like you?"

Isaac was insanely curious about this, if he can become omnipotent like this entity that's currently granting him wishes for its own amusement, then he had to too become a god.

"For your first question, yes you can go into fictional worlds, for your second question, no you cannot become like me due to some restrictions."

Isaac was ecstatic when he heard that he could go to literally any anime world, but he was a little disappointed when he heard he couldn't be godlike.

'I guess If I'm going to go to an anime world it might as well be a somewhat safe one where there's no one that's to op, so what could go wrong with MHA, the only people he has to worry about is All For One and All Might.' If he was a normal person.

'I gotta make good choices with these wishes'. Isaac thought to himself.

"For my first wish, I want to look like and become Pain from Naruto but not Nagato, I mean Yahiko but with the power of the rinnegan, but without restrictions like waiting for almighty push to recharge, for my second wish I want unlimited chakra so I could spam my jutsu, for my last wish, I don't want my powers to be stolen or canceled so I don't have to worry about AFO."

Isaac looked at Kenobi that was deep in contemplation.After a short amount of time has passed, Kenobi finally responded saying "your wishes are granted, I will send you to this world immediately, you will be born around the time of the protagonist and will have a peaceful life until canon.Your name will be Yahiko Akatsuki, you will be a orphan like the original yahiko, that will be all."

Isaac wanted to say something to the entity but before he knew it, Kenobi was gone in the blink of an eye.Isaac (or Yahiko now) felt like he was falling, like something was pulling him! He felt pain all over his body, like he was being burned alvie but he endures. After a few seconds of unimaginable pain, everything stopped like nothing ever happened.

'Is it over? Am I reincarnating?' Be he knew it he saw another blinding light, and several people talking while a woman screams in pain.. 'Ah, I must be getting born', was Yahiko's last thoughts before he passes out.

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