My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 2 - Quirk awakening

Shortly after Yahiko was born, his 'parents' gave him away to an orphanage since they don't have the money or the time to raise a newborn. The orphanage he was sent to was fairly large, it was filled with children and teachers alike. The teacher that was going to take care of him was an old quirkless woman named Hanako. She has taken care of many other children before so she thought that this child will be no different, soon Hanako will realize that she was dead wrong.

[Timeskip four years]

Some time has passed since Yahiko reincarnated in this world. It took him a while too adjust since he wasn't originally japanese so he had to study the language. He got the hang of it faster than the other kids in the orphanage so he was asked to help the younger children learn. It didn't bother him to much since he had nothing to do besides wait until he unlocks his quirk. Yahiko couldn't wait until the day came, to show everyone the power of the six paths of pain. Kenobi told him that due to restrictions he couldn't become omnipotent like him, so why not turn myself into a character that was op in naruto?

'In Naruto, Nagato destroyed Konoha and killed a bunch of people with one almighty push, so of course I'm gonna be excited when I get my powers.'

[Next day]

Yahiko woke up in a cold sweat. His eyes felt strange, he was able to sense other people around him. It was 4:30AM, still dark outside and everyone was asleep. He quickly went to the bathroom to check his eyes in the mirror. Yahiko was surprised, looking back at him was the rinnegan!

Looking at it from a screen was way different than looking at it in real life. It was surreal, but Yahiko was still ecstatic to know that he awakened his 'quirk' but he decided to wait until everyone else wakes up to show them.

Two hours later the teachers start waking up and get themselves prepared for another day of work. It was Hanako's job to wake the children up. When she went inside the room she was shocked to see two purple eyes with black water like ripples around the pupils staring at her. It felt as if those eyes were staring into her very soul. Yet Hanako was able to calm herself down and quickly turned on the lights, waking up the other kids in the process. Hanako was relieved to see it was just Yahiko, figuring out that he must have awakened his quirk she congratulated him and told him that she would take him to go get his quirk checkef after breakfast.

When Yahiko saw the shocked expression on the old woman's face, he couldn't help but let ou a small smile. 'I'm going to have to start training when I get time for myself. I'll have to set obstacle courses to test my control over the deva path. Ah I can't wait till I start flying.' Yahiko quickly got ready for breakfast while ignoring the stares of the people around him.

Yahiko found himself getting bombarded with questions about his eyes from the other kids, curious about his abilities.

"What can your eyes do?"

"Can you see through walls?"

"I bet he can shoot lasers from his eyes."

Yahiko was the center of attention, apparently it's been awhile since someone last awakened their quirk at the orphanage. Even the teachers were curious about him, they saw Yahiko as a mȧturė and smart child since he was always calm and quiet, never talks unless spoken too. Unfortunately they were going to have to wait, Yahiko wasn't going to to tell them about his multiple abilities he has since it could bring him unwanted attention. He will only use one path in public, while practicing the rest in private.

'I think I'll use the deva path as my 'quirk' for now, since I don't know how people will think about the other's. The animal path is out since it summons creatures and I don't think there's a summoning quirk in MHA so it will on draw attention. Same with naraka path since it also summons a creature. Human path is a no go as well since it just kills people when I use it. I honestly don't know about the asura path, will people think I'm some sort of robot? It doesn't matter right now, that's a problem for future me. The preta path is also a mystery, in Naruto the preta path absorbed chakra, but I'm not in Naruto though. Will it absorb types of energy? Like Nejire's vitality quirk? Or Ayoma's belly buŧŧon laser? I guess that's another problem for future me to find out.'

After Yahiko finished breakfast Hanako took him to the hospital to name his quirk and to see if he has any drawbacks like blindness, headaches, or dry eye. These are common drawbacks when one has an eye type quirk. Blindness is the most concerning of the three, it could be temporary or permanent after use.

Hanako had hoped that Yahiko received only a minor drawback like dry eye. Soon she realized that her worrying was pointless. When Yahiko was called in the doctor's office, he was asked to show or explain his quirk.

'I'll just show them that my quirk is telekinesis.' I lift up the chair I was sitting on with universal pull, and it honestly felt amazing using the rinnegan for the first time. The doctor and Hanako were surprised, they expected it to be some sort of eye quirk but quickly composed themselves and started asking him if he felt strange or sick.

"No I feel quite alright doctor." Yahiko said calmly, getting the doctor to sigh in relief. "Alright then, now that the examination is done what would you like to name your quirk?" "Rinnegan." "Eh? Rinnegan? What a strange name. You sure you want to name your quirk rinnegan and not telekinesis?" "Yes doctor, I'm sure." The doctor quickly sent them off after his test since he has more patents to examine.

When Yahiko returned from the hospital, the kids playing outside the orphanage began swarming him. "How strong is your quirk?" "Is it like All Mights?" "Can you show us your quirk?" Yahiko was once again bombarded with questions.. 'I can't wait till I get out of here' Yahiko thought to himself before ignoring the curious children.

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