My Hero Academia Shall Know Pain

Chapter 3 - Rinnegan Training

It has been six years since Yahiko awakened his rinnegan, he's been experimenting with it to figure out how some of the jutsus work. Preta path technically shouldn't work in MHA since it absorbs chakra, but Yahiko was was pleasantly surprised to learn that it was able to absorb certain types of attacks. Yahiko has been sneaking out of the orphanage late at night to test his abilities on some common thugs, he always made sure to make a shadow clone to sleep in his bed when he was out.'

I've fought with hundreds of thugs ever since I've been testing my abilities and none of them were a threat to me, the most notable thug I fought was some alcoholic that spit fire out of his mouth uncontrollably. It was risky going against him since I didn't know if the preta path would work, but it was worth the risk when I saw the look on his face when he saw how a 10 year old boy absorbed the fire into his fingers.'

It was reassuring to know how the preta path worked in this universe. 'Since I can absorb energy, I could absorb Todoroki's fire and Denki's lightning. 'Can I absorb Bakugo's explosions? Is Tokoyami's dark shadow a type of energy? I still have more questions about about my abilities, like if I absorb too much of a certain type of energy, will I turn into stone like the preta path in Naruto did? Most likely not but you can't be too sure, always good to play it safe and come up with a backup plan.'

The other paths are coming along quite nicely as well, like the naraka path for example. Yahiko wanted to experiment with it so he would test it out on the thugs he beat up. The thugs that had minor and major injuries alike were completely healed when they stepped out of The King of Hell.

'How interesting, could I cure diseases with this? What about All Mights injury? Or people that have had their quirk stolen from them? Does that even count as a injury? Damn I'm curious, but I still have more testing to do.'

As for the animal path, Yahiko had no problems summoning them. 'In the anime Nagato was able to see what they see, and control them with his chakra. Let's see, which creature should I summon first?'

When Yahiko first used summoning jutsu, he summoned a huge black and orange centipede that had a huge piercing in its head.

'Oh that's right, I forgot all about the whole piercing thing, should I get piercing like original pain? Hell yeah I should, he looked like a badass with those piercings on.'

While Yahiko was thinking to himself, the centipede summon was patiently waiting for its instructions from its summoner. 'I guess I'll get my piercings later, for now I'll dispel the jutsu and see how many I can summon at once at a later date.'

The asura path took some getting used to since it was strange for Yahiko. 'I just find it weird to suddenly grow extra arms and faces. How does Shoji do this? It's not that difficult to use the faces since I'm used to having more vision thanks to the animal path, It's just the arms are a bit tricky. I'll get used to it eventually.'

The human path wasn't really a challenge at all, it just took some getting used to. When Yahiko first used it on a thug, he gained all of his memories at once which gave Yahiko a headache. He wasn't expecting it to hit him all at once, so for his second try with another thug he decided to try to slowly receive the information and see if he could mentally prepare himself. Yahiko still got a headache but it was much smaller which was a big improvement, he also found some interesting information.

'A drug ring run by yakuza? It's not that far from the orphanage, and I could use some human targets to test my more lethal moves on. I should head over there tomorrow night.' Yahiko thought to himself as he quickly went back home after disposing his test subjects.

Another day went by as the yakuza started experimenting on a quirk canceling drug. Their boss recently went into a coma so his son Kai Chisaki took over and introduced a drug made from his newborn daughter that was ment to destroy quirks.

Standing in front of one of these drug rings was a young boy that looked to be around ten years old, he had orange hair and strange purple eyes that were staring at the outside of a specific building.

"Is this the place? It looks a little different from what I saw in that thug's memories."

The boy thought that it was one of the yakuza members changing the layout. He silently started floating over the fence and went straight for the roof. It was currently around 1:00AM, not many people were out this late so he ȧssumed that nobody saw him. He was wrong.. A young blonde haired girl that looked the looked the same age as him was watching silently with curiosity in her eyes.

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